Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 428th chapter of Yan Lingqiu is difficult

"Dear business big, and the female companion around you, I am fortunate to talk to you, yes, there are some people in you may not know me, I am a big lady of Yan's Group Yan Lingqiu I am very happy to meet you here. "Yan Ling said. At this moment, Yan Lingqiu seems to be a flower of Gaoling, and it is very satisfactory.

Because of the reasons why Yan Ling autumn temperament, people present have almost all gave Yan Lingqiu, and he took a palm.

I saw the people around him for myself, and Yan Lingqiu laughed and was starting her speech as a guest.

Yan Ling Qiuzhi is high, and she has got a praise of her acclam for unforcement and excellent emotional business.

"Well, I will talk about it now, I hope that you can play happy, oh, I am almost forgot, let us have a cup now, celebrate."

After that, Yan Lingqiu raised the wine glasses in his hand and said slowly.

The people below gave the Yan Ling Qiushi, raised the trick, and then two.

Seeing them, Yan Lingqiu did not say anything, Shijan went down.

After the next step, Yan Lingqiu saw that Lu Yichen was standing by the small bird, and the eyes were gloomy. He received his unwillingness and anger, and it came to Lu Yichen.

"I can't think of Tang Tang's Ye University, also attended today's business gatherings, I thought you would definitely be busy with your company's things? Yes, if you need help, then you will tell me directly I definitely there will be no longer reserved help you. "Yan Lingqiu laughed.

I heard Yan Lingqiu said, Ye Tang frowned, he knew that Yan Lingqiu said that he is in so many people in front of us, now the outside world has some views on the World Group Group, You can know something about some companies.

"I will not worry, if now I have a little thing, I have a bad thing, then I am also a hundred years of development." Ye Tang did not care.

Yan Lingqiu saw himself in Ye Tang, and he turned and looked at Lu Yichen. Didn't say anything left.

Yan Lingqiu left, she gave people Ye Tang to get along the road in the morning.

"As a gentleman, don't mind, drink a cup with us?" Getting the Yan Lingqiu commander has come to Ye Tang's invitation.

Ye Tang shake his head and wanted to refuse, but Lu Yichen stopped him.

"You go busy, don't worry, I saw Dora when I came in, I will go to her now." Lu Yichen also knows that if the Ye Tang in the commercial gathering can be integrated with other people, then this Ye Tang Company is also good.

After listening to Lu Yichen, Ye Tang looked at the surrounding, seeing Dora is talking to Chi Yu, and there is not so worried that Lu Yichen.

"Then you have been careful." Ye Tang did not worry about it.

"I know."

I heard the words, Ye Tang had to leave with theone.

Seeing Ye Tang left, Yan Lingqiu came again in front of Lu Yichen.

"I didn't pay attention to your clothes, I can't think of your clothes so much. If you don't have money to buy clothes, I will directly fund you, as for you to wear a stupid silly soone. No, even if you don't have money, Ye Tang will have some gifts, why don't he take a good gift? Is it true that the worldquit group is really like a rumor outside? "Yan Lingqiu deliberately ridiculed the rustic clothes in front of the people, secretly, and secretarinated the company to go down.

The people around him heard that Lu Yiling autumn is said that Lu Yichen is also wondering. It has discovered that there is no characteristic of the clothes, it is not a new, and there is some micro-change. In the heart, Ye Tang is now in the heart.

Lu Yichen was originally desirable to find Dora. As a result, Yan Lingqiu said in front of him. He heard Yan Lingqiu said his clothes soil. So, if she said, she can know the intention of Yan Lingqiu. .

And look at the face of the people around, it seems to have a little role in Yan Lingqiu.

"Hey, you don't know, I seem to have no characteristics, but it, this is the Ye Tang character to do it, you should also pay attention to my big belly, pregnant women and The child is fragile. I am doing this piece of clothes, but the famous designer is doing with special fabrics. This value can be measured with money only. "For the irony of Yan Lingqiu, there is no fear in Lu Yichen. The clouds of the clouds indicate that their clothes are made because of the fabric chosen for pregnancy, is a famous designer.

Yan Lingqiu said that there was a little embarrassing in the heart, but it was more annoyed, but she did not show it.

Not only is the Yan Lingqiu, but also people around them have suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be like this, but this can't blame me, I am unmarried, how do you know so much about pregnant women." Yan Lingqiu said that there is no angry.

"Nothing, one day you will know, I can't talk more now, I have seen my friend, I am going to find her, you will be able to say it." Lu Yichen didn't care. .

Lu Yichen saw Chi Yu left Dora, now Dora, just a person standing on the other, I want to go to her.

Yan Lingqiu is very difficult to talk to the morning, and she also wants to know something about the World Enterprise Group in the mouth of Lu Yichen, so how can she leave it in the morning.

"Don't worry about your friend, now there are so many people here. Don't you communicate with me?" Yan Lingqiu looked around and deliberately said.

Lu Yichen frowned, I don't know why Yan Lingqiu left himself.

"Yes, yes, I didn't know you, this is not right, I know some things about you, I don't know you, hello, I am a Korean Group's Second Miss Han Minxi." Standing in Yan A girl around Lingqiu said.

"My name is Lu Yichen, the president of the World Group Group, the wife of Ye Tang." Lu Yushen is polite back.

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