"OK, I am just like this, then we have decided this now, yes, now, now, it's okay, or let her have played a game in the morning, and their achievements are also betting. "Ye Tang said with a little calculation. "OK, I agree." Chi Yu did not know that Ye Tang has now dug a pit, let him jump.

I heard the words, Ye Tang called Lu Yichen, and Chi Yu also called Dora, telling them two people to set the gambling, three games, and lost people responsible for the psychication of the rampant Yan Lingqiu Best.

"Well, I agree, but I am not very good." I heard that I want to use Yan Lingqiu to bet, Dora is bound to be together.

"It doesn't matter, you can only believe in me, I will let Ye Tang have a good to break down my ball skills." Chi Yu said a little more complacent.

Duo took the mouth and felt that Chi Yu came to talk, and arrogant.

"Okay, don't be proud, otherwise, you have time to cry." Dora did not believe.

Seeing Dora, I didn't believe in myself. Chi Yu is a little anxious. I am sure to let Dora a look at my own play.

For your own technology, Chi Yu can be very convinced, he doesn't know how long the Snooker table is playing, the ability is similar to the professional player.

"Ye Tang, I want to play today, I want to let Dora see my own technology, actually doubt it to me." Chi Yu is not happy, there is a little arrogant.

"The line is row, you will be free." Ye Tang didn't care about it.

Wen said, Chi Yu did not hesitate, he began to take the ram to play.

Chi Yuyi kicks him, he will hit the red ball directly. When I was playing the ball, I didn't give Ye Tang. He didn't have a little mistake, so it was directly hitting a game.

I didn't give the chance of the Ye Tang take the opportunity to see the chance of the Ye Tang, and I didn't know how Ye Tang's ball is. .

"You look at it, this is the strength, you still don't believe me, now you can believe me, I said, I have a super good." Chi Yujiao's picking Say.

Dora helplessness, a start Dora is indeed a stunned to be amazed by Chi Yu's ball skills, but why is it a beautiful feeling directly?

When I saw Dora, Chi Yu thought that Dora is definitely being broken by his charm, and smiling, and deliver the rod to Ye Tang.

Now Chi Yu will not know that Dora heart is about to abandon him.

"Hey, I just didn't care, where I knew that I finished the ball directly, harming you, there is no chance to play." Chi Yu said.

Ye Tang seems to be a taught, now Chi Yu's look is really awkward, but Ye Tang still plan to let Chi Yu know, he is also the ability, good face. .

Ye Tang took the club and began to seriously played the ball. Ye Tang is also like Chi Yu, directly open to the end, no chance to give Chi Yu.

Seeing Ye Tang and himself, Chi Yu is stupid.

I finished the ball, Ye Tang picks up the eyebrows to look at Chi Yu, I am hitting, "You see, you are so good, you don't put my charm, and put away your appearance now. The expression. "

Recently, Ye Tang has a little suppression. Now Ye Tang actually started a joke, there is nothing wrong with Lu Yichen and Dora.

Chi Yu is also a little bit. He before because he didn't believe that Ye Tang will play directly to him. He is now shocked by Ye Tang's different paintings.

"Ha ha ha, you are going to laugh at my rhythm, you talk about what medicine you have to eat, actually will joke." Chi Yu, who returns to God, hilarious.

"Okay, you don't laugh, now I am a flat, then I have to watch the morning and Dora, when you lose, don't say anything." Ye Tang calm Say.

"The line of behavior, I know, I won't matter."

"Right, in the morning, will you try the Snooker tableball, I don't seem to have seen this game." Chi Yu thought that there was no morning in the morning, so he asked Lu Yichen.

I heard Chi Yu asked myself that I would not fight, Lu Yichen but laughed, did not say anything with Chi Yu.

Because Lu Yu did not speak in the morning, Chi Yu thought that there will be no Snicnoke table ball in the morning, and the calm decision of Lu Yichen is the default.

"Okay, do you want to teach Dora again, I am afraid that you will lose." Ye Tang smiled.

I don't know why, Chi Yu has a strange feeling, and the crisis in my heart rises.

"The line of travel, anyway, now I am still early, then I am teaching Dora, you can practice well in the morning." Chi Yu thought about it.

Wen said that there is still no saying in Lu Yichen, and Ye Tang went to the sofa to sit.

Seeing Lu Yichen's leisurely and not worried, Chi Yu is doubtful, but he didn't think much, seriously taught Dora for a long time.

"Okay, we have no problem now, now you can start the game." Chi Yu felt that when the Dora was really nice, he quickly called Ye Tang and Lu Yichen.

"You will start first, as a morning sister, the sound of your mouth, you have to give you a face." Lu Yichen laughed.

"Then I will not refuse, I just take this opportunity to see my own level." I heard that Lu Yichen would let myself kick, Dora is not refused.

Lu Yichen nodded, showing the ball, so Dora started playing.

Dora first rushed to the red ball directly, Chi Yu took the hand, "Not bad, it's not bad, I have taught, there is my style, then I can play again."

Dora did not return to the late Yuyu, seriously looked at the ball you want to play next.

Dora's second pole and the third pole have never been wrong, but when she arrived, she had a mistake, and she had to give the site to Lu Yichen.

"Nothing, I tell you, you have already played very well, I am more than you are learning," I have a little frustrating, and Chi Yu quickly opened comfort.

"Nothing is fine, I just think that I have just be good, but actually temporarily mistaken, there is a little refusal." Dora returned.

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