Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 326, Ye Tang, I will agree to divorce

"What? If we divorce two people, what should the child do?" Ye Tang saw the sleeping leaves on the side and said. Ye Wei is also a big heart. Her mother is now noisy now, she is still sleeping.

On Lu Yichen, he heard Ye Tang said Ye Hao, his face flashed, but she was still hard.

Although she was hard, she felt bitterness, so she was crying again.

Ye Tang saw Lu Yichen crying, he was flustered, "You don't cry, I am wrong, I should not provoke you unhappy, should not be noisy with you."

Lu Yichen did not speak, continue to cry, even if Ye Tang attacked Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen still felt that Ye Tang became changing, it wanted her, if it used to, Ye Tang is unlikely to her.

Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen has been crying, if you don't care, his heart is more flustered.

"Don't cry? I am wrong, how do you want to cry? Otherwise, you should call me, as long as you don't cry, how do you do it."

"I have to divorce." Lu Yichen said his business.

"Well, I have promised it, I can't." Ye Tang continued to cry in the Lu Yichen, agreed to the death of the divorce.

When I said, Ye Tang regretted, just wanted to repent, but there was no chance to give Ye Tang Lu Lu.

"I know, you can go out now, I want to sleep." Lu Yusheng just listened to Ye Tang and said that she had not happy, but more uncomfortable.

Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen's face was not good, helpless, I had to go out.

After Ye Tang, Lu Yichen did not stop crying, she covered the quilt, whispered.

Ye Tang has just left the way, and the uncle of the morning came to the phone.

"Ye Tang, now what is going on, I tell you, if you do something sorry for the morning, I don't even go back to you." Lu Yichen I said.

If he just heard his own mother's wife, he didn't know that Ye Tang did this.

Ye Tang, I heard the Lu Yichen, I knew that he had already known online things.

"I have not sorry for a morning." Ye Tang explained.

"I don't care, you will show me today. I am waiting for you in Yuxiangyuan now." Lu Yichen said, and hung up the phone.

Ye Tang touched his nose, I had to go to the garden.

Lu Yichen's sorrow is really blown. Since Lu Yichen married Ye Tang, this day is not awkward, now he really regrets, he should not pay for the company's things to marry Ye Tang. thing.

Not long after, Ye Tang came to the Xiangxiangyuan.

"What happened to you recently and in the early hours?" Ye Tang sat down and asked in Lu Yichen.

"There is no thing happening." Ye Tang helplessly, if the Lu Yichen's

"Nothing, then you said, online things." Lu Yichen's is not a good one.

"Online things are Zi Ziwu, how can I make sorry for the last morning, I last night because Shen Man helped me solve the surrounding, I sent her home, but I didn't know why I was taken by the reporter. Down, you believe me, I really didn't do something to do so. "Ye Tang was guaranteed.

"That line, since you derailed things is not true, why do you have your home violent? You talk about it, you don't bully our family, there is no adult, you have to dare to fight in the morning. I won't let you go. "Lu Yichen said.

"That is misunderstood, this morning in the morning is painful, so I am rushing to send a hospital in the morning, how can I be willing to fight in the morning, I can't hit it in the morning. "Ye Tang woven him and the quarrel of the morning.

"Hey, I don't dare." Lu Yichen, I also knew that Ye Tang was impossible to play in the morning. After all, no matter what to say, Ye Tang is really in the morning. He is looking for Ye Tang today to let Ye Tang give He guarantees him.

"Hey, you can rest assured, I will guarantee you to you, I will not let it be angry in the morning, I am now a little more, so there is no time to accompany it to the morning, this is inevitable me. The enemy company will take my business. "Ye Tang made a guarantee.

Lu Yichen's is also a matter of cooperation with Shen Men's family now, so he is not blamed.

"Hey, you will have a good morning. The child is a life, I don't want her to have anything, you will spend more morning when you are fine, it's okay, I don't delay. Your business, you have something to go first. "Lu Yichen sighed, helpless.

"I know."

When Ye Tang left the Xiangxiangyuan, he did not return to the hospital. He was afraid that he had to say that he had to say divorce. He had to return to the company, hoping to use work, you can paralyze the most recent things.

Here, Lu Yichen is hard to calm down, just want to say divorce with Ye Tang, the result is waiting for a long time in the ward, and did not see Ye Tang.

Lu Yichen knows that Ye Tang will definitely evade divorce, she has to call Ye Tang.

Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen called himself, his brow, he could know the purpose of calling over Lu Yichen.

"Hey, what happened?" Ye Tang sighed a breath, or took a call.

"I don't have anything, I just want to tell, you have to record the divorce, you don't want to find any excuses, I am not so stupid, I know that you will definitely try to delay, so I can only come over I urge it. "Lu Yichen is easy to say.

Even if Ye Tang Ye has already known that Lu Ye is doing for Ye Tang, but he is still a burst of pain when he heard that the Lu Yichen makes him fulfilled divorce, and he is now very sad and regretted. Agree with divorce.

"I know, I will not delay, but I don't have time now, you should also know that today's news will have an impact on the company, so can you slowly?"

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