Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 371th chapter Yan Lingqiu is insulted

"I can't think of it, you will actually meet so good men, you should take a good opportunity." Shen Man said. "Yeah, you can't tell you again, Chi Yu appointed me to eat, I am going to be late, I will not accompany you." After Yan Lingqiu, I thought I thought I was coming with Chi Yu.

"Okay, I don't waste your time, you hurry." Shen Man put his hand.

I heard it, Yan Lingqiu will go to find Chi Yu.

Yan Lingqiu just walked to her door and Chi Yu's entrance, and was stopped by a previous girlfriend of Chi Yu.

Yan Lingqiu frowned, because I don't know who to stop myself, so she didn't pay attention to her, I want to pass her into the restaurant.

However, there will be a chance to give Yan Lingqiu, and see that the man has been blocking yourself, Yan Lingqiu is angry.

"This big sister, you stop me ..." There is no waiting for Yan Lingqiu, the big sister in Yan Ling Qikou will directly play a slap in the autumn.

At a time, Yan Lingqiu did not respond, from small to big, she never been played by people.

When Yan Lingqiu made a little hang, "you don't want the little three, you can't grab it later, I will tell you that Chi Yu is mine, he can't like you." You are the best to leave Chi Yu. "

Yan Lingqiu heard the person, she turned back in an instant.

"You said that I am a small three, you don't look at your present, you can be a mother of Chi Yu, and you still dare to hit me." Yan Lingqiu said.

Yan Lingqiu finished, she hit the person in her hand.

At this time, Chi Yu just came to the door of the restaurant.

"What happened to you? How do you do your best?" Chi Yu deliberately asked.

As long as it is not stupid, you can know what happened.

"Chi Yu, she said that I am a small three, you talk to her, I am, I am your true girlfriend." Yan Lingqiu saw Chi Yu came, she took the hands of Chi Yu, proud Looking at the people around.

Just now she was divorced by the person, when she was smashed, she lost his people, now Chi Yu came, then she won't let himself lose face, don't you say that she is a small three? Then let others look at it, who is a small three.

"Xiao Li, what do you talk about this?" Chi Yu said unexpectedly.

"I am not willing, why are you breaking up for her, I am clear that you are also emotional to me." Xiao Li saw Chi Yu did not break away from Yan Lingqiu, she said.

She finished, she felt that she can't stay, so she ran away.

I saw that Xiao Li left the surrounding people, but also to the Yan Ling Autumn Refers, Yan Lingqiu is so blood.

"Chi Yu, what is the one just going?" Just now Yan Lingqiu is not good to ask Chi Yu, now in the box, Yan Lingqiu can't wait to ask.

"She is the former girlfriend, she just hit you, I apologize to you here." Toria said faintly.

Even if the Yan Lingqiu is hit, it is nothing to have any feelings for Yan Lingqiu.

When I saw Chi Yu, I can't spur it in the heart of myself.

"I don't care, you have to compensate me, you see what she has just gave me." Yan Ling autumn pointed to the injury on his face.

Seeing the Balance of the Yan Ling autumn, I thought about it, why not wear a little bit.

If Yan Lingqiu knows that Chi Yu's thoughts, she will definitely die.

"Isn't you already played back? Nothing, we hurry to eat, I have been working for a day, hungry." Now Chi Yu can have no mood.

Seeing Chi Yuyi, Yan Lingqiu doubts, but she did not continue this topic and started to eat.

After dinner, Yan Lingqiu and Chi Yu let go, see Chi Yu, leave, and then leave, Yan Lingqiu's eyes dark, calling people to check Chi Yu.

Not long after, Yan Lingqiu knew that all the things of Chi Yu, found that he was a flower bonard, and she didn't hit it. She felt that she was hurt.

At night, when two people dinner, Yan Lingqiu was directly and the Chi Yu.

"You said, why didn't you tell me, you are clearly a flower bonus, you have so many girlfriends, why don't you tell me, I know that you are such a person, how can I? Together with you. "Yan Lingqiu angry said.

"What do you want?" Chi Yu knew that Yan Lingqiu knew that he didn't care about his previous thing, he was not seen in the autumn of Yan Yan.

"I didn't want it. You can't do anything before, but since now, you can't talk to your so-called girlfriend, you are my boyfriend, I don't want you and What contacts they have. "Yan Lingqiu frowned.

Yan Lingqiu feels that this is the biggest concession she did.

"It's impossible, I can't give up the big forest, and you don't seem to qualify for me, others don't know what I know, now I have been different from before, so you It is best to give me a little bit, or because my mom is forced to me, you think I will want to be with you. "Chi Yualicate.

Some words, Chi Yu has long said that Yan Lingqiu said, but the two people seem to have always been very good, so he has no chance.

"I, how can you say?" Yan Lingqiu said unbelievable.

"Okay, don't say anything, I want to be just that you can be safe in my side, you don't want, then I have no way, and I have I don't think we should go now, I will go, I will go first. "Chi Yu said, there is no one, and I left.

Yan Lingqiu saw Chi Yuyi, she was more uncomfortable, she thought she had taken Chi Yu, but the truth did her, and the anger rushed, swept all things on the dinner table to the ground. .

"Well! Very good, Chi Yu, I can't think of you dare to me, this day, you actually play with me, I will make people pay the price, I dare to calculate my people, but there is nothing to end. "Yan Lingqiu said with his teeth.

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