Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 465th chapter of the first morning is angry

Seeing Lu Yichen came in, Ye Tangxin deficiency, hurry up, I don't know what to say. Seeing Ye Tang's look is very rushing, frowning, a strong feeling from his heart.

"President, do you have anything to do?" When you don't know how to explain with Lu Yichen, Chen Feng came in.

"Well, then, you will take this first." Wen Yan, Ye Tang knows that Chen Feng is here, so he will give him a document on the desk.

Chen Feng nodded and took the document.

"Why is Chen Feng to stop me? You didn't do anything to me in the office." Picking the eyebrows, asked Lu Yichen.

"No, you don't think about it, how can I do something to do.

That's right, you won't do anything to the morning, otherwise I will conquer you now, but there is nothing, wait, ... Shen Man silently hits bad ideas.

Lu Yichen did not believe, because she saw a handbag on the sofa, she thought that Ye Tang directly g and her to tell her truth, she wouldn't, but now Ye Tang didn't, she might not angry.

Although she is angry, she did not show it, she didn't know anything.

"Then what did you do just now? I don't believe that Chen Feng will stop me. Today, you are not explaining explaining, um, you know mine." Semi-threats in Lu Yichen said.

Ye Tang, I will give you a chance. If you tell me tell the truth, I will not say anything, it will not be angry, but if you don't grasp this opportunity, you let me believe you, say good What do things will not lie to themselves.

Now Ye Tang will not know that there is a chance to give him a chance in his heart.

"I just finished the document, you also saw it, just Chen Feng took out, the document had a little urgent, I have to have a good handle, maybe Chen Feng is afraid that you are bothering me, so you don't want to stop you. I am angry, I will wait for him, let him not stop you in the future, what do you want to do in the company, what you want to go, "Ye Tang Ye dodge, did not dare to see Lu Yichen The eyes are deliberately turned over the desktop.

"You said true, if you see you again, you don't want to hit me, I am not the kind of person who is unreasonable, as long as your reason is sufficient, I will not say anything, nor will it I am angry, but if you really deceive me, then I don't know where I can believe in you. "I heard Ye Tang didn't tell the truth, Lu Yichen is more uncomfortable, but there is no It is expressed, but continues to be fun.

"I really don't, how can I lie to you, you don't know me, I don't have any places to lie to you, you can rest assured." When I heard Lu Yimi, Ye Tang Xinli is more nervous, I want to put it. Shen Man told her in the office, but Shen Man pulled his trousers, shakes his head, indicating that he don't want to say, helpless, Ye Tang has only continued to hick.

"Well, then we can go to eat now? Do you have to handle it?" Lu Yichen is really a little uncleary, I have given Ye Tang, she has given Ye Tang two chances. However, he is not to grasp, it was originally desirable to break out, but when she thought, she said that he would believe him, would not think about it, helpless, she had to say anything.

"Now I may have something, you will go to the restaurant, I will wait for me, I have been in the past." Shen Man is still in his own office, so he has to refuse.

Tightly holding fists, trying to restrain your disappointment.

"I will finally ask you again, do you have anyone else in your office? If you don't say, I will not give you any chances." Looking at Ye Tang, he said that there is no expression.

I haven't said that Ye Tang still said, "I really don't, I have something to be busy now. Now I have gone to eat, let's go to eat together."

In order to transfer the attention of the land, Ye Tang has only to say that I have to eat in the morning.

Lu Yichen felt the perfunctory of Ye Tang, the face is getting better and less, she asked several times, but Ye Tang did not admit it, before, I went to the restaurant to wait for him. Now, in order not to ask yourself, Actually with yourself, all this has to let Lu Yichen think, she is really no patience and Ye Tang playhaw.

Lu Yichen low, thinking about why Ye Tang wants to lie to himself, but at the moment she lowered, she saw the property transfer book on the table, and she just had Shenman's name, she was even more unclear.

Before Shen Man looked at the transfer, she got directly to the desktop, so I saw it directly in the morning.

Ye Tangshun has a gaze of the morning, and saw the transfer book of his desktop, his heart is uneasy, and the urgent explanation arrives. "You don't misunderstand, things are not what you think."

"Oh, not what I think, then you talk about what this is, don't you say that you are dealing with the file? How do you deal with this one, Ye Tang, you don't think I am a fool, you have previously Said that I won't lie to me, but do you dare to say that you don't have a little lie inside today? "Lu Yichen was laughed.

The heart is really painful. I have already asked so many times, but you are not telling yourself. Do you really don't know much, you should be cheated, or you are already tired now. ?

Just a few idle gears, the heart of Lu Yichen is already a seven turn.

Ye Tang frowned, and he didn't know her, but now things have been like this. He has no way to refute, Zhang Zhang Zhang, can't say anything.

"I have no patience, huh, huh, huh, Ye Tang Ye Tang, do you think I am a big fool, live this to be concealed once again." The tone is a little bit, I feel my heart The person lost directly in the cold.

Ye Tang bowed, "I, I," I found that I am thinking about it.

Shenman who hid under the table saw that Lu Yichen and Ye Tang contradictory, happy heart.

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