Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 190 Ye Tang's Surprise

As soon as I heard Ye Tang, I heard that Ye Tang definitely did not forget that today is the two anniversary of their two people, so she is happy when she instantly, and she is not angry. However, Lu Yichen did not reflect it on his face. She is now very pleasant. "That's almost, I will see it in the face of surprise, I will be difficult to go, but I can tell you, how are you waiting for a surprise or not let me be satisfied, you will go to the book Sleep, I don't want you with your child. "Lu Yichen threatened.

Ye Tang is crying in an instant.

"You can rest assured, wait for you to satisfy you, I don't want to sleep." Ye Tang said in a must.

There is not long before the time, Ye Tang is coming to the destination in the morning.

In the windows, look at the familiar place, Lu Yichen laughed, in front of Lu Yichen, is the first time to eat in the first time, the first time I met the carousel.

"Don't be surprised, the real surprise is still behind, let us first go first." Ye Tang saw the familiar rotating restaurant, he said in the morning of the morning.

Lu Yichen nodded.

So Ye Tang got off with Lu Yicheng, and two of them walked into the restaurant.

On the morning, she saw a guest in the whole restaurant, she came here, and some waiters had some people who took the instrument. In the whole hall, they were full of heart-shaped balloons. , Filled with a lot of candles, illuminated the lobby, but a lot of candles.

Ye Tang has already packaged the whole restaurant, and the atmosphere is very warm.

With the Ye Tang behind the lack of the morning, he went to the restaurant. When he watched his own surprise that he was carefully prepared for her, he played a referral, instant, the whole restaurant rang familiar. Music, music is like Lu Yichen.

Not only that, in the hall of the restaurant, there is still a big TV that is playing a little bit since Lu Yichen and Ye Tang. Not only that, the wall of the hall is also filled with two photos, and there are a lot. The photos were not seen in the morning, there was an amazing, laughing, arrogant, proud, looked at everything in front of you, and touched it in the morning.

Ye Tang saw that there was a red blush because of the mobility. He took the launch of the morning, and then he would hold the morning in his arms. "How? This surprise can not make you satisfied with me, should I don't have to sleep in the future?"

"No." Lu Yichen looked up with Ye Tang. At this time, the two of them only had themselves.

Lu Yichen looked at Ye Tang, and I can't help but send my lips and kissed the lips of my affinity.

When the lips of Lu Yichen were left, Ye Tang took directly to the head of the lady, deepened this kiss.

Just in Ye Tang to make a lot of breath, Ye Tang was released, "Let's go eat first."

At this time, music is converted into another more sight.

Ye Tangli came to the table to do well, then Ye Tang took the clapping, so some waiters started to have the next place where the dish will be sent up, very fast, dining table It is full of all dishes. Of course, some vegetables are definitely the pregnant women in Lu Yichen can eat and things she likes.

At this time, Lu Yichen was more touched.

After Ye Tang cut the steak, he passed the steak to the morning.

Lu Yichen took over Ye Tang's cattle and emissions. "Are you busy with the wedding anniversary? Otherwise, you can't be so busy."

"Well, how can I be willing to put you alone at home? Sorry, I have always want to say to you, but I am afraid that I am not surprised, so I don't say it."

Ye Tang felt that he was still a necessary land to explain the reason why he was so busy before.

"In fact, I am not surprised. I just want us to be together, I have already thought that now, as long as you love me, then all everything is not a problem." Lu Yichen Xinxuan said .

"I know, but can I only be wroned? Ok, let's eat first, otherwise the meals will be cold." Ye Tang smiled.

Lu Yichen nodded.

This meal Ye Tang and Lu Yichen are all happy, because the reason whose Ye Tang did not go home this evening, so it is not a lot to eat in the morning, so she can eat more at the dinner table.

Ye Tang saw that there were quite a few mornings. He knew that there was definitely this evening because he went home late, and thought that he forgot his commemoration, so he didn't eat well. In an instant, Ye Tang's heart is not Very good, but, very fast, Ye Tang did not think too much, today, he and the marriage commemoration of the Anchorage, must be happy.

After dinner, I thought that they should go back, but there is no.

Ye Tang has handed a box in Lu Yichen. "You open it, this is the two years of giving you two people getting married, I hope you can like it."

"You will love it, no matter what it is." Lu Yichen smiled.

"You hurry to see, it is also a surprise." Ye Tang urged.

This gift can be thought of for a long time, so he is now can't wait to see the morning to open it.

"Well, I can't open it now? I didn't say it without opening, you are anxious, I have no urgent." Lu Yichen helpless.

Lu Yichen said, she slowly opened the box, after opening the box on Lu Yichen, she saw An An quiet lying in the box is a very cute doll cat.

Lu Yichen saw the Cat, she was surprised, this wrapped cat was in the morning, once and Ye Tang said, Lu Ye thought that Ye Tang has been forgotten that she likes this wrapper, but there is no I thought that Ye Tang actually remembered.

Now I see the familiar wrap, I will know that Ye Tang is also cared before, or Ye Tang is impossible to remember what she likes the Cat.

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