Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 424 understands each other

It is a matter of pretending to know the company, but she is still very concerned, so she will ask Ji Nan to meet, I want to ask the company. However, she didn't wait for her to call Ji Nan, and she saw Yi Shaochen in the cafe.

"Yido Chen, here." See Yi Shaochen, waving in the morning.

Yi Shaochen saw Lu Yichen, and his heart is also happy, and he has come to the front of land.

"How come you are here? Are you in the physical condition now?" Yi Shaoche sat down and said.

"I don't have anything, what about you? How about work? I'm not used to it?" Asked Lu Yichen.

"My job is that." Yi Shao Chen shrugged and said.

"Right, I have to ask you something." Lu Yichen thought about it and asked.

"What do you want to know?" Yi Shaochen was confused.

"I want to know what is now in Ye Tang Company, you don't want me, I now know what the company is definitely, I just want to know the seriousness of things."

"Why don't you ask the president of the leaf? It is reasonable to say that the company's things are definitely a clear." Yi Shaochen scratched his brain, and there was a little unnaturally asked.

Yi Shaochen is not stupid. He can know that there is no matter what the World Group of the Group is now, it is Ye Tang, so he doesn't want to tell Lu Yichen Group's business group, avoid laughing of Lu Yichen worried.

On Lu Yichen, I don't know if Shao Chen's idea, with a little threat, "You don't want to manage, if you don't say, you will continue to return to the company, so I also know more things."

Yi Shaochen helplessly, according to the nature of Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen will definitely be said, helpless, I have to tell Lu Yichen's business group.

"Now the situation of the world may not be so optimistic. I heard that the company can pass the company's boiling, and there are two hundred million air accounts. Not only that, the company's a lot of contracts is also Forced to stop, I also heard that they have no way to do it now. "Yi Shao Chen wants to think, or the end of the old man tells the end of the morning.

"But you don't worry, Ye President is now working hard, then some questions will give him a little time, he will definitely deal with it." Yi Shaochen is afraid that Lu Yichen will be too worried, just comfort it in the morning, However, he also knows that his comfort is far away.

"I know, I know what to do, don't worry about me, right, what are you coming here?" Lu Yichen helpless.

"Ah, if you don't say, I have forgotten, I have to see customers, I will not tell you, I have to go." Yi Shaochen hurriedly said.

Lu Yichen swayed, and Luo Chen leaving. So Yao Chen quickly went to see customers.

The hearts of Lu Yichen are not easy, and the heart is more worried about Ye Tang. From the situation you just said just now, it can be seen that this time Ye Tang's crisis is heavy. It is not to handle it.

Lu Yichen dragged a heavy mood back home.

In the evening in the middle of the night, Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen was sleeping, he was careful again, leaving the room, went to the study to handle the company.

In these few days, in order not to let Lu Yichen spotware company, Ye Tang will sleep with Lu Yichen, and then he went to the study when he was asleep on Lu Yichen.

Soon after Ye Tang left, because Lu Yichen was worried about Ye Tang, she didn't sleep very familiar, and she took the hand around her side. I wanted to have been able to get through the Ye Tang. I woke up in a confused.

I didn't see Ye Tang in the room. Lu Yichen can know that Ye Tang must work in the study, helplessness, wearing slippers and put a piece of clothes.

Lu Yichen went to the study to find Ye Tang.

"Why don't you sleep this night? Is it not sleeping?" Lu Yichen smiled and said with the neck of Ye Tang helpless.

Original Ye Tang is still considering how it is to explain him in the middle of the night, and he heard that he heard a reason for him.

"Well, I can't sleep, so I will come here to deal with some things. What about you?" How did you get up? "Ye Tang turned around, giggling the waist of Lu Yichen, slowly said.

"Hey, I am at home every day, I am not sleeping, so I can't sleep, I don't think you should also sleep now, I will have a cup of milk." Lu Yichen He said in Ye Tang and said.

"The line is line, that's okay, you should be careful." Lu Yichen touched the unachable belly, and said something not relieved.

"I am not a child, I know how to do it." Lu Yichen left Ye Tang's arms, speechless

Ye Tang smiled and didn't talk.

So I went to the first floor on the first floor to prepare a glass of milk.

"You will go back to sleep now, wait for me to handle this file, I will go back to sleep." When I saw Lu Yichen, I sat on the sofa and read a book. Ye Tang had to call Lu Yaochen to go back to sleep.

"I am still not sleepy now, you can handle things yourself, don't worry about me, I just saw a fun content." Lu Yichen moved to the book, entangled to go back to sleep.

Ye Tang helplessly, he had to read the book in Lu Yichen. In fact, Ye Tang also knew that Lu Yichen would be staying with himself.

In this way, Ye Tang treated the company's things, Lu Yichen, quietly looked at his own book, and the two people were warm.

The next morning, Ye Tang came to the company, Xiao Li took a hurry.

"President, not good, now we have a little thing in Yanshi." Xiao Li said.

Xiao Li is really not understanding, why all things are all stacked together, all bad things have happened three times, and it feels like the company's bad luck now.

"What happened?" Ye Tang Xinli is also a little uneasy.

"Things are like this, don't know why, the money that our company will not be returned in order to suppress Yan's, not only, there is a possibility of money, now the company is really a crisis, the company's employees are also More panic. "Xiao Li helpless explained.

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