Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 299 Chapter Lu Yichen is taken away

She left. After Shen Man left, she is not going to the bathroom, but go upstairs.

"Miss, I don't know what to tell you?" The head of the black market was fascinated by Shen Man, who is sitting on the head.

"I want you to do very simple, you wait, just need to let Lihu lose the game." Shen Man did not see the head of the black market, quietly drank a cup of coffee.

"This, may not be with the rules, and people in the field should know the strength of Li Hu, let him lose the game may have a difficulty." The head of the black market said.

Li Hu's strength is also famous in the whole of Herli City. He has almost no longer losing the game. If this time he lost the game, some of the people who pressed Li Hu definitely won't be good, when he will It is difficult to handle.

"I don't care, anyway, if he must lose, the problem that can be solved with money is not something." Shen Man is so much, she now is to let the land for paying the price, Shenman also knows, Herman Base City can be involved in pornography. If Li Hu has lost the game, then because the morning will be detained because of the bet's problem, it will not be innocent, and a non-white person Ye Tang affirses is also accepting Can't.

"This, that's okay, let me wait and Li Hu to say let him deliberately lose the game, then Li Hu's compensation ..." The head of the black market suddenly took a meal.

"This is given to you, when he lost the game, the money here two people are flattened." Shen Mang took a check on the table.

The person in charge of the black market has begun to be done in Shenman's identity, but after he saw the amount of money on the check, he is willing to do.

After you have a good thing, she returned to the side of the Lu Yichen. Shen Mun saw that Lu Yichen was watching the game, her eyes were dark.

"You are back, wait for the person I pressed to the game, you will look at it with me, right, because you just have something, you definitely not see the person of the person you bet, I told me You, the one you bet him, now he is ending, you just didn't see his punch is really a pity. "Lu Yichen said unfortunately.

"Nothing, I can't see it. I have often seen it before." Shen Man shrugged.

"Look at it, the person I bet it. Come on refueling." Lu Yichen said excited.

Shen Mang saw that Lu Yichen was so excited, she was laughing in my heart.

I hope you can wait for it.

"Li Hu is refueling! Li Hu is cheering! Li Hu is cheering!" Li Hu Yi got to Taiwan, and the people around him had cheering.

In the influence of the people around, Lu Yichen also helped Li Hu to fuel to Li Hu.

Li Hu is bent down to the person, and he began to start with the other person.

Because Li Hu is going to put water, but can not let others see, so this game he is fighting, and it is also a special water, but Li Hu's behavior seems very exciting in the morning.

Because Lu Yichen is not a professional, she can't see the boxing of water is also normal.

Because of Shenman's dark box, Li Hu is gradually defeated in the lower air, and finally, it will live a game.

"Hey, unfortunately, how can you lose? But this boxing is really too exciting, I haven't seen such a wonderful game." Lu Yichen said with an excitement.

Shen Man listened to Lu Yichen, it was more despised by Lu, as long as people who often watch the boxing competition can know that Li Hu is deliberately lost the game, the result is that there is no way to see it in Lu Yichen. So will she be pitted by her own?

"You are so happy." Shen Man smiled.

"Well, now it is not early, we should also go back." Lu Yichen looked at the time, and now time is not early.

Shen Man is bruising, then you can go out.

Just when I was in the morning, I was stopped when I left Helchi City with Shen Mun.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Yichen saw someone stopped them, she was happy.

"We also have a rule this side. You seem to forget the one who won the previous bet, so how can you leave, our note is not that you want to press it." Block The little head in front of Lu Yichen looked at Lu Yichen.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Yichen said coldly.

"We don't want to do anything, just need you to take us with us." The line of sight of the small head has never left the line of sight.

Feel the attention of the little head, I frowning.

"I won't go with you." Lu Yichen said that there is no expression.

"This can be sneaked, the brothers will take it away." The little head smiled.

"No, you can't take her, she is the first time, I don't know how the rules here are really affordable. You can't make this time this time." Shen Mun is going to block them.

"If the person here is invested, it is said that it is the first time, then our business is still not done, no matter, take people directly." The little head did not give the face.

Lu Yichen saw that they would really take themselves, she is unknown.

"You can't do this, let me go, I don't want to go with you." Lu Yushen struggled, but because of the child's sake, her movement is not too intense.

"It's what you can't take away from her. We can't do it." Shen Man made a full set.

The little head opened directly to Shenman, and the evil said, "If you dare to stop, be careful, I will take it away."

In fact, the little head did not use how much strength to push the kilone, because he also knows the background of Shenman.

After the little head pushed Shenman, it took the land to take away the morning.

"Shen Mun, you can call Ye Tang soon, let him come over to save me, you have to remember, hurry to Ye Tang, I can only rely on you now." When Lu Yichen was taken away She went back to the head.

This kind of situation now, in addition to letting Shenman contact Ye Tang in Lu Yichang, she has no method.

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