Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 296, smart, is smart

Because the end of the lake is sleeping because of the fatigue, Shen Man's bad mind will come out, she doesn't want Lu Yichen so she can rest. After ordering the idea, Shen Man is twisted to the face of Ye Tang, so he said loudly, "Ye Tang, what happened in the morning? How did you start to sleep?"

Lu Yichen heard the sound, sleeping, there is a little uneasy, and smashed the Leng Tang.

Ye Tang saw Shenman, where didn't know what you pay attention to in Shenman, it will be cold.

"She is in rest, I hope you can be quiet, what happened, we woke up and said." Ye Tang is vivid, and the lightweight is said.

Even if Ye Tang is now angry, he is not so good to drive away Shen Man. This time isn't because of Shen Man's family background, but because Ye Tang is afraid of himself, it will argue to have noisy.

Shen Man originally wanted to find the trouble of Lu Yichen, but see Ye Tang's face is not very good, she doesn't want to lose her image in Ye Tang's mind, so she has to give up the trouble to find the moon.

"Well, I will go first, wait for the plane, I am looking for you." Because I was afraid that Ye Tang was angry, Shen Man was very young.

Ye Tang saw Shen Mann, his face has eased a lot, nodded.

Shen Man also knew that Ye Tang's shift was because of the lack of sleep, it took a long time, and he returned to his position.

The plane arrived in Florence, Lu Yichen is still sleeping, the original Ye Tang is trying directly to hold the plane in the morning, but Shenman saw Ye Tang's intention, so she would deliberately speaking a few words. Wick it on Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen heard the sound, smashed the eyes, glanced at the four weeks, between her whole people, what I am doing now.

Ye Tang saw the face of Lu Yichen, he felt that Lu Yichen was so funny, and he couldn't help but laughed.

Lu Yichen heard the voice of Ye Tang, she woke up immediately. "Is there now in Florence now?"

"Well, the plane just arrived, let's take a plane now."

After they got off the plane, Shen Man once again came to the front of Ye Tang.

"Ye Tang, wait for you to go to our company with me first?"

"I will wait, I will send it to the hotel in the morning, anyway, now I am not rushing to a moment." Ye Tang took the first morning.

Shen Mang saw Ye Tang things thought of Lu Yichen, she was more firm, she had to grab Ye Tang. She is also a more disgusted on land.

"Forget it, you have something to go, you can go to the hotel, I can go to the hotel, you don't have to take me, then say, there are some people here? I can go back to the hotel with them. You go to the work first. "Lu Yichen is depressed, she is just a pregnant woman, and is not a mentally disabled why Ye Tang is not sad.

"Nothing, not spend a little time, I don't try myself." Ye Tang was not refused.

"Ye Tang, you will listen to the morning, when do you handle things on your work, you have to play." Shen Man seems to be like landing in the morning.

"Can't, there are so many times, there is not an urgent time, I said that I have to settle first." Ye Tang is stubborn in the morning. "Ye Tang was still stubborn.

"That's okay." Shen Man listened to Ye Tang, saying that it is sensible.

"Okay, I can't manage you, then let's go to the hotel first to go to their company to hand over." Lu Yichen compromised.

So Ye Tang will first send the hotel in the morning, he has passed the company headquarters with Xiao Li to Shenman's family.

After the Ye Tang handled some things, he returned to the hotel. It was already at night. He thought that he went back to play, but he looked at time, he had to give up this plan. .

The next morning, I woke up early in the morning, she wanted to go out. Originally, the good mood in the morning is when you see Shenman in the hall, her mood is a little unfortunate, but Lu Yichen also knows that it will be sorry for her mood for people such as Shenman, so she will adjust. A mentality.

Shen Man is to know that Ye Tang will definitely take the morning to play, so she will come over to find them, because Shen Man is already very familiar, so she wants to use her to understand Florence.

"You are coming, I know that you should not know very well to Florence, so I will come to the guilty of the two people, you should not mind," See Ye Tang they come over, Shen Man laughs.

Ye Tang shouted in his heart, mind, let us mind us very mind.

However, even if Ye Tang Xinli thought, he did not show it, and he did not refuse Shenman's kindness.

Ok, this is actually not so good.

"Nothing, then you are trouble." Ye Tang was relieved to smile and said.

"What? Do you want to mind?" Shen Yuan deliberately looked at Lu Yichen to say that Shen Man is to let Lu Yichen angry, such words, Ye Tang will be revealed by the morning.

However, sometimes it is very beautiful, the realistic is very bone, and Lu Yichen did not be as angry as Shen Man thought, she was a polite point, indicating that she is not very intended.

"I will take you to the Madet Cathedral of Hua, which is our famous attraction, and it is not far from us, first look at the Cathedral of the Flowers, I will take you to other places to see some places. "Shen Man thought about it.

On Lu Yichen, he heard the Buddhist Cathedral of the Flower of the Flower. She was glamorous with two eyes. Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen was happy when he heard the Madet Cathedral of the flower. He also laughed. So Lu Yichen and Ye Tang said they believe in Shenman's choice, so they went to the Huadia's Cathedral.

Not long after, Shen Man came to the face of the Mada Cathedral with Lu Yichen and Ye Tang. Lu Yichen looked at this beautiful church using white, red, green three-color granite veneer. She seems to have come to the literary revival. At the time, Lu Yichen looked at the less charming church in the world, she couldn't wait to go in.

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