Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 411st chapter is exposed

"To go, I want to know that I like Li Mipi, you don't know, her treble is deeply convinced, not only this, her little milk is also super good." Duo La Xixing said that he nodded. Dora Because I can go to Leefei's concert, she is not there because she can't go to Jastin's performance site. After all, Li Mei is also a love bean of Dora.

"You are so happy, so I have not so embarrassed."

"So are we going now?" Dora was happy.

"Well." Chi Yu saw Dora Nagan's eyes, just wanted to touch her head, but afraid of Dora would be angry, only to hold his hand.

"Oh, then let's hurry." Said that the Duoxing said.

Helpless, Chi Yu has to start with Dora.

On the way to see the concert, "Do you know that I like Li Mipi so I will give me a compensation?"

"You think more, children, I am just misunderstanding, how can I know what I like." Chi Yu did not directly tell Dora to investigate her.

Seeing the store on both sides of the road, Dora suddenly thinks about buying something.

"Also, not right, wait, I have to go to see my goddess concert, how can I not buy some refueling things, come, let's buy it together." Dora eyes Turning, hurriedly said.

"The line of travel, I know, you wait, I am now looking for a place to stop." Chi Yu is helpless for the sex of Dora.

"I know, you hurry to find it."

Not long after, Chi Yu stopped next to a small jewelry store, Dora saw a hair ring in the jewelry store, just want to get off.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Seeing Dora, I wanted to get rid of the bus, Chi Yu quickly asked

"Do you see the hair ring? I like that, I have to buy it." Dora is a hair ring that he likes is said to Chi Yu.

"Okay, you can sit here now, you can buy it, things I will buy, it is not a hair ring, yes, what else do you want to buy? Let's talk, I will buy it directly. Yes, "said Chi Yu helpless.

"The line is row, you will go buy a hair ring, a light stick, and some can have a glowing bracelet." Dora thought.

"OK, I know, I will go now, you are so good to wait for me in the car."

Dora point nodded, so Chi Yu got off the bus to help Del to buy her something you want.

Because Chi Yu thinks that he should not spend too much time to buy something, he left his mobile phone directly on the car, and the result is this, and the things that ourselves will be knew by Dora.

In the car, the bored Dora suddenly heard the phone, Dora knows that this is not his own mobile phone, and it is afraid that the company has something to find Shiyu, so she quickly picked up the phone to pick up the phone.

"Hey, is the late president, now we have left two seats for you, don't know if you want to come over now." I heard Chi Yu took the phone, the director quickly explained his own call. purpose.

Dora is so confused, but she didn't want to say that the previous thing was that she was deceived. She thought that the directors should now gave them two tickets. Yes.

"Sorry, now the president is buying things, he keeps the phone in the car, the ticket is troublesome, you have got a ticket for us, but we will not go now, we want to go Look at Li Mipi's concert. "Dora thought.

Director is wrong, don't know why Dora, what is it just two tickets, where is it so hard, now a little doubt is that Chi Yu is not satisfied with his work.

"There is no, the ticket is not difficult to get, this evening tickets can we haven't bought it yet, there is still more than a dozen VIP tickets, I don't know if the president is not good for our programs. View. "Director carefully said.

Dora is soaring that the director said, she frowned, I don't know how to have a ticket in Jastin, but why Chi Yu wants to say that there is no ticket.

"No, the president has not been dissatisfied with you, I will not talk to you now, the ticket is not sent to others or sell it, you can rest assured, the president will not say anything." La'an said with director.

"That line, I know, then I will not bother."

After that, they hung up each other.

After the call, she sat on the car, she thought she was going to lie to herself.

Not long after, Chi Yu bought all the things of Dora, now Chi Yu, I don't know Dora, I have received the phone call and discovered his lie.

"That do you look at these, isn't I bought all the things you want, if you still have something you want, you can tell me, I will buy." Chi Yu took into the bus, he will The hand is handed over to Dora, so that he didn't see the fashionable expression on the face.

I didn't hear Dora speaking, Chi Yu had a little worried about it. As a result, Dora is actually angry. It is anxious. I don't know why Dora is angry.

"What happened?" Asked Chi Yu things.

Seeing Chi Yu is so careful, Dora is a strange feeling, but now she doesn't think much, she is still because she is deceived by her things.

"You are so embarrassed to ask me? I ask you, why do you want to lie to me, do you think that you have a sense of accomplishment of me to the group." Dora is rushing.

"I didn't, what did I lie to you?" Chi Yuyi heard Dora said that he lied her, his heart jumped.

"So you talk about why I have a ticket, why do you say that there is no ticket? Why do you tell me, why do you want to take me, then you don't want to take me? You can talk directly to me, what are you turning my group? I don't want you to take me. "Dora was sad and angry. Looking at Chi Yu said.

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