Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 525th chapter Ye Tang's persistence

Lu Yichen struggled for a long time, suddenly the belly pain, she knew that the child is now definitely not good, for the child, she bite the lips. "I do."

After finishing, I just wanted to speak, just wanted to talk, Yan Lingqiu opened, "I want it is not that you simply sorry, you need to be sincere, since you have to apologize, no How can I get down? "

I heard the morning shaking, but I still closed my eyes and slowly squatted.

The heart is in the blood, it is difficult to die, but she must stick to it.

"I know is wrong, I should not appear, I shouldn't grab the heave with you, I regret it now, I hope you can forgive me ..." Say that Lu Yichen really can't say it, flow Tears, heartache is dead.

Seeing Lu Yichen, Yan Lingqiu spit a turbidity. She has always wanted to have been in this morning, and now finally did it.

I know that the inner heart of Lu Yichen is definitely suffering, she has not continued to be a difficulty, anyway, she is now kneeling, and she can destroy her pride next time.

Therefore, Yan Lingqiu did not continue to be a difficult land, pushing food to her, "I don't think it is difficult to get sad today, but I don't know if I will never know. You make me happy, you won't be hungry, and there is, as long as you are obeying, I will not be, if I don't know if you are, I don't know when I am angry. He. "

Listening to Yan Lingqiu threatened, the last morning was scared, whispered, "I know, I will obey."

Seeing Lu Yichen, I left the basement with satisfaction.

Lu Yichen saw Yan Lingqiu left, the hand trembled, I just got the food, like a chew wax, and strive to force my swallow.

Here, I haven't gotten the Ye Tang, who has been on Lu Yichen, I can't, I should say that he is not calm, he knows that he can't panic.

Didn't get news, Ye Tang and other can't go, landing news rewards offering clues to the day of the day of the day, as long as there is a clue, no matter whether it is true, Ye Tang is going to view.

In order to get the money, some people have a bad mind, all the news that are not useful, no matter whether it is true, Ye Tang has not given up, and it has been insisting on Singing money to screen useful information.

Because the useful information is to be filtered, Ye Tang does not drink, see Ye Tang, Chen Feng is anxious.

"President, can you rest? You should see information about the information like this. Since Mrs. Mr., you will not eat, you can't take care of your body, if you don't find Mrs., you will What is going on? Who is at her time. "I am in a hurry, afraid that Ye Tang has not rest.

"I know, but I didn't find the morning one day. I can't wait for me. You don't care about me. I know my own body. You go to see if anyone provides a message." The eyes have never left After the computer, I didn't want to say it.

Seeing Ye Tang is so stubborn, Chen Fengxin is more anxious, "President, you will not be able to do it, you can't do it, you don't have any use of big sea fishing needle, since it chooses Mrs. No, there is no appearance, indicating that she should It is kidnapped. If she is kidnapped, the kidnapper will definitely find you, and there will be news, why do you have to get yourself. "

"Not the same, this time is different, if there is any other purpose, if you have other purposes, I will call me now, but I don't know, I have a thought now, that is, I can't find her, She really will do something. "Shake his head and said painfully.

Seeing Ye Tang, Chen Feng is also not good, but he wants to let Ye Tang rest to rest and go to the clue.

"You don't worry, what big winds in you have never seen it, Mrs. Mr. Ji people have their own days, and there will be no matter what to have, you take a break, then you can't stand it. "

Shake your head, I would like to pay attention to Chen Feng's words, continue to watch the computer.

Chen Feng can't do it, I want to go to Ye Tang's computer. As a result, Ye Tang saw his movements, and his heart was anxious, got a punch.

"You don't move." Tight protect your computer.

Seeing Ye Tang, Chen Feng also knew that he could not stop him at all, and did not have a breath because Ye Tang was fighting him. The Ye Tang drank.

Ye Tang also know that if he didn't drink, Chen Feng definitely had to worry about it, and he did not struggle, drink.

I saw Ye Tang, I also drank milk, loose a breath, and continue to find Lu Yichen.

Because the online wind fire is looking for the news of Lu Yichen, the waiter in the cafe saw the news on the way home, knowing that the person they were looking for is the person who saw it in the cafe. I thought, still contacted it. Ye Tang.

I heard the waiter said that day, she saw Lu Yichen in the cafe. I also checked the address of the cafe. I found that the café and the small restaurant were not very far away. I know that this will definitely be useful. Message, I don't say that I will see the waiter with Chen Feng.

Seeing Ye Tang's downturn, the waiter couldn't help but shake, but soon, he quickly lost his mood.

"You said, what happened to that day?" Looking at the waiter, I expected asked.

"Yes, then I saw her in the cafe, because she was the reason for pregnant women, I can't help but I saw a few eyes. Later, she didn't have long, and a man came in, but he didn't go In front of her, but I handed a note, I also said that people you have to find, I will know what he mean, I don't think too much, I will help. "

"Later, I saw her out. After she went out, the man also followed it, I know is so much, I don't know if there is anything." There is no concealment, the waiter will finish the whole thing. Tell them.

I know useful news, Ye Tang is excited, he knows that the eight-nine-nine people who are tied to the morning should be the man in the waiter.

"Do you know what kind of people look like?" I thought I would ask.

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