Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 522 Ye Tang is coming back

Wrinkled frowned, what kind of person I still know is, and things will definitely don't say like Shenman. After thinking about the matter, Lu Yichen's face slowly slowed down. I thought I didn't worry about Li Jie, I didn't know how to do it.

"Okay, Meng Meng, Xiao Yan did not blame your meaning, not your fault, you don't cry." Seeing Ye Mengcheng cried sadness, Lu Yichen had to comfort.

Wen said, Ye Mengng looked up at the morning, and his tears did not stop.

I saw Ye Meng's tears, helplessly pulled her.

"Okay, don't cry again, Xiao Yan doesn't have time to comfort you, I have to take the child in the room."

Ye Mengmeng knew that the meaning of Lu Yichen, so she didn't cry again.

When I saw Ye Meng Meng, I was relieved to hold the child back to the room.

Seeing the bad face of the child, Lu Yichen's heart corrects, kneading her face, ", isn't you very uncomfortable?"

Thinking of the feelings you just have just, I didn't hold back, Ye said nodded, tears.

Seeing her, there is a more distressed in the morning.

"Okay, now it is fine, you don't cry, otherwise, I will see you, I should not be good."

I heard the words, Ye Ye is like to know the meaning of Lu Yichen, no longer crying, blinking, blinking, looked at her.

Wipe the tears of the child, then came to the computer next to the computer, turned on the computer, and seriously saw the things happened in the living room, and the result was not right.

Angry hit the heart, I didn't hold back in the morning, I didn't have to ask you to ask Shen Mun, but now I can't tell this, because I just went to Chen Meng Meng, she didn't know that she did not see her What did the places and Ye Mengmeng have said something.

Place your child in bed and called Ye Meng Meng.

"Meng Meng, you told Xiao Yan, just that Shen Man is called you to feed the fruit to eat it." Pull the Ye Meng Meng sitting in bed, and asked in the morning.

I nodded, "Yes, she said that she said to eat jelly to children, so I only feed jelly to eat, Xiao, you believe me, I really don't deliberately, I don't know what's like this, I If I know that I will definitely not feed. "

"You don't want to be excited, I don't blame you, I just want to understand the situation." Seeing Ye Mengmeng emotions, patted her shoulders.

I heard the words, Ye Meng Meng eased her mood.

"Then you told Xiao Yan, when Shenman took you to the corner of the corner, she was talking to you when he was arrived, why do you have a baby's mouth." Thinking of just monitoring The scene saw, there is a bit blush, and I asked gloomy.

Ye Meng Meng brows, and quickly told Lu Yichen in the end of all things.

After listening to Ye Meng Meng, I found Xiao Man with my heart, and I can't do it.

How is she dare, this is a child, how can she do this, isn't it afraid of retribution? I thought she was just seeing that she didn't know myself, I couldn't think that she actually dare.

I know that the Truth of the Truth is as if the whole person is in the snow, the heart is cold, she has never thought about Shen Man's heart will so vicious.

I can't press the anger in my heart, let Ye Mengmeng look at the child after she is cold.

Seeing Shenman's face, there is no waiting for Shenman who is angry in the morning to say that there is a slap in the morning.

After Shen Man was dizzy, Lu Yichen was still uncomfortable, kicked a few feet on her body, and she was balanced.

But she is still angry, why is Ye Tang to call Shenman in the past.

Call Ye Tang.

"You'd better greeted me, why do you want to be called Shenman's home." The tone can take the anger of Ye Tang Yan.

"Because the file has a little anxious, then let her go home, that you don't want to be angry." Seeing Lu Yichen's anger, Ye Tang thought she was because Shen Man went home to take the document, not Know what happened behind.

Now Ye Tang has just turned off the plane, I want to be separated from Chen Feng.

"I am not here, Shen Man is coming again today, she said that you call her, and Chen Feng gives her SMS, you said, why do you want to ask her, do you know that I just Bao is to be killed by her. "The anger's questioning.

"I don't know, the people who call it are Dora, why become Shenman." Wrinkled frown, he is also confused.

Lu Yichen Wen Yan, also knows that Chen Feng is wrong, but she is still angry, so he is directly hanging.

After seeing the call on Lu Yichen, Ye Tang looked at Chen Feng around him, saying that there is no expression. "You look at your mobile phone, who you have previously send text messages."

Chen Feng's heart is confused, I don't know why Ye Tang is angry. He took out his mobile phone to see an eye, and he knew bad things.

"Sorry, I used to spend it, I accidentally sent the news sent to Dora in Shenman's mobile phone. Now it is a lot of angry. I will explain it with you." Chen Fengxin said.

Ye Tang did not talk, turn it away.

Chen Feng did not dare to go wrong, so he had to follow Ye Tang.

Ye Tang and Chen Feng rushed back and saw Xiao Man, who was fainting, and they can also think about how angry is in the morning.

"Is there anything now?" Seeing that there was a child who sat on the sofa, Ye Tang did not worry.

"There is no matter now, it is not very good." Just a period of Ye Tang rushed back, Lu Yichen also wanted to be clear, knowing that this thing can't blame Ye Tang.

Even if you hear children, there is no matter, but Ye Tang is still not assured, with the first morning and the child check the body. Leave Li and Ye Meng Meng at home.

Ye Tang completely watched Shenman's eye, Chen Feng shook his head, knowing that he had to be good, so he had to take Shenman to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Ye Tang will complete all things, know that when Shen Man wants to die, he is also a bit of gas to kill Shenman.

Knowing that the child really didn't have anything to go home in the morning.

After they left, Ye Meng was hurtful, and I called Ye En Ming, I hope he can tell you how to do it. Although there is no blame in the morning, she is really uncomfortable in her heart.

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