Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 387th chapter Yan Lingqiu and Shenman's quarrel

Here, Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen took the phone and did not speak. He worked urgently. I didn't know what happened in Lu Tang annoyance. When I saw a few eyes, I was in Lu Ye, and I saw Ye Tang in the other side. On the morning, he is not sure.

"Hey, feed, in the morning, isn't there anything happened over there? You said." Ye Tang did not feel relieved.

But no matter what Ye Tang said, there is no reply in Lu Yichen.

Ye Tang hangs a call to call Lu Yichen, and people on the car saw the mobile phone in Lu Yichen, because now Ye Tang is not far away in the morning, afraid that Lu Yichen was discovered, so they directly gave it directly Shutdown.

After doing it all, they in order to avoid the night's dreams, so they have sent a coma to the place specified by Yan Lingqiu.

Here, because there is no call in the morning, Ye Tang Xin's restless is more deep, calling Tang Chenchen.

"Morning morning, now I am at home in the morning? When I called her, she didn't speak, I just turned off again when I played it again." Ye Tang worriedly said.

"No, I have never seen it in the morning at home, she did something happening." Tang Chen was frowning.

"I don't know, now the child is also found, I will wait for the specific thing to tell you, I will call people now to find a picture in the morning." Ye Tang did not feel relieved.

I know that Ye Tang is in a hurry, Tang Chenchen is not more saying, directly hung.

Ye Tang did not worry, call to Luo, let her help to find land, just told him about the things you have to receive strange calls.

Here, Lu Yichen woke up, saw himself in a strange place, doubtful, remembered some things happened, because he heard the sound, so Lu Yichen did not immediately open his eyes.

"You said, why do you want to put it back in the morning? I can use the child to use the child to go directly to the flight in the morning. I don't have to go back." Lu Yichen heard the angry.

When I heard Shen Men, I thought that I thought it had always been killed for her.

"You don't want to be angry, you also know, I also know that Ye Wei is the only child of Yejia. If she really has something, we are not happy, then say, as long as there is land, it is in the hands, then You are still afraid, our goal is Lu Yichen. "Yan Lingqiu is explained by helplessness and dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, there is no way, now there is no way, the child has returned, I can still say anything, but if you want to do anything, you will tell me, you talk about this time, you are going to do it. You told me that I don't want this at all. "Shen Man said as the drum.

Shen Man helpless, she is being gloomy in Florence, it is not easy to have one by one, the result is good, she just got another home, she received a call from Yan Lingqiu, Yan Lingqiu actually told her. Now I have to do it on Lu Yichen, she is also very impressed.

"I know, I am not a sudden occurred this time? You don't know in Florence, you don't know, Ye Tang has been around the morning, and there is not a door in the morning, it is very difficult to have a good time. Opportunity, so I don't want to miss it, I will do it, and this time is related to Chi Yu. "

"Chi Yu is now almost being fascinated. He promised that I have to help me vent, there is a kind, I will make some things, I am going to spend it with you, but you Not in the country, what can I do? "Yan Lingqiu is deliberately bought.

As soon as I heard that Yan Lingqiu said, I learned that there would be Chi Yu in the participation. I don't believe that Chi Yu will be so in my heart. "Will n't, I will not, Chi Yu will not For me, he is definitely what is going to do. After all, he is a good friend of Ye Tang, and he is also very good to me. If he really wants to do anything, he has had something to do, he is definitely something Is only. "

It is not tangled that there is a clear thing that is not entangled, and he really hespeses Yan Lingqiu and Shenman.

"Okay, I know, I don't say to blame you. But do you really determine that Chi Yu will be our side? Why didn't you see him." Shen Mun was confused. .

"Hey, I will tell you, now I have seen the wrong imaging before, he is a flower bonus, I have no love with him, all this is just that we have to take all the needs, but I recently kicked it very well, so he promised to help me vent, but I didn't believe him, today, he didn't know, I was secretly hitting him. " Yan Lingqiu thought about it, or explained her and Chi Yu to Shenman.

When I heard Yan Lingqiu, I heard that she was relieved, I know that Chi Yu did not participate in today's things.

"Hey, things are actually like this, I don't know what to say." Shen Man touched his nose and said.

Shen Man thought about it, when she would say anything, she received a call.

"Hey, where are you now?" Shen Li asked.

Shen Li depressed, obvious before Shenman and he said that returning to the country is to help him, the result is good, I will leave a call in the airport, I have left it directly.

"Ah, I am sorry, I have had something to do, forgot to tell you, you will wait, I will go back now, don't tell Grandpa, I will come back." I heard Shen Li. Yue's tone, Shen Man quickly apologized.

"OK, then you are almost, now all people are waiting for you alone." Shen Li heard Shen Ming apologize, and the mood also had a bit easier.

"OK, I will go back now."

After that, she hangs.

"Lingqiu, you have heard, now someone is looking for me, I have to go back, or he will tell me grandfather, if my grandfather knows that I am returning to China, he is sure to be angry." Hanging the phone MANG Lingqiu said.

"OK, I know, then you want to leave." Yan Lingnou nodded.

So Shenman quickly came to find Shen Li.

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