Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 542 Company once again caught the crisis

"You should also know the situation in the morning, it is not easy to make it a little, I don't want her to know this time, it is not good, but I can't handle this time. Things, what the big wind before, I haven't seen it. This time I can do it. "I knocked on the desktop. I looked at Chen Feng and my eyes were unsubstable. Know that Ye Tang is because Lu Yichen recently had just improved, and sighed slightly, knowing that he also said that he said.

"I know, then how do you say what is going on now? Time to drag more than one day's loss is more."

Since I can't persuade Ye Tang, then they can only try to minimize the loss.

"Now is the problem of public opinion, you can see if a woman inside, go to investigate her, I feel that things will not be so simple, I have to go to the bar, it has been in the past, now rest Explosing, it is obvious that some people are deliberate, as long as they can solve the behind-the-scenes people. "

"I know, yes, when are you going back? If you have such a big thing, you should go back to sit in the town, otherwise the company will guess, it will be good." I thought about it, said. .

Shake the head, "I still don't want to go back, get the situation in the morning, I will go back, the company's people who chew the ear of the ear will be opened directly, I think our company does not raise eight women. "

"OK, I know, I will go back now, what do you have to call me? You have handled it here, you can deal with it." I can't solve it. " Say.

Potting a nod.

Zhang Zhang Zhang, I also want to let Ye Tang back, but I saw Ye Tang Xinyi has decided, but he can hurry back.

I saw Chen Feng came away and hurriedly left, Lu Yichen is curious, thinking about it, still checking what happened in China, and seeing Ye Tang's gossip event.

When I fell, I immediately worked back, and I explained that Ye Tang drunk back and she explained that he was drunk in the bar, so she knew that Ye Tang was not like this.

However, the mood of the pine is once again downs. The company has a big thing, but Ye Tang still has not returned to China, which makes Lu Yichen, and I feel that I am in striding now.

Ye Hao went to the toilet in the middle of the night, so he was surprised that Ye Mother, taking care of the child, want to go to the water, and see the study is on the light.

The heart is confused, and I walked to the study while holding water.

When I arrived in the study, I saw Ye Tang in the video conference in the study, the busy hand is busy, but also to the employee saying that the measures are arranged.

Want to call Ye Tang first to rest, but see him now overtime, and there are certain people in the side of the video, so Ye Mom is holding his mouth, not letting himself.

I didn't find that I came in Ye Tang didn't find it. I was still busy. Ye Momard hurts her son, just stay with him.

It's hard to get busy, stretch stretch, I saw that Ye Mother looked at himself, helplessness.

"Well, how did you come over, come in, it's not asking." Ye Tang is relaxed.

"You also said, you are still busy this big night, you don't know how to rest, I will feel bad, or because I got up, you won't tell me that you are busy. "Ye Mom blamed.

"I am not busy, now I am busy, nothing, don't be angry."

"Ye Tang, or you want to return to China, you don't have to happen in China, you have seen it, this is so big, do you want to work in the morning? You will listen to the old Mom's persuaded you returned to China. "Looking at Ye Tanglo with green eye bags, Ye Mom really distressed.

"Well, Mom, I can handle it, you don't worry, now it is just a special period, there is nothing in these few days, now it is not too early, you should go back to rest. "I heard Ye Mom also advised himself to return to China, Ye Tang helpless, I want to end this topic.

"Why don't you obey, you talk about how your body is getting better, you still go back, even if you want you." Said, Ye Mom's tears, the tears of Ye Mother Drop.

Seeing your mother crying, Ye Tang is in a hurry, hurry up, "Mom, don't think more, things I will consider, if I really can't go, I must go back. Okay? You don't worry and think more, what kind of hard days I have not seen it, just like this, it is difficult to fall, you don't cry. "

Hand the paper towel to the mother, the heart hurts, there is a little embarrassing, is it wrong?

Just crying in front of Ye Tang, asked Ye Tang to return to China, Lu Yichen saw it.

Today, because I know the domestic matter, she didn't sleep in a turn of sleep, and the result was that there was no Ye Tang around her side, and her heart was worried, she only got up.

As a result, she came to the study of the lamp, she saw Ye Mom looked at the request of Ye Tang Hui.

I don't have a taste, I want to go in and Ye Mom to persuade Ye Tang, but I don't want to put pressure on Ye Tang, helpless, I have to recover the feet that I am going out, sigh, and then look at Ye Tang and Ye Mom, pretending that he did not see, and I didn't know anything in the room.

Ye Tang felt that there was a look at his body and looked at the door, but didn't see anything, his heart was confused, but now he didn't have time.

"Mom, it's not too early. After what is going on? I am tired now, I want to take a break." Seeing Ye Mom took the tears and went back, read a time, slowly said.

I also know that time is definitely not too early, and Ye Tang is also overtaken. I have been very late. I am distressed Ye Tang, and I have not said that he returns to China.

"The line is row, you will go to rest first, I will not bother you, you see you now." Ye Mom said distressed.

I nodded, I left the study with Ye Mom.

I heard the voice of Ye Tang back, lie in the morning, and slept in bed.

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