Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 537th chapter of the Tang Chenchen

Xiao An An is also giggling, and it is not confused. The adults on the side saw two children, and I can't help but laughed.

The full moon is beginning to come here, Tang Chenchen and Yang Jing are giving guests, there is no way to entertain them, they have to play with themselves.

When I was teasing, I felt a moist, helpless, I knew that Xiao Ping is urinary pants.

Xiao Ping is basically do not know what he did, still smiling.

Pinching the nose of a small peace, "You, I am playing here, my mother will change the clothes."

After that, I turned around the Ye Tang. "You first help your child change the diaper, I have changed the clothes and come over."

Just when Ye Tang wants to say, Yang Mom came over.

"No need, no one, a big man is not good in public to change the diaper to the child, give it to me."

"Well, then please," I thought about it, Lu Yichen also knew that the Ye Tang under the prevailing in the court was not good. "

After gave the child to Yang Mu, I wanted to change clothes. Ye Tang thought of something to do, and blinking to Tang Chen Chen, leaving with Lu Yichen.

Tang Chen Chen is so laugh, it is clearly the full moon gift of his own daughter. How did it become ..., oh, forget it.

So thinking, she went to see the Ye Tang before looking at the Ye Tang.

I can't do it in my heart, I am not changing clothes, as for coming together.

In this way, Lu Yichen has been accompanied by Ye Tang, and it has been replaced by his own daughter wet clothes.

After changing clothes, I saw the slide in the hall in the lobby recently in the hall, and I was shocked in my heart.

I looked at Tang Chenchen and Yang, I didn't know why they had to do it.

Tang Chen Chen didn't talk, and the words were indicated to Ye Tang.

Ye Tang took Lu Yichen, he said, "This is a surprise I have prepared for you, I hope you can like it. And I love you, I will always be with you, no matter what you do, I will definitely abandoned."

I heard Ye Tang's prostitute love, and Lu Yichen moved. Happy tears.

"I know, I also love you too." After finishing, I took the Ye Tang directly.

The people around them are also a little strange. It is clear that they come over to participate in the full moon. How can I get a look at Ye Tang to give the Lu Yichen table, but they don't care, and they have a palm.

Pull the Tang Chen Chen, "You said that our daughter's good end of the full moon will become now, can't do it, you must make Ye Tang good compensation compensation Xiaoan". "

"Okay, don't care about it, anyway, now full moon is coming to the end." Tang Chen Chen said helplessly.

When Yang Hao wants to say anything, the phone rang, I have to see who I sent a text message.

I saw a mobile phone. As a result, I saw my own assistant to let myself go back to the company's overtime news, things are urgent, he can't say it at all.

"What happened?" I saw Yang's emotion, I was worried about.

"There is nothing, it is now there are things, I have to go back to the company, but I can't open it here. If I have, I am still here, I have passed," I laughed. " Laugh, not awkward.

"If you have anything, go first, I can, then say, my mother is still here? Nothing, the company's things are tight."

When Yang Hao wants to say anything, the Ye Tang was coming over Lu Yichen.

"What happened to you?" Lu Yichen asked curiously.

Yang's eyes are bright, "It's like this, I have to go back to the company to overtime, I am worried that I don't feel relieved in the morning, you also know that my mother is not very good, so you can't stay in the morning this evening. morning?"

"I thought it was what something, I promised you, just I didn't chat with morning in the morning these days, now I will cultivate this opportunity, we will cultivate the cultivation of emotions. Otherwise, I am afraid when you will I replaced me in her heart. "The eyebrows are smile, and I am happy.

Yang, what should I do if there is a good friend who is old like to grab my wife? It seems that I can't play, can't say, online, etc., I am very urgent.

"That's thank you."

When two people were talking, they did not care about their Ye Tang, who was looking depressed. I am very happy that my wife is happy. I want to warm up this evening, why is it destroyed.

I am unhappy in my heart, glaring, Yang, Yang, is overwater.

In this way, Yang has arrived at the company after the banquet.

"You wait, go back, Xiao Ping is staying here, I see Xiao An An and Xiaopingan two people are very good." Looking at the two children looking at each other now, laughing, laughing in the morning The saying.

"No, I want you to go back with me, I don't want to go home I." Ye Tang said.

"Okay, oh, in the morning, I am not tricky at home, and then say, I have promised that Yang has to stay to accompany the morning morning, I can't let go." Looking at Ye Tang, Lu Yichen helplessly said.

I pulled the morning clothes, my mouth, I didn't care about Tang Chenchen standing on the side. I just spoiled to sell, "I am your husband, how can they be more important than me, I don't care, I will want you to be with me. Go back, otherwise, we will take them together with their two people. "

The amount, embarrassing, coughing, looked at Tang Chenchen, touch the nose, pull Ye Tang to go to the side, "You will go back alone, when I promise you, a requirement? I really don't worry, I said, I didn't talk to her in the past few days, I want to chat with her. "

"Well, you have to remember what you have said, don't forget that you owe me a request." I heard that Lu Yichen promised himself a request, Ye Tang Xin is satisfied.

"The line is row, I know, you go back first, now it is not early."

Two people came to Tang Chenchen, and Tang Chen Chen's eyes glanced at the morning, Ye Tang smiled.

In this way, although Ye Tang's vinegar is dissatisfied with his wife, it is not going home, but in the end, it is still a person.

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