Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The second hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the morning

Ye Tang saw such a look of Lu Yichen, he added a more embarrassment, but he had no way to give an explanation in the morning, he needs to give a surprise in the morning. Ye Tang took the quilt on the Lu Yichen, "Well, then I will go first, yourself alone at home."

In this way, Ye Tang leaving home and started to prepare for the two anniversary of the Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen is so low, not at all in Meng Tang, no in Meng Tang's behavior, she doesn't know that Ye Tang has begun to give her a surprise, she is still thinking about it.

After Ye Tang left, Lu Yichen gradually fell asleep in his low emotions. Lu Yichen did a dream, dreaming of her before the Wedding in Tang Chenchen, her own relief, so after an hour, Lu Yichen slowly Woke up.

After the first morning was awake, she took her face and came to her own makeup station.

On the morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed.

"Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen, what do you think so? I have said that you have already said before Ye Tang love, so don't ask too much. You just want to stay with peaceful and quietly accompany you. The Tang's side, but now Ye Tang has loved you, but it is good to you. You still have anything else, people can't be greedy, you can't get what you want, then you want to do something else. "

On the morning, I looked at myself in the mirror in front of the mirror.

"And, although now you and Ye Tang did not have two greasies smooth, but it is also very happy, you see Ye Tang for you, you will think about you, so you don't think too More, it's not a honeymoon trip. "

"Hey, is it because I have become more sensitive because of recent pregnancy? Hey, forget it, now you are not only a mother, but also a child in your belly, for the children Safety thinking, I and Ye Tang can't travel around like Chen and Yang, cherish the current time is very good. "

Now I can think of it, she also knows that it is impossible to have any honeymoon trips with Ye Tang at all, and, even if she can't go to honeymoon, as long as Ye Tang is love her, love them. It's just a home, just don't need any romantic to decorate your life.

After I wanted to drive, I was more sturdy in Lu Yichen, and my mood was more pleasant.

Lu Yichen thought that Ye Tang had left, and Ye Wei is now in her grandmother, there is no need to take care of the child in the morning, she doesn't have anything to do, so she will call her aunt, telling her not to use this evening. Come over cook.

Now Lu Yichen decided to give Ye Tang for a dinner.

Lu Yichen looked at the time, I know that the time of Ye Tang returned home was not far away, so she began to be busy, and she did dinner.

In the kitchen, I felled with songs, and the mood was super pleasure.

Just explained Chen Feng to prepare the Ye Tang returned to the family and the end of the two-year anniversary of the year, and he saw that there was a martyr in the kitchen, and the heart was surprised. .

When I didn't wait for Ye Tang, I saw Ye Tang back when I thought about it.

"You are back, you should take a shower first, wait for dinner, you will wait." Lu Yichen is pleasant.

Ye Tang was willing to let Lu Yichen gave him dinner, so he did not take a shower in accordance with Lu Yichen, but came to the kitchen.

"How do you suddenly think about it today? Is it a good time? Is it aunt? You still have pregnant, you can't be too tired, you go to the living room to watch TV, I will do it yourself during dinner."

Ye Tang said, he took the things in the land of Lu Yichen.

"I don't have anything today, I want to give you dinner, you also know that the child now in her grandmother, my time is more, and pregnant women need sports." Lu Yichen looked at themselves. Hand, instant is more satisfied, she feels that she is not worth it today.

"I know, don't say it, you hurry out, the kitchen is big, you don't want to stay here, go out, what is going on, what is going on,"

"No, I said to give you dinner today, how can you go out, you have already worked for a day today, you will take a bath first, I will do it." Lu Yichen directly refused.

Ye Tang didn't want to stay in the kitchen in the morning. I had to close the fire, put down the things in my hands, I took it directly, I took the morning, I took the living room.

"Hey, I will come here for dinner." Ye Tang said that he was still in the first morning.

Lu Yichen was shy by Ye Tang's movements, and I didn't know what to say in half.

Although Lu Yichen and Ye Tang have been two years, it will be shy in Lu Yichen.

Ye Tang saw Lu Yichen, he went to cook.

The heat on the face gradually disappeared, and did not come to the kitchen. An An An quiet looked at Ye Tang in the kitchen. In the instant, Lu Yichen felt that he was really happy, thinking about what I think today. Yes.

After tonight, because not only gives Ye Tang to give surprises to Lu Yichen, it is necessary to prepare things to cooperate with Shen Manjia company, so Ye Tang is getting less and less.

Every night, Ye Tang is almost asleep in Lu Yichen, and every morning, he is also left when there is no wake up on Lu Yichen.

Original Ye Tang thought that he didn't stay with Lu Yichen these days, Lu Yichen will be angry, return to his own temper, and even Ye Tang still thinking that if he asked him in the morning, there is not much time. What should he explain, but Lu Yichen is not angry.

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