Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 366 Ye Tang's inexplicable

"Oh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. It was wrong. "You also ask me what day is today, how can you forget, how can you forget, you think about it, if you can't think of it, I haven't finished this evening." Lu Yichen said badly.

"Is today are your birthday? Isn't it right today? Or is our marriage commemoration? Nor, the marriage commemorative day has just been in the past, that is the third year of your work?" Ye Tang Flaprped his backheel, he can't think of what day today.

Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang now look very angry, guess all the days about his own, only did not guess his birthday.

"I think about it again, not mine, is yours." Lu Yichen looked at the drunken Ye Tang, or couldn't help but remind it.

"I can't think of it, I am now uncomfortable now, you give me a glass of water first, what is going on, etc.," Ye Tang took his own temple.

Lu Yichen smells the wine on Ye Tang, and also knows that Ye Tang must have already drank a lot of wine this evening. Even if there is a heart to be a difficult Yelang, she is also a bit of heart, so I have to give Ye Tang in Lu Ye. Water.

After Ye Tang was drinking water, Lu Yichen is going to be the theoretical theory of Ye Tang, but there is no waiting for Lu Yichen, Ye Tang is directly planted on the ground.

Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang, the gas did not play, and the angry kneeling around Ye Tang, took the Ye Tang, "You give me a wake up this evening, but I haven't solved it yet. Don't think you sleep. It's okay. "

Lu Yichen once again called a few Ye Tang, seeing Ye Tang still screaming, slap, and playing Ye Tangjiapeng.

"I am going to die." Lu Yichen is very angry.

On the morning, I was sitting on the sofa. She was originally intended to be able to throw the Ye Tang directly on the ground, but she thought about it, she still can't bear.

"Hey, Ye Tang, you wake up, go back to the room in the room."

"You don't care about me, I will sleep here." Ye Tangmai said.

"The floor is cold, you first get up, I will help you back to the room."

But it still moved the male to the room. The second day of the second day, he said.

Ye Tang Dudu, did not get up, still screaming on the ground.

"Ye Tang, you are enough, you still want me to pay you back in the room, you will give me a good time, go back to the room." Lu Yichen saw yourself how to say that Ye Tang did not listen, I have to get angry.

Ok, Lu Yichen is really angry. Today, I waited for one night, Ye Tang, Ye Tang drunk is coming back, now I have to take care of him, can she take care of him, is it not angry?

Ye Tang, heard that Lu Yichen said, he shakes and stunned, and walked into the room in the room.

Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang actually then got up, she was relieved, if Ye Tang really squatted directly, Lu Yichen really did not have any way to get Ye Tang back to the room.

Lu Yichen looked at Ye Tang shake and swayed, she was afraid that Ye Tang would hit something, so she had to hold Ye Tang.

On Lu Yichen, I got a lot of effort. After returning Ye Tang, I didn't pay attention to Ye Tang after getting Ye Tang. I didn't give him clothes, and she didn't give him slippers. She took some things directly. Go to the room.

Lu Yichen can get Ye Tang back to the room has been very good to Ye Tang. If other people, I will definitely directly throw Ye Tang in the living room.

The next morning, Ye Tang took his own head, and opened his eyes with confusion.

Why are I here, what happened last night?

Ye Tang Yi looked at the crumpled clothes wearing it, and then looked at the shoes wearing themselves. Now there is a shoe on the foot of Ye Tang, and I don't know where to fly.

I am embarrassed, is it so sleeping last night? In the morning? Why didn't she help me change her clothes, even if I don't change my clothes, I can take off her shoes. Ye Tang touched the crumpled clothes, and the sour sick taste was passed to the nose of Ye Tang.

Ye Tang frowned, got up, took a suit and went to the bathroom.

Here, Lu Yichen did not rest, she got up early in the morning, she now is still angry with heaven, but she is still worried about Ye Tang, so she will go to Ye Tang Wake up tea.

Lu Yichen will wake up the tea to go to the room. Just asked Ye Tang from the bathroom, a glimpse, did not say anything, turned to leave.

Ye Tang's movement of Lu Yichen is a little bit. He is now in the mind that there is no return, I don't know what happened.

"In the morning, I am sorry, I didn't come back to eat with you last night." Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen was soaked, he had to apologize.

"Are you sorry now? Useless, do you know what day is yesterday, then the important day, you still stay outside, is it really important? Important to you can ignore my things." Not to mention that last night, it was okay, one said that last night was blown directly, and directly gave a temper to Ye Tang.

Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen pair in his temper, I feel very inexplicable. Now I still don't know what happened yesterday, because when I was drunk, Ye Tang's memory has not returned.

On the morning, I looked at the Ye Tang, I knew that Ye Tang did not put her in his heart.

"You think about it, what day is it yesterday." Lu Yichen said that there is no expression.

Ye Tang frowned, still did not think of what day is it yesterday.

"I still can't think of what day, or you will tell me directly." Ye Tang scratched his brain, saying.

Ye Tang just thought about all the days about Lu Yimeng, but still did not think of what days.

"So important days, you can forget, do you know that I have been done last night, I have been waiting for you. You don't pick it up. Are you so busy? Is it busy?" Lu Yichen was wronged.

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