Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 558th chapter of the opening ceremony

"Mom, let's take a look at Meng Mengjie. I called her last night. I have to go see her today." Raised landed in the morning, raising his head. "Well, let's go with you." I nodded and agreed.

Ye Meng Meng was in the primary school attached to Ye Hao, so she didn't spend how much time came to Ye Meng Meng.

"Uncle." When I saw them, Ye Meng Meng quickly waved, and he said.

"Meng Mengjie, why do you see it in the first eye?" Say his mouth and said.

Hey, obviously it is coming to see her, but she actually saw me, no, bad review.

"Hey, you still eat your dad's vinegar, or because you are too short, I may see you, but you don't, I tell you, you will directly ride the neck next time. On, I am sure that I will see you in the first place. "Ye Meng Meng once again took the child.

The eyes are bright, not bad, this can be, I can ride the horse, oh ~ When is my white horse prince? Do you want to call your father to buy a little foal?

"Xiaoyu!" A small meat pier saw Ye Hao, and quickly got up to her. This little meat pier was before going to Ye Tang Jiari to participate in the small meat pier of Ye Mengmeng birthday party. He pair The impression is good, I don't forget.

"Ah, small meat pier brother." Ye Hao is also a greetings.

The little meat is now, I am, just like the discouraged ball, "Xiaoyu, I don't call the small meat pug, my name is proud, you have to remember, I will call me a little brother in the future. Otherwise, just called Zi Ming brother. "

"But Meng Mengjie is called your small meat pier, you are like me, like Meng Mengjie, shouldn't I call your little meat puno?" Blinking Baby eyes, deliberately asked.

I heard the words, the people around him laughed, thinking that Ye Wei was too cute, and the small meat pier could not be revised.

Pull the neck, .

"Shame, actually shy to find my mother." Ye Mengmeng made a ghost face toward the small meat.

A red face is a red, and he quickly left his mother's arms. Here had a laughter that caused everyone.

"Okay, you don't want to make fun of you, see you, careful, people don't care about you, you should be anxious." Can't bear it to watch the jokes of the small meat, So the opening is blocked.

I heard the words, two children have apologized to the face of the small meat piers, and then they are also as good as early.

Ye Tang Company is free, and he has no matter what is going to do. Even if you want to do something, he can directly hand it over to the bottom of the hand, so he wants to bring it in the morning, he I remember that he still owed her a happy honeymoon.

"In the morning, how do we travel for two days? It's a good relaxation, even in order to celebrate you, I will not pay for you." Looking at some travel places, Ye Tang asked .

The postpartum depression in the morning is also almost the same.

Shake the head, "No, now the child is still small, I need to take care of it, still don't go."

"Otherwise, our family can't do it together?" Seeing her refused, she had another way to think about it.

"No, now Xiaoping is still small, can't be worried, wait until you have time to go, you will not be this time."

"But I just want to go with you to scatter my heart." Ye Tang said.

"Okay, then say, don't work now, it's okay, now I am going to sleep. When I have discussed it." Looking at the time, I didn't want to talk to Ye Tang, Otherwise, I have to be moved by him.

Wen Yan, Ye Tang also knows that she is just off, but he is reluctant to be difficult, I have to put this time first.

"Wait, small and peaceful names have never been, do we have such a small peace in the future, ask her? Hurry and give your child a name." Just wanted to hold the child left, suddenly thought of The name of the name, so stopped.

"What do you think is good?" Ye Tang touched the Pakistan, asked.

"You are gone."

"Otherwise, Ye Na, Nana is a wondering Na." Well, yes, Ye Meng Meng, Ye Yu will come back to Ye Naina.

, I am still very good, why is there a wonderful Na.

Although he helpless, he still agreed to a small peace.

Time is not hurting for a year. In this year, everyone has a smooth, and Chen Yue is also a helper, and the feelings of Ye Tang and Lu Yichen are also more Ok, everything seems to be developed in this good direction, but this is only a calm of storm, and the dark tide of silence for a year should also break out.

"What happened in the morning, how are you?" When I got home, I saw that Lu Yichen lie on the bed, I worked urgently.

"Nothing, I am the dysmenorrhea, slowly, you will go see your child first, I want to sleep." Shake your head, indicating that I have no bigger.

"I don't feel relieved, I will take you to the hospital for examination now." Looking at Lu Yichen is not very good, how can he feel relieved, finish, no matter the block of Lu Yichen, just hold her to go to the hospital to check. .

In fact, his concerns are not uneven, after all, she is difficult to produce Ye Na, which is afraid that her current situation is because of its difficulty.

There is a burst of colic, biting the lips, no sound, and the hard sweat has taken it on the forehead.

"Dad, mother, what happened?" Seeing Ye Tang held a morning, Ye Yu worried.

"Nothing, you don't worry, Dad is now going to find a doctor, you and Xiao peace and Li Wei at home." Now Ye Tang is anxious, not so much time and she is clear.

"I know, you hurry." She can see the situation of her mother, so I have to returns.

I heard the words, Ye Tang did not say anything, hurry to leave the house in the morning.

"Sister, Mom ..." said Ye Na's mouth unclear.

"Nothing, my sister is here, my mother is coming back, she is just playing with Dad." Scratched the face of flexing Naja, said.

After finishing, I will take her to play.

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