Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 511, Injection Drug

Seeing Shen Man's look, Yan Lingqiu is brighter, "Do you know? I don't plan to be in this day, but unfortunately, you don't obey, in order to prevent you from making anything bad, I I have to let you wait. "" Right, forget to tell you, my villa is now in the outskirts, there will be no one here, and I have someone come over, my house is very good. "

After finishing, smiling and smiling.

Just when Shen Yuan wanted to do what was going to do, she opened her bag and took out a tube water. Consciously tell Shenman, it is not a good thing.

Seeing Shen Yuan's eyes, Yan Lingqiu didn't plan to tell her what. She now wants to see Shenman to the time of the toxic addiction, thinking that she will see the picture, happy smile .

Yan Lingqiu laughs in Shenman's heart, but the creepy, the restless is more rich.

Here, Yan Lingqiu has already got directly, holding the needle to Shenman, smile, smile, in Shenman's resistance to her drugs.

"Let me think about it, you must now think about what I have for you, I tell you, this is a good thing, I will not be like this, but it's okay, who makes you are my good Friends, such things are not in your body, but unfortunately. "

"Yeah, I will forget to tell you what I will be injected with you. I tell you, what is that, that is new drug, I don't have to be in the autumn of Heiling." Hate, Shen Man is really because she just gives her injection. It is good.

The words of Yan Lingqiu let Shen Man in the ice cave and shocked.

"Why are you so against me, what are you ruined my you know what? That was drugs ah, so you want me to do and hope to die?" Tears, trembling Man Shen said.

"Hahaha, I can't think of this, I will still say this, ruin you? You have already ruined me now, or because of me, will I shouted now? You have betrayed me. You feel that I will be soft, huh, huh, Shen Mun, you stay with me for so long, you should know that I am a person. "I grabbed Shenman's hair, cold voice.

Zhang Zhang said, when you want to say, Shenman's drug addiction is sent, that is a new type of drug, as long as it is a little, she can be addictive.

Seeing Shen Muan into a drug addiction, Yan Lingqiu didn't look at her and left.

Shen Man feels that he is in the same time. It seems that it is the same as a bite, it is uncomfortable, painful, painful, I want to grasp myself, but she is tied, and she can't move.

Here, Yan Lingqiu left the villa, went shopping, bought a piece of clothes in the mall, when she was checking, she was told that the bank card could not be brush.

"It's impossible, you are trying this." I heard my card couldn't be coming out, and Yan Lingqiu's uneasiness rose.

After all the cards were brushed, they didn't use it. At this time, Yan Lingqiu knows, her bank card is limited.

Because Shen Man can't pay money, and the waiter also recognizes that Yan Lingqiu is the black hand of his idol event, so she directly despised the attitude of Yan Lingqiu.

"Really, if you can't afford it, don't come over, you don't know what you are thinking now." The waiter said to another person.

Yan Lingqiu is depressed, and it is not close to the waiter. The waiter knows that it is contemptuous, and the mentality explosion.

"What do you say? You actually despise me? Don't you know that the customer is God?" Yan Ling's autumn looked at the waiter.

But the waiter is not afraid of Yan Lingqiu, because she is not a simple waiter.

"Yan Lingqiu, can you still think that he is still a big lady of Tang Tang's Yan's Group? Joke, don't you know that Yan's is now in jeopardizes?" Picking up his eyebrows, saying.

Holding a fist, I want to argue, but she is now recognized by the people in front of them, and the people in front of season is easy.

If she is still the previous Yan Lingqiu, she will definitely go to the past, but she knows what she can't do now, smashing the feet, nothing, and left.

Ji Yumei did not think that he was coming over to experience life. As a result, he met Yan Lingqiu embarrassment, and I couldn't help but laugh.

The Yankue Autumn, who left the mall, hate tooth itchy, when Shenman woke up, told Yan Ling Qi Ye Tang's counseling, Yan Lingqiu hated to Ye Tang family. So she is now thinking about everything you are experiencing but because of Ye Tang and Lu Yichen.

Cold face, back to your own villa, see Shen Man is shocked, frowning, and know that he has no ability to provide drugs to Shenman, thinking about it, intended to lose her in the wild .

But she didn't plan to let her go, I have seen a few times in Shenman because of the toxic addiction, like a dog as a dog in front of his own, and she is happy.

After playing a few times, I saw Shen Man's miserable, Yan Lingqiu did not have to continue torture her meaning, she had already folded enough, and she knew, even if she got her now, her future day is not Will be too good.

I thought here, laughed, got my coma Shenman, I came to the wild, and I didn't have something to hesitate. I didn't be afraid that Shen Man will happen in the wilderness of the wilderness. I will thrown people directly. .

Cold ice glance, I was awkward, I was bent, bent and bend my mouth, I didn't hesitate, just got it directly, and I went straight.

Here, because now things have been completely solved, Ye Tang and Lu Yichen have exceptionally good, two people worn, so they went to the wild with Ye Wei and Ye Meng Meng.

Things don't know, things don't think so simple, they are still too early.

It is because I don't know what I will happen later, they will be happy to go out.

On the road, Ye Hao and Ye Meng Meng giggled, they haven't been so good for a long time.

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