Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 527th chapter rescued the land in the morning

The people who saw it were Ye Tang, worried in his heart, but forced yourself calm down. "What are you talking about? I don't know, you are in private houses, you are best to leave me now, or I will have to be alarm." Yan Lingqiu wanted to break away from Ye Tang to grab your own hand, but There is no way at all, so she looks directly and looks at Ye Tang.

"Do you think I have no evidence? I will find it to the door? You are best to tell me where, or I don't know what I will do." Ye Tang said coldly.

"I don't know, don't you understand? Lu Yichen is your wife, not mine, how do I know where she is, you are in a prison, ask me here, I am not your bodyguard Normented people, ghosts know where she is now, you have that idle husband to find me, you are not as good as else to find it else. "Yan Lingqiu is still refused to admit that there is Lu in the morning, Say.

I heard that Yan Lingqiu did not say where there was an early morning. Ye Tang directly became red, cold and ice looked at Yan Lingqiu, and I asked again. "I am asking, where is it in the morning? "

Did not avoid the eyes of Ye Tang Yin, "I don't know, you listen ..."

If you don't wait for Yan Lingqiu, Ye Tang directly hit Yan Lingqiu.

"You'd better gave me an obedience, or I don't mind, you know that my patience is limited." Looking at Yan Lingqiu as looking at the dead, it is full of anger.

Touching another hand, because of her face before, I have been a good and almost wound now, and Yan Lingqiu is not calm, and it will be urgent and ruined. "Your neuropathy I said, I don't know, do you understand people? "

"Oh, now I don't see it in the morning, I see that she is now definitely a dead, wrong, I see her is disgusting you, so I want to leave you, or why did you find her for so long? You haven't found it. You What are you thinking about here now? "

Ye Tang would ignite the anger of Yan Lingqiu, and a slap in the face of Yan Lingqiu injured.

"You are best to tell me what you know now? Don't try to irritate me, and you can't afford it." After finishing, Ye Tang directly pushed her.

The Ye Tang, who was also pushed down, now is still pushing, and the last one of the last one of Yan Lingqiu is gone, and it will be mad.

"Hahaha, I will tell you, I will not tell you, you must not think about her decentralization now, I have not folded enough now, how can I tell you back, you don't know, every time you look She stood in front of the valley, my heart is very happy, is she not proud? Then I will trampled her. "

If you see the Yan Lingqiu, the pupil of Ye Tang is slightly smashed, and it is full of blood and rain. If you want to break the Yellow autumn, but now I haven't known the address of Lu Yichen, he knows her in the basement. , But where he doesn't know where it is in the basement.

"I know that she is now in the basement, she is still safe, what you said is not true, I will not believe you." Wrinkled frown, deliberately stimulating Yan Lingqiu.

"Do not believe, hahaha, I will let you see what she is now, she is in the basement of the backyard, you can go ..." If you haven't finished, Yan Lingqiu knows that he is pit.

I am angry with Ye Tang, saying that it is inappropriately, "you bomb me!"

Set out the location of the basement, Ye Tang does not want to waste when and Yan Lingqiu, I want to quickly rescue the land in the morning.

If you don't pay attention to Yan Lingqiu, I will go to the Lu Yichen. Yan Lingqiu is struggling. She is now reasonable to come back. If Ye Tang has seen the miserable look of Lu Yichen, I can't run.

I know my own price, Yan Lingqiu struggle is even more powerful, frowned, knowing that his time is to be delayed, and I am going to find land, but he is not going to let go of Yan Lingqiu.

The eyes were dark, stopped, and a palm of the Ying Lingqiu's neck, Yan Lingqiu fainted.

I saw a faint Yan Lingqiu, I didn't hesitate to come to the basement.

I looked at the door of the basement. I am in a hurry. Now Yan Lingqiu is also dizzy by him, and I don't know where the key is.

Because I heard the words of Yan Lingqiu, I know that the situation in the morning is definitely bad. He can't wait, look at the surrounding, I saw the iron rod, I got it, and I started to try to hit the lock.

Inside the Lu Yichen heard the movement, Zhang Zhang did not speak, but he didn't say it, the eyelids were more and more heavy, and they didn't want to close the eyelids, but she is really too tired now.

These days, Yan Lingqiu has been torture her, even if she is squatting, there is not much, and the things you get are not nutritious. I have to accept Yan Lingqiu is not a poison. She is now already It is physically and mentally exhausted, and it is the limit.

I haven't waited for Ye Tang to open the door, and I have been dizzy in Lu Yichen.

Ye Tang opened the iron gate of the basement. When I went in, I saw that Lu Yichen was blood on the wall. The heart was painful. It was afraid that she was really a thing. Otherwise, why did he come out when he opened the door? The movement is indifferent.

There is a soft foot, I can't help but sit on the ground.

When I took myself, I went to the side of Lu Yichen. I hugged her. Lu Yichen is still hot now, Ye Tang Xin is surprised, loose a breath, know that there is now Lu Yichen should be fainted.

"Sorry, I am late, I am sending you to the hospital now." Ye Tang took a jealousy.

Ye Tang just took out Lu Yichen and saw Chen Feng who has just arrived.

Chen Feng saw the appearance of Lu Yichen. He also can't bear it. He looked at Yan Lingqiu, who was fainted on the ground. Knowing that she is now a touch of the inflammation of Ye Tang, and she will have it.

"President, you first send a wife to the hospital, I will wait for the Yan Lingqiu to the police." Chen Feng also knows that now, the morning needs to go to see the doctor, her situation looks very bad.

"Don't give it to the police, this time I want to do my hand, you will directly hold her in the basement here." Shake the head and refused.

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