Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 321, Ye Tang and Shenman

Because Chen Feng was drunk, he did not call Lu Yichen, so Lu Yichen did not know that Ye Tang wanted to use Shen Man to make yourself jealous. After decided to stay, he has been looking forward to watching the door, hoping that there will be in the banquet, but he does not know that there is no call in Lu Yichen.

Ye Tang has always been chatting with Shen Man, and Shen Mang saw Ye Tang will stay with him, and she expanded her instant, because Ye Tang is definitely what is interesting to her, otherwise he does not May stay with yourself chat.

Always arrived until the end of the dinner, Ye Tang did not have the news in the morning, and I was very angry in my heart. I think that Lu Yichen will definitely not care about themselves.

"I think you drink a little more today. Otherwise, don't go home first, I will take you to a place, we will continue to talk well, I still have a little longer, let's go to the hotel and talk Let's say. "Shen Manardo said.

If Ye Tang is definitely not to leave with Shen Man, but today, because Lu Yichen didn't come to himself and then told her that she and Shenman didn't come together, Ye Tang was so angry, let it sink Man's own car.

Shen Man saw Ye Tang actually really let himself walk with her, or because Ye Tang is around, she is sure to jump directly.

Yan Lingqiu saw Shen Men and Ye Tang together, and the heart was laughing, and the account was coming.

"Hey, Li Journalist, I have a big news to give you a big news, you can see you dare to track." Yan Lingqiu called the most difficult reporter now.

"Are you?" Li Journal is curiously asked.

"You don't have to manage who I am, you just tell me, do you want news." Yan Lingqiu may be stupid to tell Li Journalist her identity.

"I don't know what news? If the news is not very peaceful, I will not track." Li Journal thought, said.

"I will definitely give you satisfaction, you will go to South Chen Road now, wait for you to see what you want, right, I remind you, his license plate number is ×××× News is about Ye Tang, you can shoot his deck. "Yan Lingqiu said, directly hung up the phone, Yan Lingqiu has 100% determined that Li Journal will definitely track Ye Tang.

Sure enough, Li Journalists hang up the phone in Yan Lingqiu, he did not hesitate, took the car key to track Ye Tang.

Not long after, Li Journalists saw Ye Tang's car, so he has always followed the car behind Ye Tang.

Li Journalic didn't have long. Ye Tang knows that he is followed. He started suspected that the reporter was an arrank arrangement, but he tried Shen Mun, and found not him.

Ye Tang frowned, did not open the reporter, let them continue to follow.

"Ye Tang, you stop the car first, I saw an acquaintance, I want to talk to him. In the traffic light intersection, Shen Man saw a friend, she hurriedly let Ye Tang stopped.

Original Shenman is not going to let Ye Tang parking, she now can't wait to be in the hotel, but not, because her friend who has just met is her father to let her have to find it, but a few days, She has not contacted it. Now it is difficult to see it, how can she let this opportunity?

"I know, you will wait, I will turn this traffic light."

Shenman nodded.

Not long after, L Ye Tang stopped the car on the side of the road.

"You go to your friends yourself, I will wait for you directly here." Ye Tang didn't want to go with Shen Man.

"Otherwise, you still have to look at it with me, I think he is also helpful to your business. If you cooperate with him, the company can be more in the staple floor." Shen Man still wants Ye Tang Go with her, because Shen Man knows that the background of the people who want to see is also very good, and it is also helpful to Ye Tang.

"No, I am still busy with your family, there is no time to find other partners." Ye Tang refused.

"That's okay, you will wait for me in the car, I will come back." Shen Man saw Ye Tang insisted that she didn't say anything, I went to find someone.

Ye Tang was waiting for seven or eight minutes in the car. Suddenly thirsty, found it in the car, did not find water, helpless, he had to get off and buy water in the supermarket.

Ye Tang is on the road, seeing a pregnant woman is squatting on the side of the road, the face is not good, Ye Tang is in mind, just hold pregnant women.

"This big sister, you are fine, do you want me to send you to the hospital to see, I see your face is not very good."

"Going to the hospital, there is no pregnant woman, it is very hard, many things should be paid attention to, even if it is unbearable." The pregnant woman shook his head and smiled.

Ye Tang saw that pregnant women were so uncomfortable, and they didn't go to the hospital.

"I look at you, there is no experience, your wife is not pregnant, wait for your wife to pregnant, you know that pregnant women are really hard, pregnant women are generally sensitive, easy to think, and, when they spit It is even more uncomfortable, you have no way to imagine the hardship of pregnant women. "Pregnant women saw the confused look on Ye Tang face and explained.

"This way." Ye Tang said thoughtful.

"You go back first, my husband came over, hey, pregnant still has a husband to accompany more good, this kind of words will be high."

Ye Tang looked at the pregnant woman to rely on her husband, I feel that I don't have the morning, after all, he is too small to accompany you.

"Where did you go?" Shen Man and friends talked about things, returning to the car, did not see Ye Tang, now I saw Ye Tang back, I couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing, I just went to buy water."

"Let's go, don't wait for the time." Shen Man holding Ye Tang's hand.

Shen Mang took Ye Tang's picture to be taken down in the back of them. Because of the sake of Heaven, he can only see clearly Ye Tang's face, Shenman's face is not very clear.

Ye Tang sent Shen Man to his home and planned to leave.

"Can you drink a cup with me?" Seeing Ye Tang to leave, Shenman hurriedly stopped in front of Ye Tang.

"I still have something, I really don't have time, when I invite you to eat." Now Ye Tang is in a hurry, there is no time to pay attention to Shenman.

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