Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 481, three people

Dora said, no longer saying anything, no matter the face of Ye Tang, directly helping Lu Yichen left. Looking at the Lu Yichen left, Ye Tang was caught in meditation, no one knows what he is thinking.

Leaving the Shoulder Group, Dora, took the shoulder of the morning, comforted, "a morning sister, you don't be sad, you are not worth it, you are angry, Shenman, a little man, must be laughing behind you. "

I heard Dora, said, Lu Yichen smiled, "Okay, I don't have anything, you don't worry about me, and even if I have anything, you just say Ye Tang, I don't have anything. "

I saw that Lu Yichen smiled, Dora is a point, I don't know, I thought I didn't have in the morning in the morning.

"Do you really have anything? If you have anything, don't you be in your heart." There is something you don't worry about my heart, I want to say.

Dora really did not think that Lu Yichen will unexpectedly recover quickly.

"I am fine, really, yes, why do you appear here?"

"I am coming to send documents. Fortunately, I came over, otherwise I still don't know what happened." Dora is explained.

"Okay, we are not easy to meet, don't say anything unpleasant, or do you want to spend this wonderful time." Lu Yichen didn't want Dora, worrying yourself, but I have to deliver the topic .

"Okay, but we are not good, this is, let it, don't call the morning sister." I touched the Pakistan, said.

I heard the words nodded and called Tang Chenchen.

After Tang Chenchen came, three people talked a day, and then went shopping together.

Tired by shopping, three people went to a café.

"Right, Dora, you know what Jastin's news now, , since I was completed, I didn't see him on TV, one thing I want to see him." I saw the cafe. " There is a photo of your own love beans, Tang Chenchen is squatting on the table, saying.

"That is, I haven't seen him on TV recently, I always feel less." Lu Yichen said unhappy.

"I know that he is there now. Before Chi Yu, he told me before, and he is now busy with his concert, so he is there any time."

"I don't care, I am going to see Fu Gui (Jastin's external number is called Fu Gui), I don't see him, I am afraid that I have to make another love" Tang Chen Chen exaggerated. "

"Hey, now I haven't seen his news now. The fans are all quarreling to see him, but for the consumption, Chi Yu has not let people make his news, you still wait, In a few days, he will appear. "Dora is comfortable.

"I can't wait, I am going to see him, otherwise this, we will go to see what he has, you go to call, ask Chi Yufu, where is it now, then we will kill." Tang Chen Chenxing Chong Chong The proposal road.

So, Tang Chenchen wants to call Yang.

Tang Chenchen just took out the mobile phone, Dora did not let her call, but leaned by her ear, carefully said, "I have something to say to you, don't say wealthy things, wait for me to find One reason shows you to leave with me. "

Tang Chenchen is confused, I don't know why Dora is calling himself.

But she nodded.

In Lu Yichen, there is a little immersed in his own sadness. When she heard two people said wealthy, she thought that she was about to ignore Ye Tang because she was obsessed with it. Ok, it's not the case, she didn't want to bother to Ye Tang, so I didn't pay for him.

In the last thing that happened recently, Lu Yichen felt that he had a little smile, I felt that I would not believe in Ye Tang, I have to have a good time.

Dora saw that Lu Yichen is not good, she knows that she is definitely thinking about the previous thing, so I want to give Tang Chen Chen to a wake up.

"Morning sister, I have something to go to the bathroom, I will not chat with you, I have dealively, and you talk about it."

"Forget it, Morning Morning, you will go with me, I may not do myself alone." Dora is deliberately taken away.

Tang Chen Chen's disliked, I didn't want to see the two people in Lu Yichen. "You are more things, hurry, I have to call Yang."

"I know, it is not to call you a little busy. Are you thinking about me?" Dora was a grievance.

"Okay, you don't have no trouble, hurry, I will wait here." I saw two people playing, laughing in the morning.

I heard the words, Dora lauga said to Lu Yichen, "I know that a morning sister is fine, then let's leave it first."

I saw it nodded in Lu Yichen, so she pulled Tang Chenchen left.

The two people did not go to the bathroom, but went to a place where landing in the morning.

"You said, how do you think about my secret? For what I call me, if you are not good, I explain, I will not let you." Tang Chen Chen deliberately threatened.

"You don't want to hit me, there is an important thing to say to you." Dora is a way.

Seeing Dora is so serious, Tang Chenchen doesn't hit haha, asked, "What?"

"I went to Ye Tang Company today to send documents. As a result, I saw that the morning sister was quarreled with him in the hall. I was quarrel. I asked the staff around, they said that a morning sister accuse Ye Tang marriage I will be derailed, and I don't know what it is, but I think all this is definitely not a hole. "

"I just saw that when you say wealthy, a morning sister was sad, so I would call you out, I tell you, you should be careful when you wait, don't cause a heart to hurt a morning. "

Dora lainded the Ye Tang derailed Tang Chen Chen, let Tang Chenchen must remember not to arise in the morning.

I heard Dora, said that Tang Chenchen directly: "I know, I will not cause her to hurt."

Tang Chenchen told Dora: "Dora, in fact, I have known Ye Tang derailed, I am the first found."

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