Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 417 Shenman's

Shen Man did not hear Ye Tang talking, he was happy to be happy, but she heard all the words that Ye Tang said, there is a little bit of a little. But very fast, Shen Man adjusts his mentality.

"I will definitely have something to find you, you will give me some time, let me talk about it." Shen Man gentle and thoughtful.

For the indulgent style of Shenman, Ye Tang frowned.

"What do you want to say?" Ye Tang screwed his eyebrow and asked.

"Things are like this, now I also have ears, how, how are you? Can you cope with yourself?" Shen Man said.

As soon as I heard Shen Man, Ye Tang has a doubt, but he did not show anything.

"You can rest assured, now there is no matter, you just have a good job in Florence, you don't have to worry, if there is anything there, you remember to call me immediately." Ye Tang I want to think, talk.

"Well, I know, but you don't have anything now? I let me go back to help you, even if I don't have any ability, I will have to spend this time with you, you also Don't tell me that the company is very good. I am not stupid. Now I know what happened in the company, so you will let me return to the headband and you have a hard time. "Shen Man hurriedly said .

"No, I can handle it, I have something to do so, then I don't have to use it in the industry in the future, I will not say more, I don't have to work now." Ye Tang said.

Ye Tang knows that Shen Man can be the side of Yan Lingqiu. If he will make Shen Muan get back, he will directly give himself a ghost.

Now Shen Man still doesn't know what she has inside the inside of Yan Lingqiu before, is known by Ye Tang.

"Wait, wait, don't worry about it, you should listen to me, don't you say a few words? I tell you, I can give you a part of the profit from the European part of the company, when your company's things can be relieved. , So, let me go back now, don't you go? "

"You can rest assured, I will go back, I will not give you something trouble, I will help you together." Shen Man swearing to say.

"I still said, you stay in Florence is the best help me, if you really want to help me, then you will monitor our two cooperation things, you should also know, this one Cooperation is very important for me. Since I handed the important thing to you, then I definitely believe in you, so I know that you will definitely not let me down, so you just stay in Florence is okay. "Ye Tang said faintly.

For Chi Man wants to do, Ye Tang is not not known, but it is easy to bring Shen Man to Florence. How can he make such a light and easy to get her back.

If you have heard that Ye Tang said before, then she will fly directly, after all, the Ye Tang said, he believes she.

But now Shen Man is a little bit too happy. She is super wanting to have an angry. She can clearly know that Ye Tang is a little bit, I don't want her to return home.

The difference between Shenman gas can't control the factor of his own, but I think that the next thing is Shenman, I have to work hard to control my emotions.

"Well, I know, I will stay in Florence to help you, but if you really have anything, you must tell me." Xiao Man calmly said.

"OK, I know, then I will not say more now, I still have a job." Ye Tang frowned back.

"Well, then you will go, I will not bother you." After finishing, Shen Man also hung up the phone of Ye Tang.

Ye Tang Xinli is confused. If you used to hear himself, she will definitely rush directly, and he will always be entangled, let her get back, but this time Shenman actually does not hysterically. There is also no Hu, the opposite, Shenman is still very calm.

All this, there is so that Ye Tang has doubts.

Because Ye Tang doubt, after Ye Tang hangs, he directly called Chen Feng.

"Hey, Chen Feng, I need you to check the position of Shenman." The phone is connected, and Ye Tang said directly.

"What happened? Now Shenman is not taking good to Florence? Why should I investigate her?" Chen Feng did not solve it.

"I just called me, and her attitude made me a little doubt. You can investigate this now. If there is any news, I will call me directly." Ye Tang hooks the desktop.

"I know, I am going to check now." For Ye Tang's order, Chen Feng has no two words, so he nodded back.

After Chen Feng hangs, it will check the position of Shenman. Not long, Chen Feng received the news. When I knew the news, Chen Feng was deeply deeply convinced of Ye Tang's insight.

Chen Feng quickly called Ye Tang.

"President, now Shenman's position already knows, she is now in the home of Yan Lingqiu, what do we want to do next?" Chen Feng rushed to say.

"Can't do it at a point? I have already guess it for Shen Man now in China. I just didn't think she would actually be in Yan Lingqiu." Ye Tang said faintly.

"President, how do you know that Shen Man is in China?" Chen Feng couldn't hold the curiosity in his heart, asked.

"This is simple, I know from the tone of her talk. She just called me, I want to come back with me, but I will reject it directly. If I used, Shenman didn't reach the purpose. It may be allegedly given up, but this time she actually calmly, so she will definitely have anything to have anything, and the most important thing is that when I was kidnapped in the morning, Shenman is also Next to it, I will doubt. "Ye Tang did not explain.

After listening to the explanation of Ye Tang, Chen Feng also knows the links.

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