"I don't know how to tell you now. Anyway, you don't want to manage." Chi Yu took the head of Dora. There is a little embarrassing, there is a little embarrassing, which is a very serious atmosphere, and how to become a sister.

"I don't care, you are my boss, how can I watch you are playing like this? This can't." Duo shook his head.

Ye Tang saw Duo Li to handle the boss to help his own, he is helpless, he said before, he said that I will let go of Chi Yu, how can they now say that? Ok, clear, clear Ye Tang is I think I have to look at Chi Yu in the face of Dora, and he didn't say it.

Dora is finished, she is specially firmly to protect the Chi Yu to her own body. It seems that hen is the same as his own chick.

Seeing Dora saving himself, his heart is more like Dora.

Hey, it is a girl who looks at it. Now I have known yourself to maintain yourself, Chi Yu is thinking in my heart.

I tell you that Chi Yu, how do you think that you will lose your friends, and if Dora know, she will definitely regret that she has helped you. She must have pushed you to Ye Tang now, let him hit you. .

Chi Yu stops Dora, holding Dora's hands, Dora, don't know why Chi Yu wants like this.

I saw Dora So, the Chi Yu thought, no matter what is now, it is directly on Dora's forehead.

Ye Tang saw Chi Yuyi, and he snorted, but he did not say anything, and he took Lu Yichen directly.

Lu Yichen still wants to look at the play, and the result is hugged by Ye Tang, and there is so unhappy in my heart, I still want to see two people talk about love.

Originally, I wanted Ye Tang to let her put down myself, let her look at the play, and she saw Ye Tang's angry face, and she did not say anything, so that Ye Tang hugged himself.

Ye Tang took the morning to the car, he still felt that it was accidentally, and once again took the upper and lower inspections in the morning.

I have n'thing to do, Ye Tang Song is angry.

"Hey, I have said that I have no things, you don't be very surprised ..." Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang so nervous, there was a little helpless.

However, there is no waiting for the first morning, Ye Tang did not give the opportunity to continue to talk about Lu Yichen, and kiss her directly.

Lu Yichen was shocked by Ye Tang's movements, but she reacted it quickly and responded seriously with Ye Tang's kiss.

Just as the martial arts and Ye Tang kisses, Dora was on this side.

"What are you doing? You actually play rogue!" Dora touched his forehead, and the anger said.

Seeing Dora angry, Chi Yu didn't talk, he was looking at Dora to laugh.

Dora was so speechless, directly on the head of Chi Yu, "You will return to God," I will tell you, you don't think you are stupid, I will let you, I will let you. You'd better say it clearly. "

Dora super helplessness, clearly, she didn't want Ye Tang to bully and laugh, how did she go to Chi Yu to give her relatives, I think that Chi Yu is my own, Dora's face is red.

From small to big, Dora is also near Dora Lis, she has almost no contact with other boys, she has not been to be done by other boys, now Chi Yu lives, she must let Chi Yu give her. An overcome.

Chi Yu is still don't know that Dora is the meaning of him, and he is still a boyfriend of Yan Lingqiu. In the complete handling of Yan Lingqiu, Chi Yu is not given to Dora, if you want Yan Lingqiu Injured Dora, then Chi Yu also regretted.

Since Yan Lingqiu dares to kidnap the lady, it means that she is not a good person, so Chi Yu does not gamble.

Ok, obvious is because Chi Yu is afraid that he will refuse this by Dora, so he doesn't have a confession. If he is in confession, he can think of Dora after Dora how to hide him.

"I just can't help it, then I said, I don't have to knew, what is it." Chi Yu is not careless.

Dora Yi heard Chi Yu, then didn't know why it would be uncomfortable, but she thought this was because she was in the first time.

"Also, I think you are the color embryo, you will be like this, in addition to seduce the little sister, but I will tell you, you can't do this, I am not your side. Some women who casually. "Dorasson said.

Chi Yuyi heard Dora, then said that there is so uncomfortable, but now he is not good with Dora, just let Dora will continue to misunderstand himself.

"Okay, we also hurry, I have to give my brother, tell him that things have been solved, otherwise, he should worry" Duo Li wants to say

Chi Yu nodded.

So Duo Li gave a phone call while told him that things have been processed, let him bring someone, and Chi Yu will slowly follow the back of Dora, quietly look at Dora And Dolit Tong.

Just look at Duo, Chi Yu felt that his entire world was beautiful.

"How did you know that I have something wrong?" After the arrogance of the Ye Tang affair, he suddenly remembered that he would know how he had something to know.

"This is simple, you have been a convenient sticker that has been folded in the museum's monitoring room. I have been very worried after I saw convenient post, I am very afraid, I will guess what you have happened, and I am going When you pick your child, please call you, don't you pick up the phone? I am more suspicious. "

"I will also call you again once, but the mobile phone is turned off, I don't worry, I will call Tang Chenchen. As a result, she didn't go home, I can know all things I said, I can know that you must have something. "Ye Tang slowly explained.

Listening to Ye Tang said, there was a very worried that he was in the convenience of him in the morning. It was very afraid that he had a thing.

"I know is wrong, I will not be private in the future, but I am also very worried about the situation at the time, Yan Lingqiu said if I dare to tell you that she will be unfavorable to the child, so I have not said, you don't want to be angry. "Lu Yichen buning Baba said

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