Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 380th chapter is worried about the morning

"Hey, I am fine, you can rest assured that I have helped me in the morning, and that person didn't do anything to me. But it's you, you will do it directly, he will not find you. Trouble? "" I haven't put in my eyes yet, but are you worried about me? "Chi Yu said.

"I have, I just don't want you to let you sinner, then say, or because you told me to come over, you won't happen, so why should I worry about you." Dora is not To be told.

I heard Dora, said that Chi Yu's eyes were dark.

Duo Rui is an angry, and the explanation is rushing, "I don't mean this, I mean ..."

I don't know what to say, I don't say it.

Lu Yichen looked at the plot mode of the two people, there was a strangeness, and her mind flashed an idea, but hesitated too fast, so there was no caught in the morning.

"Well, Chi Yu definitely nothing, we don't care about him, let's chat." Seeing Duo launched anxious look, Lu Yichen couldn't help me. .

Dora, thank you, I've got a morning, and Lu La will take Dora.

"Hey, people are already far away, you don't want to see." Ye Tang saw Chi Yu has always looked at Dora's back.

"What do you know? I'm going to count, I don't know how to tell you, walk, we drink." Chi Yu also didn't know how to say hello to Dora's feelings, surely I don't say it.

Because the banquet is bored, several people want to play mahjong.

"Morning sister, I am with you, I am not very meeting, you teach me." Dora is eager to watch Lu Yichen.

Chi Yuyi heard Dora, saying, how he might let Dora and land together.

"You come over, I teach you, you don't look at it in the morning, there is Ye Tang, are you really directly with Ye Tang?" Chi Yu intended.

"But I just want to be with a morning sister, then say, not to play a mahjong, can there," Dora said.

"Call you over, you will come over, I am careful, I will keep you overtime today." Chi Yu is directly threatened Dora.

Helpless, Dora has only returned to the side of Shiyu.

On Lu Yichen, she didn't seem to say anything, how is it late to get her little cute.

However, Lu Yichen is even more feeling that Chi Yu is not normal.

Several people began to play mahjong.

"You are playing hard, help me," I saw a few games, I'm going to have a good time. "

"No, I want to play myself." Dora has now lost almost, if she goes to the gidday, then she will definitely lose a mess again.

"You can rest assured that I will lose me, and I will win you." Chi Yu didn't care.

Seeing that Chi Yu's silly money, then Dora is a letter from him.

"Hey, Chi Yu, you can't do this, is you so maintained in Dora?" Seeing Chi Yu, pulling the Duo, Lu Yichen playing.

"I don't think she is too stupid, so I can only be like this, otherwise she will cry, I have to marry her, I don't want it." Chi Yu deliberately said.

When I heard Chi Yu, I was extinguished when I was emerging.

Next, Dora deliberately lost a lot of money, ok, not her deliberate, because she didn't play.

See Dora's rackers, Chi Yu said that he was very calm.

Time is very fast, the banquet is over.

On Lu Yichen and Ye Tang home on the road.

"Ye Tang, do you say why Chi Yu will pull the past? I noticed that in addition to Dora, this banquet didn't have any other secretary, everyone is a family, I feel that Chi Yu is unfortunate to Dora. what."

"You can notice now, as long as it is an eye-catching person, you can know that Chi Yu looks Dora, just, I see Dora, I don't know that Chi Yu is thinking about her, or she will not be away today. Yu Yuanyuan. "Ye Tang wants to think and see explains.

Lu Yichen listened to Ye Tang that, she reacted in an instant, knowing why she will feel that Chi Yu and Dora, two people in the banquet, have a little strange, it is a matter of one.

However, the Lu Yichen, who wants to know, has not loosened, she felt that there would be many difficulties if Dora and Chi Yu are together.

From her Chat from her to Dora, I learned that Dora is a simple girl, and the people who are Chi Yu must have a lot.

"Ye Tang, I have a little worried, Dora is a simple, I am afraid that she is bullying, far from saying, I said that now, Chi Yu is now the boyfriend of Yan Lingqiu, if Yan Lingqiu knows late Yu pair Dora's mind, when Yan Lingqiu will definitely go to Dora, you also know what kind of person is Yan Lingqiu, when Dora is definitely not her opponent, she will be bullied by Yan Lingqiu. Lu Yichen is worried.

"You can rest assured that Chi Yu is not so good, he will definitely protect in Dora, then say, now Dora will not like Chi Yu and unknown, I think Chi Yu wants to chase Dora He also wants to come to the next effort, at least to improve his picture of his flower bonus, otherwise in Dora's sex, I don't believe she will like the flower son like Chiyu. "I know Lu Yichen worried Pull, so Ye Tang has only comforted the inner morning.

Listening to Ye Tang said, Lu Yichen felt that it was also a little early, and two people could not be a unknown.

"I know, I don't want to talk to Dora, let her pay attention to Yan Lingqiu, to be Chi Yu, believe that Yan Lingqiu should not dare to deal with her."

At the side of Lu Yicheng Jin and Ye Tang said Dora, Chi Yu.

"How do you lose today? Do you not deliberately?" Seeing Dora's car did not talk, Chi Yuyi said.

Dora Yishen said that she had a little guilty, she really had such a little water.

When I saw a lot of heart, Chi Yu felt more than Dora.

"I don't have the end of my good end, I have to put it, and then, I have to win money, but I have to go with money." Dora is a confident.

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