Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 449 Employee Request to Party

Hanging at the phone, Ye Tang returned home, he didn't tell Lu Yushen in the evening, Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang did not wear a coat, his heart was confused, and because she is now a pregnant woman, she is super sensitive, Ye Tang has a little doubt. On the dinner table, Lu Yichen always wants to say, I want to ask Ye Tang's outer set, but she saw that there is no expression of Ye Tang's face, she has to press my own doubts.

For the idea of ​​Lu Yichen, Ye Tang did not know, working for a day, then encountered Yan Lingqiu and Shenman's things, so he did not have any energy to see Lu Yichen, and he wiped her mind.

Ye Tang has always thought about our company and Shen Men's company contract, and Lu Yichen is a thing that has been thinking about, and two people eat everything.

The next morning, Chen Feng came back, see Chen Feng and the secretary-age, intended to prepare a party to Chen Feng.

In fact, they will have such an idea to rise, before the company happened, everyone is panicked, now it is very quiet, they also need to celebrate, so some people put forward a party thing.

It is recommended that employees have supported it.

"Okay, then we got a party at night, when I came to you." When I saw the people around him, Chen Feng was smiling.

"Things are the case, but the president is not coming? If there is no president, the party is not fun." Xiao Li touched the Pakistan and said with a badly smirk.

"For the right, if there is no president, the party is not passionate."

"Yes, I have been working for so long, the president should also ask us to pick up, Chen Feng is not as president, please contact the president?"

"Okay, I will say it, but the president doesn't go to me, there is no way." Seeing them noisy, Chen Feng did not say anything, helplessly smashed a little Li, giving him in his heart Remember a pen.

Everyone started, let Chen Feng quickly got to find Ye Tang.

Shake the head, in everyone's kindness, Chen Feng walked into the Ye Tang's office.

"President, now the Secretariat is strongly demanding to meet, want you to go together, what is your meaning?" Come to the office, Chen Feng did not hesitate, and said it directly.

"That's going, recently the pressure is quite big, you can relax and relax. It is also possible, when you let them directly set the place, we can go directly, and the account is on my head. "

When I heard something going to meet, I didn't think about it, I just agreed.

"That, I will go out and talk to them now." Chen Feng nodded.

Chen Feng leaving, Ye Tang wants to think, giving a call in Lu Yichen, informing her to meet at the evening, wanting her to come together.

"Forget it, you will play it yourself, I will not go, I am not so busy with pregnant women, I can't let go." I heard Ye Tang to go to meet with himself, and I refused in the morning.

"Well, then you can only eat yourself this evening." Ye Tang said a pity that.

"Where is it is a person, the home is not Li Sister and the child." Lu Yichen picks the eyebrows.

"To right, you are not alone, I am confronted."

"Okay, let's work hard, I am now letting Li Si teach me to weave sweater, I will not tell you." Seeing that I haven't started the needle, there is a little headache on Lu Yichen.

After that, I hang up the phone.

Ye Tang speechless.

I called Lu Yichen, Ye Tang wants to think, call Xiao Li, let him call Shenman.

I heard Ye Tang's phone, Xiao Li had a little doubt, I don't know why Ye Tang wants to call Shenman, but soon he also wants. After all, the company's thing Shen is also helpless, called Shen Xiaoman is also It is not possible.

Time is near to work, everyone is noisy to go to the Xiangxiang Garden Party.

"Okay, you have passed the past, now the president is a little bit busy. It can't be in the past, you will go to order, we will then go, you have to tell Xiao Li, you can tell Xiao Li. "Seeing that everyone is so high, Chen Feng is also touched the horns.

"The line of travel, you can just come over, you will wait for you to wait for you." Xiao Li haha ​​laughed.

Chen Feng has a little unbelievable, does not speak, turn around, and find Ye Tang.

Everyone talks about the departure of the company, goes to the Xiangyuan, just when everyone left, Shen Man received a text message of Yan Lingqiu, and she had to keep up with most teams.

Shen Men: What are you going to do.

Yan Lingqiu: Where are you now, come over, I have to see you.

Shen Men: I have no time now, what do you can say in SMS.

Yan Lingqiu: Okay, you seem to be my previous words, you didn't put it on your heart, if you don't want to have an accident, then you are best to come here.

Shen Man: I really don't have time now, the company is now going to the Xiangxiang Garden party, I don't stay away.

Yan Lingqiu: Ok, then you are now, I am waiting for you in the parking lot.

Shen Man frowned, I really don't know what Yan Lingqiu is looking for yourself, but she has no courage to refuse.

Shen Man: I know, I will go now.

Seeing SMS, Yan Lingnu nodded.

Shen Man looked around and found that there was no one, she left the company.

She had to leave, Chen Feng and I saw her ghostwhere left take care of the office, and doubtful.

"President, what do you say that Shen Mun is doing? Just clearly told them to let them go in advance, now she is still here."

"I don't know, let's take a look." After Chen Feng reminded, Ye Tang saw Shenman's behavior and a little strange, and there was also a little curious.

I heard Ye Tang to track Shen Man, Chen Feng did not say anything, nodded. So two people carefully followed the back of Shenman.

Two people followed Shen Man to discover her to go to the parking lot, looked at the surrounding, did not find any acquaintance, Shenman, knocked the window of Yansing Autumn.

When I saw Shen Yuan, Yan Lingqiu opened the door and came out.

"What do you do? I am still meeting here. I don't know if you are in danger, can you have a slow down?" Shen Mun saw Your Lingqiu and complained.

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