These days, Ye Tang has been busy, busy, not only the company's rumors, but also a high-level meeting specializing in this incident, so that the number of times meets and meets these days and landing. less. After returning home every night, it is a person who is almost lonely. Ye Tang is almost a night every day, and Lu Yichen is more feeling that Ye Tang is not careless. The gradual heart is cold.

"-", the document was smashed by Ye Tang to the conference table, and the entire meeting room was silent.

Ye Tang is cold and a smile, "How? How long have it all, do you do something bad? Is the company to raise your idlers?"

Chen Feng looked at it, and the so-called high-level elites took a drop of the sweat dripping. One of them did not dare to come out.

"The company's confidential documents actually and the new project of the Wang Group, who can believe? This is just a coincidence? The company rely on this project in these months, and has no spare projects so far. This is good, Let's fall into the predicament. "Chen Feng went to the side.

"So, it must be someone to disclose our company's confidential documents, then reselling it to the Wang Group, which is said that the company's inner ghost."

Chen Feng can say that it is a language to arouse thousands of waves, and the people underground are blown up, and they are discussing who guess the company's inner ghosts, and make people feel away.

Ye Tang took the forehead, sitting in the master, exhausted, but still could not cover up the temperament, closed his eyes, slowly spitting two words from the mouth "quiet."

Suddenly, everyone is quiet.

At this time, the old shareholder of a company is open: "The Ye is always, how do we solve this now? Don't call the police, give it to the police to dispose."

Others have attached.

After a moment, I opened my eyes, I was quiet, and I was calm and unquestionated. "I don't care what kind of method you use, give me a thorough investigation, find out the sold company, Otherwise, you will lay away from one by one! "

After saying this, it is necessary to give it to the police: "It is necessary to give it to the police, but it is necessary to put the person! Otherwise, it is a crazy snake."

The old shareholders should be.

"Today's meeting is here, I will let Chen Feng inform you, fragments!" Ye Tang said first, and Chen Feng immediately followed it.

When I came to the office, Ye Tang took a finger, Chen Feng nodded, sat down, two face to face.

"How old is the company's leakage?" Ye Tang was asked.

"It is about 150 million, because the project is large, and it is continuously increased in minutes." When talking about it, Chen Feng did not dare to hit horse tiger and positive color.

"This way, you should first take my private account to fill it. Others, once the outside world has any unfavorable rumors about the company, you will release it in time, clarify the company's gossip, save the company's reputation." Ye Tang Tang took his private account and a paper contract to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took, firmly nodded, "Give it to me! You rest assured!"

The Ye Tang mouth reveals a happy smile, patted his shoulders, not to say a word.

On this afternoon, Chen Feng also knocked on the door of the president's office, and after got allowed, it came in.

Ye Tang looked up and saw him, asked Chen Feng with his eyes.

Chen Feng's emotions are so obvious, Ye Tang's heart is moving, but does not speak, only quietly look at him.

After a moment, Chen Feng baked his teeth and bounced out of his mouth, "Yes, Cheng, Hao, Of!"

Ye Tang Ye suddenly suddenly emerged, and the scorpion was cold, and the gas was pressed down, and the face was also cold.

Chen Feng is also uncomfortable in his heart, Cheng Haoran is a very trustworthiness of Ye Tang. He used him to deal with him. How many orders have been taken together, and how many orders have been signed! But now, it is betrayed Ye Tang, betrayed the worldstone, and betrayed these brothers and colleagues who were fighting side by side.

When he listened, he heard it in his heart, not to mention Ye Tang, a CEO of the World Group!

Ye Tang is already standing up at this time, and step out.

Chen Feng chased it, asked him: "Ye Tang, you, how would you put him?"

Ye Tang is walking, pulling the tie, the tone does not have the word a word: "I will send him a court, and he should pay for the consideration for what he did."

Chen Feng suddenly said that he couldn't say it. In fact, he knew this answer in his heart, isn't it? Ye Tang Rong is not betrayed!


After leaving the relevant procedure, Ye Tanggui really said that he sent himself to the court, heard that Chen Haoran prayed for his forgiveness, how to admit mistake, Ye Tang was not moving.

When Lu Yichen learned this major news, it was already a day. One night, when she was bored with TV shows, suddenly flashed Ye Tang's face, Lu Yichen, I didn't have a mistake, hurry again Completed back.

The TV is reporting is an important event that has recently occurred in the world.

After seeing the whole report from the end, the whole person of Lu Yichen seems to be petrified, and it is deeply embarrassed.

She immediately lost his remote control, " -" ran to the building.

I saw the lamp is still on, my heart is another soft, but fortunately.

"Hey -"

Ye Tang, who is dealing with documents, a "come in!" Out of mouth.

Lu Yichen didn't know what happened. Suddenly I want to see Ye Tang, but I see him, I don't know what to say.

I heard Ye Tang's voice sounded, and Lu Yichen pushed the door.

I saw that Ye Tangzheng looked at her, Lu Yichen slightly, "Amount, that, let me see ... Then, is the company's affairs handle? ... Sorry ... I just got the message. "

Ye Tang "Well", just didn't talk, only quietly look at her.

Lu Yichen was sorbidden by Ye Tang, walking around, sitting around him, "In fact, you don't have to be sad! I know, the TV set, I just said that the sale company's inner ghost is your most trusted. Also, I don't know if you will be sad, but I know that you lose it. After all, people who are trusted by you are really uncomfortable! However, fortunately, you finally made a series of universal winds. Measures did not let the company can't fall into the crisis. ... "

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