Because Chen Feng followed the chance of Lu Yichen, I thought that Ye Tang is now because there is anything to deal with recently. This thing may be dangerous. In this way, I don't want Ye Tang's principle for myself, it is more Work hard, don't fight. Ye Tang is more tangled, he is very depressed, obviously doing things now, but why do he see him every time he doesn't say a good rest, what is tired.

He is very unsatisfactory, every time I arrived home, I don't see Lu Yichen and Tang Chenchen. It is watching Lu Yichen and Dora, okay, ok, it seems that this word is not very good, but anyway Tang felt that he was cooled.

Because Ye Tang's dissatisfaction, it also caused all of this is Chi Yu, so Ye Tang is rushing to call Chi Yu and come out.

"Do you call me? Is it progress? How is Dora, I will leave again after work?" Chi Yu came in and hurriedly asked.

Ye Tang was so angry that he was more angry. "You also said that Chen Feng followed their things to know in the morning, now I don't think what happened in the morning, she is more I won't bother me. When I played with them, I would like to take a few words. Now I am fine, I will directly let me go upstairs every time she goes home. I am easy to be. "Ye Tang said.

"I ..." Chi Yu didn't know what to say.

"You are you, if you call you for help in the morning, what will I do now? If Dora doesn't have every day, I will stay around in the morning, I am definitely with me in the morning, I am, the result is good, now They were broken by Duo. "Ye Tang said with his eyes.

"I don't want to deliberately, I said, I just called a morning to help, I didn't ask her every day and Dora, or because of the morning, I may now catch up with Dora. Not necessarily. "Chi Yu depressed.

I think that I haven't said that I haven't said that I have said that I have said that Dora, Chi Yu's heart is cool.

"Anyway, I don't care, or because Dora is broken in the morning, I will not be like this now, I am now being hurting into the cold palace." Ye Tang tangled.

"I don't care, it is not Dora, I will take the morning in the morning, and I'm so well-behaved in the morning." I heard Ye Tang said that the Dora sack is broken in the morning, Chi Yu is not dry, reflection.

"You talk, how can my woman bring a bad Duo, or if you call a morning to help, Dora will find a morning? You are guilty, you have to pull me." Ye Tang complained .

"Hey, say, or because of the morning, I will definitely eat with Dora, where I need to meet you here, so I said that I took my Dora in the morning." Chi Yu Wrinkled frown.

After listening to Chi Yu, Ye Tangle, picking the eyebrows, "Your Dora?, Hey, I remember that you don't seem to catch Dora? No, it should be the foundation now I don't know how you think about her? How can you say that Dora is you? "

Ye Tang Zheng is in a bad mood, so he wants him directly when he heard that Chi Yu said Dora is his person.

I heard Ye Tang directly said that when Dora is not his girlfriend, Chi Yu said that he hurts his heart.

Chi Yu is heart, but Ye Tang said is also very right. He doesn't point to refute at all.

Chi Yula is do not talk, see Chi Yu, and Ye Tang smiled.

Chi Yuhui ignored Ye Tang, and left, returned to the company. As a result, he saw that Dora, his heart was excited, but his face still showed a particularly calm look.

"What do you have to find me?" Chi Yu asked slowly in the heart of his violent, slowly asked.

Dora entangled her now is not very wanting to worship Siyu, but she has to open it for something she wants.

Dora deeply said that the attitude is super sincere, "that, things are like this, I want to have been a ticket for the three scenes of the company's brokerage company variety show, can you help me? "

After listening to Dora said that after three tickets, Chi Yu is tangled, I don't know that Dora is going to see who is going to see.

Hey, people say that people who fall into the love river are almost zero. Now in Chi Yu's body, the naked man is showing, Dora is must have to look at it with Lu Yichen and Tang Chen Chen, and if She wants to see if she wants to look at it, she doesn't have two tickets directly.

"Why do you want three tickets for three scenes, if you want to go with your boyfriend, you can have two tickets? Do you still think about bringing a big light bulb? Are you too much light? ? "Chi Yu deliberately asked.

Chi Yu knows that Dora is now sure, but he still wants to know that she is a single thing in Dora.

"You think that I am you, I have no boyfriend, I am going to see with a morning sister and morning morning sister, you don't think too much, you will directly say, can you help me? When you come, if you don't help, I can go find another person. "Dora is unhappy.

I know that Dora is actually when I look at them, I'm happy, "No, I can help, it is three tickets, even three hundred tickets I can also get it."

"That's thank you, when you buy tickets, you can deduct it directly in my salary, I will not tell you, I will call a message in the morning." Duo La is highly Say

I heard Dora, said that Chi Yu is unhappy. He has been very happy to find him, but now Dora is ignored him in Lu Yichen. How can he be happy.

"You wait, tickets are not to say, I can even don't want your money, but, I have a request, as long as you can do it, I can give you a ticket now." Successful.

Dora Yi heard Chi Yu, said that it is unhappy, but for tickets, she can't make temper now.

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