Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 560 contradicts the drug

Time has been a year, and in this year, because you don't feel relieved, you will take care of her, so there is no job in the morning, but now she is a little boring, don't want Continue to stay at home to make a good wife for a scholastic mother. "Ye Tang, I want to go out, you will help me arrange a job, then I haven't worked for a long time, I want to go out." On this day, I saw Ye Tang back, she said with him. Things I want to go out.

Because there is a situation in the morning, Ye Tang is worried.

"You first take a break now, don't you do? Your physical condition is not very good, it is still very weak, wait for you to be good, how is it?"

"No, I am helpless, I am helpless at home this day, I don't want to teach in my family, you let me go out, I will go to the society, I will go to the society. "Beep, unhappy, how to say."

Wen Yan, Ye Tang also knows that she should not restrict her, but I will still worry about her.

"Okay, I know, I will arrange it well, but I can say it, you have to go out to run news, it is impossible, I can only help you arrange the work of the news."

"No problem, even if it is just a finishing information, it is okay, as long as you do it, you can do it." Shot shrugged, happily said.

Lu Yichen's situation is also known, knowing that there is something that is going to work in Lu Yichen, so she will come to the home to take care of the land in the morning, and I will help you take care of the children.

Lu Yichen did not refute Ye Mother's kindness.

After Ye Mom came over, Ye Tang hit her must let Lu Yichen a good medicine.

I got the Ye Tang's , she gave the previous prescription to the first morning to drink.

The first few days ago, but she can't stand it, and her heart is also strange. Why is she drinking now, it is clear that her menstrual period has passed, and there is no need to drink it.

"Mom, you don't have to decorate, I don't plan to drink, I am now good, every day, drink medicine is difficult to die, don't drink again." Seeing Ye Mama I said that I said that I have helplessly.

"No, this is the problem of conditioning the body, not only just the problem of the menstrual period, you also know that when you have a small peace, you are premature birth, if you are not good conditioning, you will drink it. Ah. "I know that Lu Yichen didn't know what this medicine was treated, she had to hide Lu Yichen said that it is a traditional Chinese medicine to nurse.

"However, I have no problem now, medicine is still don't drink." Shake his head and said.

This medicine she really didn't want to drink again. Every time I drink her stomach is rolling, it is more uncomfortable than when the dysmenorrhea is.

Just when Ye Mother wants to say anything, Xiaoping is crying directly. There are some tastes inside this medicine, and Xiao Ping is also uncomfortable. Wow, I cried.

"Hey, don't cry." Seeing Ye Naina looked up, hurry.

"Mom, taste, unknown." Ye Na said.

"It's okay, my mother holds you to the other side."

After finishing, I turned into my mother.

"Mom, I will not take medicine today, you have seen it, now you have crying because of the smell, if you continue to drink, I will have a shadow of my child."

After finishing, it is also afraid that Ye Mom will persuade himself, and they will leave with their children.

"Hey, how can you drink medicine? ..." I heard that Lu Yichen refused to drink medicine, I also held her child to escape, my heart was anxious.

I helplessly, I also know that I have no way to say that I haven't finished the morning, I have to tell Ye Tang.

"Mom, I know, I have been going to the hospital to ask the doctor, watch the medicine can not stop, this time this time is this." He knew that Lu Yichen has recently drunk hard, and don't want to continue Her she.

"I know I don't forced her, you will work hard, I will drop the medicine."

After the phone hang, Ye Tang did not delay the time, hurry to the hospital to find a doctor.

"Doctor, if you don't drink medicine in the morning, will there be? I looked at her every day because of drinking, I was also distressed." When I saw the doctor, I started inquiry.

"No, her current situation can't say medicine, her now body will make her early age, at least a little more faster than the average person, now there may be complete highlights, but this is just a matter of time. Don't look at her current physical condition has no problem, but the problem is big, your family can not happen because of the tragedy behind it, "Wen Yan, the doctor directly said the seriousness of things.

I heard the words, he understood that the symptoms of infertility in the morning will also make the laminated in the morning, and he was shocked. He used to think that Lu Yichen was only a weak, and he did not expect that it would be premature ago. It is also more distressed in Lu Yichen.

"I know, I will continue to persuade her to drink medicine."

"Oh, in fact, she should be hospitalized, as long as she doesn't have to suffer so much sin, but drinking Chinese medicine has some benefits, although it is slow, but there is no bad impact on the body. "

I also know that Ye Tang is not good, I have to make it comfort.

"I have n'thing to do." There is a kind of powerless, and he is breathing.

Seeing his low mood, I still nodded and let him leave.

The soul is falling back to his home. Seeing that Lu Yichen is having fun and having two children, I hugged her.

"What happened to you?" I feel that he is not right and worried.

"Nothing, I miss you."

I saw two people intimate pictures, leafy, with Ye Na, came back.

On Lu Yichen, I don't believe what he said.

"Do you have anything to say it directly."

"Really nothing, right, my mother said that you didn't drink medicine today, ~ I also know that you drink medicine is definitely uncomfortable, but we are also thinking about your body, so you can take medicine in the future. If you really can't stand it, we will change another prescription. "I buried my head in the neck of the Lu Yichen, and I would like to take it.

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