Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 468 exposes its nature

"Okay, your shredded paper on your hair is already, now you need to clean the office, you go to the other side, I will have it." Looking at the shredded paper on the ground, Shen Man helpless . "Forget it, this will not have trouble, wait a aunt to clean up." I heard Shen Man also wanted to change the wolf left in Lu, Ye Tang shook his head and refused her.

"Today's things are enough, I am sorry, how can I still let you sweep, things you don't have it." Ye Tang said with a jealous.

"Well, but, since you said that today's things are tired, shouldn't you compensate me? You just said, you will ask me to eat." Looking at the time, now it is now After the meal, I said that Shenman smiled.

Ye Tangyi, also knows that he wasted too much time, nodded, "That line, now you should eat, then we together?"

Wen said, Shen Man is happy, and the urgency agrees, so two people left the office.

Because I don't know what happened in the office, Chen Feng worried, I have been waiting at the door of the office, I saw Ye Tang and Shen Man came out, hurry up.

"Is there anything happening? I saw that the wife of the wife rushed away." Chen Feng asked.

Ye Tang hit a look to Chen Feng, indicating that he had time to make it clear and nodded, and smell himself.

"Forget it, what is wrong, it is not that I should worry now, I will go busy first." Chen Feng shook his head, seems to really feel too much.

Shen Man is still eating in an urgentity and Ye Tang, putting a hand, and hurriedly pulling Ye Tang left.

Looking at the back of two people, I don't know why, Chen Fengxin is getting more and more strong, he has a little regret to let Ye Tang to buy Shenman.

"I don't have to work this afternoon. My car is still in the company. I can only trouble me." On the dinner table, Shen Man suddenly remembered that they didn't work in the afternoon, I want Ye Tang. Send yourself home.

"Well, since you are coming out with me, how can I not send you home? I will send you back." For Shenman's requirements, there is no refusal.

"That's thank you." My purpose reached a smile in Shenman's sweetness.

In the car, I looked at Ye Tang, who was seriously driving, I couldn't help but I couldn't help it in Shenman.

"Ye Tang, do you think that there is a little hot on the car, do you open the air conditioner?" Seeing Ye Tang Jingzhuang body, swallowing the throat water, I want to start to seduce him.

Ye Tang didn't know that Shen Man had to seduce himself, thinking that Shen Man was a little dull in the car in the car.

"I see, there is no problem with the air conditioner. You are fine now? Is there anything uncomfortable." Ye Tang has a little nervous look at Shenman.

Well, I am now uncomfortable now, I have to solve it.

Shen Man is in mind.

"I don't know if I think it is a bit of depression. You don't have to take me, you will open your car." Shen Yuan deliberately eyebrows, with a ruddy.

Seeing Shen Mun, Ye Tang thought she was sick, lifting the hand on her forehead, but there is no problem, the heart is confused, I want to collect my own hand.

Shenman directly grabbed his hand, smashed on his back, looked at him with a porn.

Seeing Shen Mun, Ye Tang didn't know what she wanted, not to seduce him.

The heart is cold, I will pick up my hand back, I want to get angry, but I think about her, I want to know what I want to know, he presses yourself unhappy.

"You have no problems now, you are sitting, I have to drive." Ye Tang said.

Shen Man thought that Ye Tang took back his hand and he was angry. After all, she was so exposed to him, but things were unexpected, and Ye Tang did not be angry. After the heart took this idea, Her heart is ecstatic, I feel that Ye Tang must have a little feeling for her, no way, she is so fascinating.

"Well, I don't bother you, you drive." Shen Muan was happy.

I nodded, didn't look at her, An An quiet driving, and Shenman did not give up, continue to make a happiness.

For Shenman's first posture to seduce yourself, Ye Tang is indifferent, frowning, asking, "Do you not feel uncomfortable, if you don't feel comfortable, I will send you to the hospital now."

"Nothing, I am, just, how do you say? I just have a little boring, I don't bother you." I heard Ye Tang to send himself to the hospital, Shen Man is not calm, quickly resting. .

I saw that Shenman no longer did something to seduce her move, Ye Tang did not say anything.

At Shenman's home.

Shenman got off the bus, holding his arms, showing a big smile, "You have already opened the car, do you want to sit on, I will give you a pot of tea."

I heard Shen Men invited to sit at home, Ye Tang may not know what she wants to do, not to turn himself to her bed.

Ye Tang Xinzhong satirized, deliberately turned to close his door, laughing against Shenman irony.

Seeing Ye Tang's movements, Shen Man thought he was sitting at home with himself, and he was a little excited.

But she is destined to be disappointed, who makes her not see Ye Tang's laughter.

Ye Tang transferred, euphemistically refused, "No, now there is something to go back to deal with it, you also know, I have had the meeting in the morning, I should go back to handle it, next time, I have time to sit in next time. "

I heard Ye Tang said, Shen Man did not continue to say that he was sitting up, anyway, he said that he had the opportunity to come again, it is not anxious.

"That, I know, I will not bother you now, you will go back to the company first." Shen Mi said.

I nodded, Ye Tang joined the bus.

"You can't drive on your road." Shen Man couldn't help the opening.

Open the window and looked at Shenman, returned, "I know, you will go in, remember to go to work tomorrow."

I heard it, I got some nods, and then Shen Mang waved, so Ye Tang will drive away.

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