Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 353th chapter Yan Lingqiu meets Chen Wei

"I like you, really, you believe me, I don't mind in the ground, as long as your heart is so bitted in my body." Chen Wei looked at Ye Tang, and his eyes said. Now Chen Wei has thought that Ye Tang will certainly not refuse her. After all, no matter how her value is also posing there.

"No need, yes, you will not give me something ideas later." Ye Tang said without expression.

If Ye Tang knows that Chen Wei wants to talk to him some messy things, he has left when he saw Chen Wei to enter the yard.

Ye Tang said, did not see Chen Wei at once, just want to leave.

Chen Wei stopped Ye Tang, unbelievable asked, "Why? I am going to know how much, I just like you."

"Hey, I can not be ignorant. If I don't have money, there is no color value, you will like me." Ye Tangyi said blood.

Ye Tang said, a pushed Chen Wei and turned to return to the first floor.

Chen Wei was refused by Ye Tang, and he did not accept the gas.

It is because of the little man in Lu Yichen, how can Ye Tang can't see me, damn, if you don't have a morning, it will not take the Ye Tang with my means.

I think so, Chen Wei also discouraged the morning.

For Chen Wei in the yard and his own confession, Ye Tang did not tell Lu Yushen, he was afraid that there were too many mornings, and now there is a maternal depression, if there is any irritation.

The next day, Chen Wei was depressed by Ye Tang, so she was about her friend Lin Li Qing, who was about her friend Lin Liqing.

Lin Liqing and Chen Wei in Chen Wei shopping in Chen Wei are also the same kind.

"What happened? It looks not good." Lin Liqing came in, he saw Chen Wei in the face.

"There is nothing." Chen Wei won't tell Lin Liqing, she told the failure of Ye Tang, telling her that the person who was laughing was definitely her.

"You talk, how can you get something like this."

Chen Wei thought, said, "Hey, it is not because of Lu Yichen, you also know that the person in Lu Yichen, I am depressed, why Ye Tang is so good, will see her, he, I doubt her. And Ye Tang is definitely used to have a means of seeing people. "

"Hey, who knows, but her life is really good." Lin Liqing said.

"Also, is she not when the president of the Agency? Every day, I knew the slavery staff. I see that she is definitely intended to income the Lu's income." Chen Wei added.

Just when Chen Wei said that Lu Lingqiu came in. She looked at Chen Wei's appearance of the teeth when he said Lu Yichen, she knew that Chen Wei is definitely aid to have a larvary.

There is a saying that a friend's enemy is a friend, so Yan Lingqiu turns a turned bead. I want to pay the next morning with Chen Wei.

After Lin Li Qing left, Yan Lingqiu sat directly in front of Chen Wei.

Chen Wei saw Yan Lingqiu sitting in front of the autumn, I wanted to pick up, but she saw the clothes wearing in Yan Ling, she knew that Yan Lingqiu did not provoke it, so did not say anything, But asked, "Are you?"

"Yan Lingqiu." Yan Lingqiu said.

"Do you have anything?" Chen Wei did not believe that Yan Lingqiu will sit in his face without any reason.

"I just heard the bad words you said Lu Yichen."

Chen Wei gods.

"I don't mean. I just feel that the enemy's enemy is a friend, so I will come over." Yan Lingqiu drank a coffee and said.

Chen Wei frowned, and Chen Wei frowned, there was a little not to believe in Yan Lingqiu.

Seeing Chen Wei did not believe in the eyes, Yan Lingqiu was laughed to "Do you think I need to lie to you?"

If you want to deal with Lu Yichen, do you think I will find you? Yan Lingqiu is clear.

"It is not necessary, but, what do you want me? You can't come over and tell me Lu Yichen?" Chen Wei smiled.

"I just want you to find out if you have something to find, the next hi, when you come, let Ye Tang abandoned the morning."

"Is there any benefit of me?" Chen Wei didn't want himself whitower, even if she wanted to be astorious, I would like to find the trouble of Lu Yichen, but now Yan Ling autumn is looking into the door, she can't let Yan Lingqiu enjoy it. In case, Yan Lingqiu wants to make a care of Yutang.

"You said what you want? I guess that you don't want Ye Tang, as long as you help me, I will help you get Ye Tang, I said to do it." Yan Lingqiu is not stupid She just said that Chen Wei said that when she said Lu Yichen, she knew that Chen Wei failed to have a heart to Ye Tang.

"Are you sure?" Chen Weixing asked.

Chen Wei is not a stupid, even if she helped Yan Lingqiu, Ye Tang may look at her, Ye Tanglian Shenman does not look at the eyes, let alone her.

"What do you say? When you have abandoned Lu Yichen, then you still have any threats, Ye Tang, you still don't want to come to it." Yan Lingqiu is intentionally said.

"But why do you want to help me?" Chen Wei's IQ suddenly got online, and he seriously asked.

"I naturally have my own plan, you don't have to worry about me, but you can rest assured, I am not interested in Ye Tang." Yan Lingqiu explained.

"That line, things are determined this."

Chen Wei can now imagine that Lu Yather is abandoned by Ye Tang, and she will stand in the picture of Ye Tang.

Seeing Chen Wei, Yan Lingqiu satirized.

It is a idiot, three words, I have information, but this is good, and I also have a lot of time.

"My marriage is over, I am going to work tomorrow." Tang Chenchen said to Yang in the hair.

"No, you are pregnant, do you want to work, do you still raise the tires at home?" Yang passed a Tang Chenchen to work, he was not calm.

"If you can't do anything, it is not pregnant. What is the big event, you look at people in the morning, pregnant is not still like to help her." Tang Chen Chen retorted.

"Can you be the same? You are a forensic doctor, it is inevitable to have some ... What should you do if you have a serious vomiting?" Yang is eager to say.

"I can cope with it, things are so decided, I am notifying you not to discuss with you." Tang Chen Chen said.

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