Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 32, Shenman's doubts

Shen Man saw the time, she walked into Helgi City, when Shen Man walked into Hull City, she saw that Lu Yichen is intact, crying on the shoulders of Ye Tang, she instantly Unhappy, I clearly she has dragged Ye Tang's time, why is it still in the morning. Although Shen Man is boring, she also knows that the current situation does not allow her to show what is exhibited.

"You are fine in the morning? I shouldn't bring you over, I don't bring you over, you will not happen." Shen Menyi, I am very self-blaming, I look at Lu Yichen. Say.

"I am fine, now Ye Tang has come over, I don't have anything." Lu Yichen red eyes, collecting the tears on his face.

"I am really sorry, I don't mean, then have you bullied by them?" Ask Chen worried.

"No, they didn't do it for me." Lu Yichen shook his head.

Original Shenman is still looking forward to being tarnished in the morning, but she knew that there was a lot of her face in the mouth of Lu Yichen, and her face had a pity.

Lu Yichen did not miss the expression on Shenman's face. She felt that it was not so simple, but she didn't have any evidence now.

After the apology of Lu Ye, Shen Men continued to apologize to Ye Tang Ye Tang. "Sorry, I didn't take care of the morning, here I apologize to you, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can send it in me On the body, I also know that this thing is my fault. "Shen Man seems to be hurt.

Original Ye Tang still wants to say a few words, but he sees that Shenman is such a expression, he is not so embarrassed, but let him not blame the sin, you can't, so he will be cold. The face ignores Shenman.

Shen Mang saw Ye Tang ignored her, she cried even more.

"Grandpa, I really know the wrong, I will not be like this again, you will help me talk." Shenman said.

Shen Miarian looked at Shenman, others didn't know that he was also known, Shen Man often came here to see how to play, almost all of this side will know Shenman, look at Shenman's face, they don't Maybe this is not given Lu Yichen, directly wants to pack people in the morning.

Although Shen Men's grandfather is doubtful, now he doesn't have a way to ask Shen Tang now.

"Mr. Ye, this thing is really our honest, here is our site, but there is such a thing, we are sorry, I hope you don't blame, as compensation to you, I have decided to make a profit and let hundreds of people. Of five, I hope you can let you get angry. "Shen Miarian is very helpless, he also feels very sorry to Ye Tang, obviously in his own site, but there is still this phenomenon.

Ye Tang also knows that this is their greatest concession, so he will not continue to face.

"This thing we are also wrong, we have not said that you want to blame you." Ye Tang helpless sighing.

"Well, now it is not too early, let's go back first, I will give you a wind to you today, come to you." Shenman's hand said.

"Grandpa, just let them live directly into our manor, anyway, you have to work with Ye Tang, and Ye Tang must be relieved to rest in the morning, let them live in the manor, so what is done It is convenient. "Shen Man has been thinking about how to get close to Ye Tang, so how can she let this opportunity.

Shen Mai said he said that he also felt that things were feasible.

"Mr. Ye, what do you think of this arrangement, if you feel good, wait, I will directly take your baggage." Shen Mai grandfather opened.

Ye Tang also felt that this is also very good, so he did not refuse.

Seeing the Leng Tang did not refuse. Shen Master will take the land of Lu Yichen and Ye Tang's luggage. Of course, Xiao Li must also live in the manor.

At night, Shenman grandfather received Ye Tang and Lu Yichen in the manor.

After a few hours of recovery, Lu Yichen is now much better, but she still has a linger.

"Here, I apologize once again, I don't want to have such a thing, but since the matter has already happened, then I can only make it passed, Miss Lu, I hope you don't blame you Shenman." Shenman Grandpa I looked carefully to the Lu Yichen.

"Grandpa, you don't want this, this thing is also responsible, or if I am playing, I will not be like this, right, you don't call Miss, Miss, I can call me in the morning. "Lu Yichen's first impression of Shenman grandfather is super good.

"I have to get, since you said, then I will call you in the morning, since you call you for a morning, then Mr. Ye does not call Mr. Ye, I will call Ye Tang." Shenman grandfather said happily.

Lu Yichen and Ye Tang can also look at Shenman grandfather is a kind of temperament, they like Shenman grandfather.

Shen Man saw that there was so happy to chat with his grandfather, and her heart was unbalanced, but today's things can no longer let Shenman have any emotions.

After eating dinner, Lu Yichen returned to Ye Tang returned to his own room, because today's things, I fell asleep in my sleep early in Lu Yichen, and Lu Yichen dreams today, and holding Ye Tang's hand. put.

"You can't let me go, let me go, I will go with you." Lu Yichen said with sweat.

I heard that the sound of Lu Yichen Ye Tang knows that Lu Yichen must have a nightmare.

"Okay, now it is fine, then some dreams, don't be afraid." Ye Tang lightly patted the back of the lake.

In the appearance of Ye Tang, the land gradually added down in the morning, slowly slept, this time, Lu Yichen did not make a nightmare, but she still frowned.

Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen has already slept, but still frowns, he sighed, gently complained to the brow on Lu Yichen.

Under the appearance of Ye Tang, I feel very safe in Lu Yichen, so she didn't have any discomfort, and I didn't sleep directly.

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