Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 469 Shenman's reminder

"What happened? Is there anything uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Ye Tang worriedly said. "I am fine, I just can't get it, so I want you to help." I heard Ye Tang cares himself, her heart is more uncomfortable.

I think of Yan Lingqiu's plan, she is a little worried about Ye Tang, although Yan Lingqiu said many things don't tell her, but she is not a stupid, she can know what is the bad thing to do now.

"What do you want to take?" Knowing that Shenman is not a body uncomfortable, Ye Tang Song has a breath, slowly asked.

"That is the one book." Shen Man said that he said.

Ye Tang turned and returned to Shenman's side, smelling his heart, biting his teeth, a decision.

Forget it, it's, anyway, you have reminded him before, and there is no matter once, as long as he doesn't matter.

Ye Tang took something and handed it to Shenman.

I took anything, holding a fist, "Ye Tang, you believe in me, you must be well careful about Yan Lingqiu, she really will not let you and Lu Yichen."

Shen Man still can't help but remind Ye Tang.

"Really, I will not lie to you, please believe me, you have to be careful, she is not the previous Yan Lingqiu, she can't get my own purpose, she will not stop, I can only and You said so much, you just believe, no matter what, I will not harm you. "

I am afraid that Ye Tang does not believe in what they said, Shen Hao has to add a few words.

I heard Shen Mun, saying that Ye Tang's heart has an idea. He is more believed in, and Yan Lingqiu is a knew that his breakthrough should be on her.

Although Ye Tang has a thought, he did not show it, it was unresponsible, and "What happened now," What happened now? You said with me before, you said that she just said prison The thing will change the temperament. Is it related to this matter now? "

Shen Man shook his head, she didn't know what to say, and even if she knew she would not say, the Qing Dynasty is dangerous.

"You don't ask again, I can only tell you so much now, as long as you believe, now Yan Lingqiu is really dangerous, she is really dangerous."

Ye Tang wrinkled frowned, and his face didn't care.

When he didn't care about himself, Shen Man had a little anxious, and it is emphasized. "You have to believe me, now the Yan Lingqiu super danger, if you don't have anything, you don't want to face it, I I am afraid that you will suffer, and you will let Lu Yichen don't want to provoke her in the past few days. If you accidentally meet her, it will ignore it. Don't hurt her, it will die very bad. "

I heard the words, Ye Tang was placed in the heart, but his face was still light, nothing care.

"Why don't you believe me? I really will not harm you, you have to prevent her." Shen Man was eager to smash, and I didn't believe in my upset for Ye Tang.

"I also want to believe in you, but just let me say, how do you believe in you, if you say something is some substantive meaning, I will believe it, but you just make me believe you. Let me be careful about Yan Lingqiu, I also have a little helpless. "Ye Tang intended.

Shenman flashed a panic, but it quickly returned to normal.

"Maybe I don't believe, however, you should also know the relationship between Valley and Yan Lingqiu, even for the valley, she will also deal with you, I hope you don't take my words as the ear, I just I can say so much with you, I don't know if there are things. "Shen Man did not let me say more.

Ye Tang nodded, "Okay, I don't believe you, I will be careful, you should be careful, she is now doing you now, you can not be stupid. One person went to see her, the previous thing is not because I am around, what do you do? "

Shen Man is embarrassed, the next consciousness does not want Ye Tang to know Yan Lingqiu bully her things, "the previous thing is just a misunderstanding, she is not often like me, that is the first time, I will definitely."

Ye Tang did not say that he and Chen Feng also saw Yan Lingqiu to kick her foot, there is a little helpless. "Anyway, you are careful, just like you said, now Yan Lingqiu is not The previous Yan Ling is autumn, so be careful. "

Shenman nodded and screamed himself.

"Well, I will not talk to you, I have to go back to the company." Looking at the time, I know that I have a lot of time in Shenman's home, he should return to the company.

"Then pay attention to safety on your way." I know that Ye Tang has something, Shen Man is still not good, let go.

After leaving Ye Tang, Shen Man is still unfuditive, walking in the living room, picking up the mobile phone wants to call Ye Tang, but it is afraid that he has been speaking in front of him, he will be annoying. I can't do it yourself.

"Forget it, Ye Tang is not vegetarian, a Yan Lingqiu is definitely dealt with, you don't worry, you have reminded him."

Although it is said, but Shenman is still anxious, "But his expression is obviously not listening to me, ah, tangled me."

I have been thinking about it for a long time, Shen Man is still unfamed, think about it, or give Ye Tangfa a text message.

"Ye Tang, I know that you may not believe what I said, but I still want to remind you again, I hope you can listen to this time."

"Now Yan Lingqiu is really super danger, you still have a good color to prevent her, you don't think I am in a glamorous, I won't lie to you, and if I want to do something, I will Will not remind you, you must listen to me, don't care, don't care. "

"Well, I have to say this, I don't know if I don't know, you don't bother you well."

After the text message has been sent, Shen Man is looked at the electric lights who have just changed their own, and believe that what I have just doing is not wrong.

Here, when Ye Tang returned to the company, he received a text message from Shen Man, so that he was carefully prepared in this period of time.

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