Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Thirty-three chapter Lu Yichen into the hospital

Ye Tang, heard that Lu Yichen is still explained, I am anxious, "You have to believe me, I really didn't have to do something for your things last night, I just sent Shen Yuan to go home, Chen Feng also testified "Hey, why, don't you say that you are giving you a person yesterday? You still have time to send backham home, it seems that you are still willing, and you don't want to send Shenman Go back, no one can force you. "Lu Yichen took an eye of Ye Tang and said faintly.

Ye Tang headache, is it necessary to admit that he is to want to be jealous in Lu, so I promise Shenman on his car?

"I also have a bitter since yesterday. Shenman helped me last night, I am not embarrassed to say that I don't send her home. If you go to help me last night, there will be such a thing." Ye Tang low He said.

Lu Yichen is clear, "Ye Tang, you mean to let me go to you, what are you? Your subordinates? I am a pregnant woman, you will give me all the things? You don't go to the pregnancy test. Also let me give you a message, don't you think your own face is big? "

"I, I," Ye Tang did not have a way to refute the next morning.

"You don't have to say anything, I only hope that you will be careful in this kind of thing, don't be known, I feel disgusting, you don't want to believe in you, you don't look at how you are My, okay, I am tired, what should you do if you love? "Lu Yichen shrugged, and said.

"You can't believe me?" Ye Tang mourned.

"Then you gave me a reason, have you ignored my things recently? Let me believe in you, joke, then you said, who is the woman who accompanied by the road yesterday? You so-called to talk The business is to accompany other women laughter. "Lu Yichen thought that she saw the picture on the road yesterday, she was anxious.

Ye Tang did not speak for a long time, Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang, but more believed that Ye Tang must do anything to do something, I don't pay attention to Ye Tang, the diameter returns to the room.

Ye Tang recovered the room, hurriedly explained, "Yesterday's woman is just a business partner in my business, I am really nothing to do with her."

Lu Yichen is clear, and I laminated Ye Tang and didn't talk.

Ye Tang Yue explained that the second day, the more I thought that Ye Tang was to cover her.

"Okay, don't say anything, I don't care anyway, you will do something like this later, because I will feel disgusting." Lu Yichen calmly said, but she is holding The fist is sold for sale.

Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen did not believe in himself, and lost ingredients in an instant, and he lost his bed in bed.

"Ye Tang, what do you want to do ?! You will let me go." Lu Yichen said badly.

Ye Tang Hui Hui Hui said that there is only one idea in his heart, and Lu Yichen is his, you must let yourself in the morning.

So thinking, the movements in the Ye Tang have become more fast, and the clothes in Lu Yichen are almost almost the same as Ye Tang.

"Ye Tang, you this animal, you have to let me go." Lu Yichen is so embarrassed, she is now having a baby in his stomach, she can't struggle too much.

Ye Tang was in the words of Lu Yichen.

On Lu Yichen, I still didn't let go, she was more confident, and when the doctor told her when the pregnancy test was pregnant, she recently had too much emotional fluctuation, so the child's tire gas is also unstable, if today In the evening, Ye Tang really did something that is not as good as she, then the child in the belly will definitely be in danger.

I remembered the child in the belly, and the morning struggled was even more powerful. It is desperately tangled with the back of Ye Tang, but there is nothing about Ye Tang in Lu Tang.

Now Ye Tang has been afraid of his attitude towards him, so Ye Tang lost reason, he wanted to occupy the body of the morning to retain her heart, and the struggle of Lu Yichen is more panic, so his action and There is no way due to land and movements in Lu Yichen.

When the Lu Yichen violently struggled, her hand wiped into the corner, her hand was broken, blood flowed out.

On Lu Yichen, I only felt a pain. Now she has no effort to check the problem, she is still struggling in dramatic.

Lu Yichen's hand was scored, Ye Tang did not find it, he has now lost ingredients.

Because Lu Yichen couldn't break the Ye Tang, she was afraid of the child's harm. In the end, the child in the morning belly begins to protest, resulting in the abdominal pain of Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen's face, the force in his hand became more, she had no strength to fight against Ye Tang because she had a stomach pain.

Ye Tang felt that the strength of his body was gradually smaller, and the heart was in the morning to fight in the morning, and the movements in his hand were more accelerated.

Lu Yichen's gods gradually scattered, and finally fell into a coma.

Ye Tang did not have the same morning, stopped the movements in his hand, lifted in the head of the end of the lace, and as a result, Ye Tang found that Lu Yichen was in a coma.

"Work in the morning, in the morning, you are nothing? Sorry, I shouldn't force you." Ye Tang tightly grabbed the shoulders of Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen still did not respond, Ye Tang was afraid, and rushed from Lu Yichen from Lu Yichen.

"In the morning, you hold a little, I will take you to the hospital now." Ye Tang wore a good clothes in the morning, and said it was said.

After wearing clothes in the morning, Ye Tang hurriedly held the lakeside in Lu Yichen, driving to the nearby hospital nearby. Ye Tang was a few traffic lights, and finally sent Lu Yichen to the hospital.

"Doctor, you will come over and see my wife." Ye Tang was ran in the hospital in the hospital.

The doctor took over the Lu Tang's hand in the morning, and then went to the emergency room.

Because the hand injured before Lu Yichen, now Ye Tang's body is blind, Ye Tang sees the blood in his hand, and his heart is even more embarrassed.

Just when Ye Tang was in an emergency room, the employee under his hand took photos.

When I was in the hospital from Ye Tang, I saw a employee.

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