Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 376 resolves Lu Yichen

At the dinner table, I saw Chi Yu and I have been flirting with myself. Yan Lingqiu thought it was in the past, and it was more dignressing for Chi Yu. "Chi Yu, you taste this, I think this is particularly delicious." Yan Ling said that he said to Chi Yu.

"Okay, but you can feed it." Chi Yu said like a flower bonus.

Yan Lingqiu saw Chi Yuyi, and his heart flashed a smell, but for her purpose, she fed Chi Yu.

Yan Lingqiu thought that she was very good, but Chi Yu also knew the idea of ​​Yan Lingqiu.

Because I know that Yan Lingqiu is unhappy, Chi Yu is tossing more and Yan Lingqiu.

Seeing Chi Yuyi, Yan Lingqiu is more believed to have the effect, so she will get along with the more little baby and Chi Yu, Chi Yu is also playing in Silent Yan Lingqiu.

It should be almost the same, Yan Lingqiu said on the shoulders of Chi Yu, "You promised to give me the first morning of me, you want to start a power."

When I saw Yan Lingqiu, I had to solve the Lu Yichen. The Chi Yu's eyes were dark, it seems that this is waiting, but it is so long, but it should be promised, otherwise it will not be too Fun.

"OK, I will help you in the near future, but how do you plan to have a morning? You always tell me how can I know how to help you." Chi Yu couldn't think about it.

After Chi Yu said, he plugged his hand to his own pocket and opened the record.

Seeing Chi Yu directly promised yourself, Yan Lingqiu didn't think much, "You let me think more, I don't know how to pay for the first morning?"

"Well, you think about it, don't worry, anyway, I can't run in the morning." Chi Yu's pet's hair touched the hair of Yan Lingqiu.

Seeing Chi Yuyi, Yan Lingqiu felt that he had already firmly took Chi Yu, and Yan Lingqiu did not see the smile in Chi Yu's eyes, and did not pay attention to Chi Yu. The smile did not reach the bottom.

"So, we will kidnap her, so you can give her a lesson. Hey, I will see how I escape from my hand in Lu Yichen." Yan Lingqiu thought about it.

"Do you want to kidnapped directly? Do you have anything to do, you should have abolished such a big strength, not only just kidnapped in the morning?" Chi Yu induced.

"This is certainly not my original purpose, you can rest assured, anyway, I will not be so easy to let go of Lu Yichen, when you know what I want to do." Yan Ling Qiu's secret said secret .

"Well, but do you want to kidnap the latch? She is almost almost not too much, you have to go hand, you may not be so easy, you have to do it, you want to do it." See you want Things have already known the same, and Chi Yu has not said anything.

"I will find a way, you don't have to worry."

"Forget it, otherwise I will discuss with you, so I can give you some opinions."

"That, you just said, now Ye Tang is almost in the morning, then we express the way to let Lu Yichen and Ye Tang let go, not only this, we have to kidnapped Lu Yichen, there must be a full policy, even if there is no final The way to let go of Lu Yichen, we can also find a good way to let go of Lu Yichen to find us. "Yan Lingqiu thought about it.

"So, but how do we know that Ye Tang and Lu Yichen's whereabouts, if you don't know, what do we do?" Chi Yu asked his doubts.

"This is simple, we can find someone to track them directly."

Yan Lingqiu is trying to know the trail of Ye Tang and Lu Yichen by Shen Man, but she also knows that Shen Man has been gave back to Florence.

"Well, what do you want to do next?" Chi Yu shit and said.

"The next thing is to be a good time, now I have no way to say something, when I have something, I will talk to you again." Yan Lingqiu didn't want to tell Chi Yu.

"That's okay, what difficulties do you have to tell me, I will help you again." Chi Yu thought about it.

Knowing that Yan Lingqiu should not reveal what is revealed, Chi Yu will take the recordings in the trouser bag.

"Okay, I know." Yan Lingqiu nodded back.

"For this bank card is given, you want to kidnap the land in the morning, you should not spend money, your father should not help, so you will take this bank card." Chi Yu Let's say one side to a bank card of Yan Lingqiu.

Yan Lingqiu saw Chi Yu, will give her money, there is a little uncomfortable in my heart, from a small to the big, she has not brought the money in addition to the money at home.

Yan Lingqiu does not want Chi Yu's money, hesitate to hesitate.

"Okay, don't think too much, what is your relationship with me? How can I give you money? So I can come out, the password is 66666." Chi Yu said, he There is no opportunity to refuse to refuse to Yan Lingqi, put the bank card in the hands of Yan Lingqiu.

"Well, since you said that I will accept it." Yan Lingqiu also knew that she was ashamed now, there is no money, but she has to be Chi Yu's money.

"Right, after you finish all things, don't you act alone, I will remember to spend money with me, don't let me worry." Chi Yurton said.

"Okay, I know, I will not act unauthorized, you can rest assured, if you don't have your consent, I will not do it." Yan Lingqiu guaranteed.

In fact, Yan Lingqiu is only a false promise. Now Yan Lingqiu is not particularly believed in Chi Yu, maybe there is no previous thing, Yan Lingqiu is believed to believe in Chi Yu, but since I knew the nature of Chi Yuhuo, Yan Lingqiu is late Yu's trust is not much.

"That's good, ok, now things are talking about it for so long, the meals are also cold, we hurry to eat, what happens, etc., let's discuss the discussion together." After the matter said, Chi Yu also I want to say something and Yan Lingqiu, I plan to eat.

"Well, then we have to eat, you wait, there is still work to deal with it." Yan Ling said in the autumn.

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