Scorpio, if the president is mistaken, it will be bad, I don't have anything. "You don't have to have a sentence to be self-cleared, others know that our two people are people." Seeing Yi Shaochen's urgent forehead and squatted, Lu Yichen said.

"I just opened a joke." Chen Wei didn't care about it.

"Yes, you just open a joke, but don't you know that sometimes the message will be killed? Maybe you think that I said that it is a bit of serious, but I don't think I am wrong, you will Pay attention to your own words and deeds. "Lu Yichen said coldly.

People at the dinner table saw that there was an angry in the morning, and they were toned.

Chen Wei saw other people, and I left the box with an excuse.

Chen Wei went out, she received a message from Yan Lingqiu to let her go to the bathroom, so Chen Wei will go to the bathroom.

"That, this will you, you wait, I want to put it in the morning cup to let her drink it." Yan Lingqiu passed Chen Wei.

"What is this?" Chen Wei asked.

"Good things, one can make things in the morning, okay, you hurry." Yan Lingqiu said.

Chen Wei thought that she didn't give her face just now. She wanted to let Lu Yichen know the sin of her end, so she didn't hesitate, leaving the bathroom.

Yan Lingqiu saw Chen Wei's idiots who took the medicine, and the heart was clear, "Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen, I hope you can like this gift for you, when you have something, don't blame me, after all You have a mistake in the first, I am looking forward to having the medicine I have to prepare for you. "

Yan Lingqiu finished, she turned and left.

Originally, Yan Lingqiu is intended to see the look of the medicine in Lu Yichen, but she is afraid that she is discovered by others, so she has to leave the Xiangxiangyuan.

Yan Lingqiu and Chen Wei said that it was just coming back from the company to come back from the company.

Original Shenman, because she accidentally eaten the belly, so she came to the toilet, but she did not think that she would actually hear the important thing.

But Shenman did not see the face of Yan Lingqiu, only heard the voice, listening to their two people's dialogue, she knew that they would be to find things in the morning.

Shen Man thought of this, my heart was dark, she was also happy in Lu Yichen, but later, Shen Man thought that I was tangled, or I decided to call Ye Tang.

Recently, because of the previous things, Ye Tang is not very good to her. In addition to work, Ye Tang has almost no chance to talk to Shenman and him, so Shen Mun decided to let Ye Tang have changed her by this opportunity. If she has the opportunity to approach Ye Tang.

Ye Tang saw Shen Man called himself, and he was not happy but he still took a call.

"Ye Tang, I told you that Lu Yichen is going to have an accident, I just heard someone to say that I have to give Lu Yichen medicine, I don't know what medicine they want, you have come over and see it." Shenman saw Ye Tang pickup phone She knows that she has no choice of opportunities, she has to tell Ye Tang.

Ye Tang heard Shen Mun, said, "Where are you now, I have passed."

"I am in the Xiangxiang Garden, you hurry up." Shen Man said.

"I know." After finishing, Ye Tang hangs.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tang took the clothes and the car key left.

Ye Tang wants to think, or call the alarm.

Just when the Ye Tang's fire was rushing to the Xiangxiangyuan, Chen Wei did not pay attention to the drug in two glasses.

"I have to apologize to you now, I hope you can forgive me, I shouldn't say you bad words, you shouldn't open you and Yualhao Chen's joke." After that, Chen Wei took the cup without adding wine. Finished.

After Chen Wei died, she will deliver the wine to the morning.

I didn't take Chen Wei's wine, just wanted to open, Chen Wei continued, "Are you not going to forgive me? You have a lot of people, forgive me, I will not do it in the future. "

"I don't, I can't drink, you have seen it, I am a pregnant woman now, I can't drink alcohol." Lu Yichen explained.

"Is it not possible to have a glass of wine?" Chen Wei should ask.

Chen Wei's mind, no matter what, I have to let Lu Yichen drink this glass of wine, otherwise don't give me the medicine for me.

Yi Shaochen saw Chen Wei stepped tightly, can't see it.

"This way, I am helping the president, just when the president is forgiven." After that, Yi Shaochen took the wine in Chen Wei, and drinked it.

Chen Wei saw Yi Shaochen to drink the original wine to let Lu Yichen drinking wine, uncomfortable, but she didn't care, she thought that Yan Lingqiu gave her medicine to her medicine.

Chen Wei wants, and so on as long as she wants to get together to get together Lu Yichen, when a man is a woman, the firewood is fire, and they will certainly happen.

"Well, since Yi Shao Chen has already drank wine, I just forgive me." Chen Wei looked at Lu Yichen and said yet.

Lu Yichen saw Chen Wei, I don't know what medicine I bought in Chen Weili, my heart is puzzled.

Although I didn't know what Chen Wei want to do anything, she heard Chen Wei nodded.

"You have forgive me, I am so happy, let's go out, I have something to say to you, yes, Yushao Chen, come over, just wait for a morning, you have to blame. I. "Chen Wei intentionally said.

Lu Yichen really does not understand what Chen Wei wants to do, and apologize with her, it is looking for her.

Chen Wei saw the lack of Lu Yichen. He didn't give the opportunity to refuse to reject land, and he took the land of the morning and let her leave himself.

Lu Yichen broke away, rest assured that he didn't have a way to break free from Chen Wei, helpless, he had to leave with Chen Wei.

Yi Shaochen saw Chen Wei, took away Lu Yichen, and he had to follow.

Seeing Yi Shaochen followed up, Chen Wei's heart was secret, now she is now going to create a chance to create alone in Lu Yichen and Yualhao Chen.

There is not long after Lu Yichen and Chen Wei who left the box. Ye Tang took the police. He asked the box in the morning where the box was inquiry.

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