Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 547th chapter Lu Yichen secretly returned to China

Shake your head, "found it, but she has already abroad, I don't know where she is." "Forget, don't take her, now handle the company's things, you will arrange the news conference now. I have to arrange it this evening. "

"I know, I will arrange it now." I nodded and said.

Open a press conference.

"President of Ye, I heard that you are in marriage now, don't know if this thing is true? Is there any rumor?"

"Just, since you and Lu Yichen reporters married to now, there are of course you have a marriage derailed thing. Before you are, you can be slight, Shenman. Now it is a unknown bar woman. For this thing, what do you have? Can you explain? "

"Just, I heard that the fans of Lu Yichen reporters have been in trouble to give them answers, and they also threaten that you will divorce on the Lu Yichen. You can't help with her, you can explain."


Looking at the reporters, I asked myself, and I went out the previous things, frowned, I didn't want to explain too much.

"Everyone is not a little, I will hold a press conference today to clarify all things."

"I have a good feeling in the morning. I don't have anything derailed. There is also a misunderstanding. I am slightly, Shenman doesn't matter. Shen Man is just my partner's daughter. You don't want to say anything, or when she can't marry it, I am not responsible. "

"It is also a misunderstanding. I love the morning, but in that time, we have encountered some bumps. I have some things I have no way to say, so I will go to the bar to vent my emotions, I At that time, it was just being tied, there is nothing, in order to prevent you from doing not believe me, I have already investigated the situation in these few days, this is her thing. "

After saying, Zhang Feng nodded, indicating that he sent something to the reporter.

After reading the information, the reporter believes that the original thing is just a rumor.

"You don't catch the wind, I have a good feeling in the morning, and I hope that the fans in the morning can understand that in this world, my favorite woman only has her, I hope you can believe me. I won't betray her, she is my world, wrong, should be said that she and the child are my world, I don't even have my own wife and children, you can rest assured, don't use you, I am shameful to see people. It is ok directly to go. "Looking at the camera, Ye Tang recognizes it seriously.

Looking at Ye Tang not only explains all the things completely, but also emptied to Lu Yichen, but the fans of Lu Yichen were touched, and they began to apologize, and they would take care of their goddess well.

Tang Chenchen also knows the news conference, and it has passed the video directly to the morning.

Lu Yichen's heart is also moving.

Because solving the gossip event, the crisis of the World Group Group is solved.

I have a very good one outside, and I have been relaxed, and Yan Lingqiu is getting more no longer, but I didn't see the child for a few days, I miss my child very much.

Asked about the psychiatrist, I know that my current situation has gradually stabilized, and now the crisis of the worldquit group is not, she has not worried.

So I called Tang Chenchen in Lu Yichen. I hope she can bring two children out, secretly returning to the country to see children.

I know that Lu Yichen is planning, Tang Chen Chen quickly arranged.

After returning to China, Lu Yichen, I will drive it directly to Tang Chenchen's house.

", do you want my mother?" When I entered the Tang Chenchen, I saw Ye Wei and Tang Chenchen watching TV on the sofa, and hurriedly came to their faces.

"I thought." Grinant.

"I think it is good, I thought you didn't want my mother for a few days." Lu Yichen is deliberately hurting.

"No, mother don't think more, how can I not want you, not only me, Dad is also super wanting my mother, I often see that he looks at your photo." Poster, hurry up.

When I heard the words of Ye, I gave a sense of embarrassment.

"Well, the child is still here, you don't want this," I took the shoulder of the morning, Tang Chenchen comforted.

Potting a nod.

"Mom, what happened?" Notice that the emotions of Lu Yichen were not right, Ye Hao was asked nervous.

"Nothing." He said with your child's hair.

"Right, my mother, what is your father know?" Ye Wei asked.

"Nothing, you don't have to worry, right, I secretly sneak back, so don't tell Dad, I am coming back, otherwise, I will not sneak over to see you." Frightened Ye Her back Things revealed that there was a threat to the ainca.

"Why? Dad also missed you like me, why don't you tell Dad?" Ye Wei really unexpectedly on Lu Yichen.

"Mom, I am playing a game with my father. I told my father. Anyway, don't tell Dad know not to know?" I don't know how to explain it, Lu Yichen has just pulled a reason.

I got some points, if I said, "I know, Meng Meng said that there is a fun between husband and wife, I know."

On the morning, there is a sense of visual feeling that has been brought by his own treasure.

After taking care of the leaves, I want to tease Xiao Ping, but since she arrived, Xiaoping has been sleeping, helpless, there is no way to cultivate my feelings in the morning.

After the leaves fell asleep, there was a time to talk to Tang Chenchen in Lu Yichen.

On Lu Yichen, I told Ye Tang when she was sleeping. Tang Chen Chen took her back.

"How have you been recently? Is it ok?" Tang Chen Chen asked.

"OK, I have been dissatisfied with myself, I haven't had a nightmare recently. The doctor said that I will keep it like this. I believe that I don't have to worry about it, so you don't have to worry about me." Put your hand on the railing, say it.

I heard the words, Tang Chenchen is also happy, but when I think about Ye Tang and her, my heart began to worry, and the place where I couldn't see it slightly in the place where I can't see it.

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