Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 4th hundred fifty-third lady's suspicion

Ye Tang is drunk, returning to home, there is still not sleeping in Lu Yichen, seeing him back, frowned, speechless. Take a picture of his face, but there is no point to react, Lu Yichen helpless, but let Li Jie go to cook a tea.

Ye Tang Hao's drink, wake up soup, slept, helpless, but there is no way to say no matter him, so she has to take care of Ye Tang.

"Mrs., otherwise I will help you, you are now tall with big belly." Seeing that Lu Yichen is going down, Li Sister reminded.

"No, I can go, you will go to sleep, wait for the child to see you, she should cry." The sway, refused Li Jie's kindness.

After a few days, Li Jie also knew Lu Yichen's nature, so she didn't say anything, and she returned to her room.

I raised the water, I returned to the room, and I really gave Ye Tang face, rub the neck, I originally wanted to give him off, but I found that I have no way to do so much.

"Ye Tang you wake up first, I can't help you take off, you take off."

Ye Tang was fascinated and opened his eyes, and his hands were stupid to take his coat, and then fell to sleep.

Lu Yichen helpless, I had to help him take off the shoes and socks, take care of him, see Ye Tang sleeps well, and now there is still a large stock of wine in Ye Tang, because the reason for pregnancy, so she can't stand it, so she I didn't sleep with Ye Tang, I went to study.

The next morning, because of the reason last night, she didn't get it in Ye Tang got up.

In the mouth of Li Jie, Ye Tang also knew that Lu Yichen took care of him for a long time, came to the study, kissed her forehead, this only went to the company.

I woke up in the morning, I didn't see Ye Tang, and I know that he should go to the company. I didn't say anything. I came to the room. I plan to take the jacket that Ye Tang changed last night to wash.

When I came to the room, when I gave Ye Tang, I heard the fragrant flavor on my clothes, wrinkled, I didn't doubt anything, I didn't care, because I said Ye Tang and she said, I want her and myself. Going together to gathering, the fragrance should be that Ye Tang is not sticky at the party.

There is not much thought of Lu Yichen, just took the clothes, Li Sister was washed.

However, when Li Siqing washed, it found two long hair in two lanes.

"Mrs., you look at this, I saw a long hair with you in my clothes." After the long hair, I didn't hesitate, I took it out, I took it out. The morning.

During this time, Li Sister and Lu Yichen are very good, plus the reasons for the daughter in Lee's home, so she has already taken Lu Yichen as a half daughter, so she is seeing the hair in the Ye Tang clothes. When she hurriedly found her.

Lu Yichen was still looking at the book. As a result, he heard the words of Li, wrinkled, and there was a little sour in his heart.

After reading the hair that Li Jie's handed over, there was a little unclear in the heart of Lu, but she did not show it.

"This should be accidentally getting up. You don't worry." She also knew that Li Jie told her that I was worried about her, so she didn't care about it.

"Mrs., don't blame me for a lot of mouth, now there is a little more, and you can't meet him in some respects now, I think about you, you have to pay attention to it."

"But it, but things I think. After all, Mr. is well known, I think you should talk to gentleman, and you should do something now." Li Jie also Knowing that she should not say so much, but she is can't help but tell the Lu Yichen.

I heard the words, there was a little uncomfortable in Lu Yichen, because it didn't have a husband and wife for a long time because of the cause of the child.

"I know, you should go first, I want to think about it myself." Lu Yichen endured his heart, faintly said.

I saw that Lu Yichen's face was not very good. Li Jie did not continue to say anything, I had to turn around and said.

After Li Jie left, Lu Yichen picked up the hair, and she seriously got it. I don't know why, she felt that this hair was a bit familiar, but she couldn't think of it.

Put the hair in the trash can, continue to read the book in the morning, one word in the book, I can't see it, the hearts of Li Jie just said, and she also thought that she asked the perfume asked in Ye Tang jacket this morning. Flavor, my heart is even more irritated.

The heart is depressed, helpless, there is a book in the morning, pick up the phone, dialed Chen Feng's phone.


"I am not looking for Ye Tang now, I want to ask you something." Lu Yichen stared at the trash can, and his face was not very good.

Hope, this is really what I think too much.

"Well, then what do you want to ask?" Chen Feng quickly stopped the action in his hand, asked the color.

"That, aren't you gathering last night? I want to know what happened in the party?" Asked Lu Yichen.

I heard that Lu Yichen asked last night, thinking she was because Ye Tang returned to her back last night, so he had to answer his old man.

"Yesterday, we just gathered together, did not happen, the president also drank some wine, so I went late."

In order to don't want to think more in the morning, Chen Feng did not say Shenman's things, but because Chen Feng did not say Shenman's thing, this caused her heart to burn a suspicion.

After listening to Chen Feng's explanation, Lu Yichen was relieved, but she still had something uncomfortable.

"OK, I know, then I will not bother you, you have a good job, what's what I am calling you." I know what I want to know, there will be no continuing to continue with Chen Feng in Lu Yichen. what.

So two people hang up the phone.

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