Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 470th chapter sells Yan Lingqiu

I am sighing, I want to go home, but he suddenly thought of the documents that had just been watching in her face, I have been a bud. "Don't be right, things are definitely not what I think so simple, think about it, just see what I have seen on the document." Caught the hair, Shenman's irritability.

"Right, I seem to see the name of Li and Europe, right, I saw it." Shenman now has a little lifetime, knowing that he is not harvest.

The Lio Group is the opponent of Ye Tang, usually likes to do it with the World Enterprise Group. Now that Yan Lingqiu is about their documents in his own hands, it is certain to explain that the relationship between their two companies will not be so simple.

I feel that I have a thing I can't know, Shen Man has not hesitated, and quickly go to the company.

Although Shenman wants to tell Ye Tang, she doesn't want to tell him like this, shoot her face, revealing a bitter, expression, this is awkward, I will enter the company.

Shen Mang was put on the company, just when she wanted to find Ye Tang, Ye Tang saw her.

"Shen Mun? Are you not working this afternoon? How did you come over? Look at your expression is not very good." Seeing Shenman appeared in the company, Ye Tang is a little surprised.

"I just met with Yan Lingqiu. I didn't know any news in her mouth, I feel very useless." Shen Man said.

"Oh, it's okay, if you are so simple, you can set your news in her mouth. The news is definitely worthy of useful value." Seeing Shen Man mood is not very good, Ye Tang comforted two sentences.

"I know, I will adjust my own emotions." Yang started, and Chen Man said relaxed.

"Okay, you still go back to rest, your current state can't work."

"Wait, I still have something to say, although I can't come out in her mouth, but I don't have any gains." Shen Man picks his eyebrows, talking with a little excited.

I heard the words, Ye Tangzheng was a face, and there was a little excited look at Shenman. "Then you said, what do you see, you will not treat you."

"When I met the Yan Lingqiu, I saw that she took a document, and the document also appeared in the document, I felt that things were not so simple, you said that it is not what she intends to cooperate with Lio Group. To suppress our company? "Shen Man looked at Ye Tang, and it was worried in his eyes.

Ye Tang listened to the document of the Holland's hands in the hands of Yan Lingqiu, his heart has a certain guess, it seems that Yan Lingqiu is not so stupid, and you know to find foreign aid.

"I know, I will pay attention to the thing, today's things, thank you, or because I may still don't know how to do it, now I have a rough direction, I also know What measures have been taken. "Because the news brought by Shenman has a certain benefit to her, he is now extraordinary and Yan Yue.

"Don't say thank you, after all, our company has cooperative, your company is safe and harmful to our company, this is also my own thing." Shen Man swayed, said.

She helped the Ye Tang thank you, she wanted Ye Tang to pay attention to her, like her, so she is more coming from her goal.

"No matter what you say, thank you, you have helped me a big busy, yes, I didn't say that I would give you a villa at noon today? Now, I will go to your name. "I thought about it, Ye Tang did not want to owe Shenman, so she would have any bad misunderstandings.

Today, I was angry with him, so he didn't want to stimulate her. Now Ye Tang has returned to God. He did not land in the morning. He knew that his mistake was his mistake, or because he intended to take her, she would not be angry.

Moreover, there was a chance to say truth several times before, but he did not grasp. At the beginning, he heard Shen Man said that there was no understanding of the morning, he knew that he did not believe in himself, he did something that she said that she said is true.

However, he has already told Lu Yichen before, there is nothing to look at her, at least not to lie to her, but this is really his fault today, he should not want to avoid yourself.

Shen Mang heard Ye Tang to say that if he told him Yan Lingqiu, he would send a villa to the villa to give himself a villa. She stunned, she didn't need a good villa at all. , Take her now, she wants to buy it? She is from the beginning, she wants to be with Ye Tang, and the president of the World Enterprise Group.

"Don't let it, this is what I don't know, and what relationships do we do, do we need to do it? I tell you that Yan Lingqiu is not wanting your villa." Shake his head, with A hint of heart pain.

"But no matter how I have promised you before, you don't refuse, okay, let me wait for the villa to your name." Ye Tangyi can't discuss the tone.

"That's okay." Shen Man has a little helplessness and impunity.

I nodded and looked at it. I didn't want to say something and Shenman. "That's good, I am going to investigate the situation now, I will not talk more, you don't work now, you can one People strolled. "

"You are busy, I will stay in myself." I heard Ye Tang had something to do, Shen Man is not good to bother him, just let him leave.

Wen said, Ye Tang left.

Looking at the back of Ye Tang, Shen Man is a little disappointed, and the arrival is on the corridor.

After Ye Tang left, I sent a message to Chen Feng, let him see Shen Mun, he can know that she is definitely unhappy from the expressions of Shenman, and he still needs to take advantage of her in the future. I will give you my own news, so he has to let Chen Feng to steady Shenman.

After receiving information, Chen Feng also knows Ye Tang's intended, and quickly came to Shenman's location. As a result, he saw Shenman's lost squat on the railings.

I have gone through the past, and the whispering language asked, "What happened to you? I remember that you have not worked today, why are you here?"

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