In a few days, Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang almost homes, her heart gradually dissatisfied, because there was a pregnancy of Lu Yichen, so it is often sensitive to Lu Yichen. "How come you now come back, you don't look at it, can you go home less than one?" Seeing Ye Tang is three more and a few nights, then go home in the morning, the fire is coming.

In a few days, I have almost all of the Ye Tang in Lu Yichen. Every time Ye Tang returned home, Lu Tang has already fell asleep, Ye Tang is still sleeping, while in noon, Ye Tang is more busy. I have dinched with the morning, so now Lu Yichen is getting more and more violent. As long as I haven't seen Ye Tang in one or two, I feel that the fire in her body can be fried.

"Don't make trouble, you also know that the company has just entered the Europe, now there are too many things to solve, you will understand that I can't do it?" I have worked for a few days, and now Ye Tang is really tired, he thought he went home. It can be easily, but Lu Yichen actually and his temper, now Ye Tang's brain is already big.

"I am unreasonable? You actually say that I am unreasonable, I just call you a little going home, you actually say that I am unreasonable, you said, are you afraid of me?" Lu Yichen, I heard Ye Tang actually said that she was unreasonable, she Directly blown, she talked, she had a few hours, and if Ye Tang actually said her.

"I don't mean this." Ye Tang is tired, I don't know why it is always going to be with him recently.

"I think you mean this, line, since you dislike me, then I will not wait for you." Lu Yichen finished, pulling the quilt around him, covering his body.

Ye Tang is now tired, there is no thoughts, and he sighed, silently washed.

Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang now didn't even end his own mind, she felt more wronged, and buried the whole person into the quilt.

The next morning, because there is nothing in the company today, Ye Tang is hard to go to the next morning.

"How are you doing recently?" On the dinner table, Ye Tang handed a glass of milk to Lu Yichen.

"There is nothing, she is very good in the nurse, you don't have to worry." Lu Yichen said faintly.

Ye Tang also knew that Lu Yichen was definitely because of his night at last night.

"How are you still angry? I can't do it wrong. I will try my home later." Ye Tang helpless.

"I am not angry, now I am not early, you will go to the company quickly, so I want to say that I am willing to have a precious time." Lu Yichen said in cold words.

"I have no matter this morning. I don't have to go to the company. I have to give my child to the child." Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen was cold, he also knew that he recently accompanied Lu Yichen. There is too little time, so I have a feeling of life in Lu Yicheng.

"Baby, have you eaten? Let Dad will send you, mother will not go, you have to be." Lu Yichen is still comments on Ye Tang, don't want to stay with Ye Tang. .

Ye Tanguizu, made an eye to Ye Wei.

"Mom, you will go with me, I said yesterday and my friend, today my mother will send me." Ye Wei spoiled.

On Lu Yichen, I don't know if Ye Tang's eyes have made eyes, but she looked at Ye Wei, and I couldn't say it.

"The line is line, then we will go together."

After sending Ye Yu to the nursery, Ye Tang sent a home in the morning.

"Right, I plan to let the baby learn some musical instruments, do you have any good opinions?" Lu Yichen suddenly thought of her for the training of the musical instruments before, from the small cultivation of a noble temperament, because of the leaves Tang Dynasty, and Ye Tang because the company's things have been busy, there is no time and Ye Tang in Lu, now Ye Tang is not easy to have space, and Lu Ye is going to say.

"The child is still small, there is no need to learn so fast instruments, wait until the child is bigger, let him decide whether to learn." For the things that let Ye learn the musical instrument, Ye Tang feels that Lu Yichen is too anxious, After all, now Ye Ye is only two or three years old. It is also the age of playing. It should not give children a heavy burden to let children lose children.

"No, interest is from small training, small and old start learning instruments, you can cultivate children's aristocratic temperament, let children be more excellent, why can't you let your child learn musical instruments?" Lu Yichen relief.

"You also know that the child is still small, the child is being curious, so small to learn the instrument will let the child lose the child's true, so I don't agree." Ye Tang said his idea.

"Just learn the instrument, do you have to lose the child? I don't care, I just want the baby to learn the instrument." Lu Yichen was originally listening to Le Tang said that the child is still small, it is bidding when she is playing. The agreement is to give up, but what did the Ye Tang said behind? Will you lose children? Does all children who learn musical instruments from a small learning musical instrument do not really have a child, is it really vicious in Ye Tang's eyes, will you lose your child?

"You are unreasonable, the child is so small, you will so bear to learn what ghost instrument, then say, I don't say that she will not let her learn, just let her learn again, and you let the child Do you have a child's opinion? The child is willing to know that you have already gave the child to choose the musical instrument. "Ye Tang frowned, recently Lu Yichen really let him feel tired.

"You say that I am unreasonable, you don't look at who I am unreasonable, you have more time to accompany your child, I will not talk to the music instrument to learn the musical instrument." Lu Yichen is irritating.

Lu Yichen is really enough, Ye Tang has always said that she is unreasonable, she is unreasonable.

"Forget it, I am unreasonable, then you don't talk to the unreasonable trouble." Lu Yichen finished, just happened directly, not talk to Ye Tang.

Now Ye Tang's mood is not very good, he doesn't understand, why there is always a violent, obvious, there is nothing, let her say something.

After this, Lu Yichen and Ye Tang often quarreled, as Ye Hao wants to write instruments.

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