The eyes are dark, or they hand to him. "President, what do you find me." When I entered the door, Chen Feng asked.

"I think Chen Yue is a little strange. If you want you to investigate, if there is nothing wrong, but if he hides something, I think it is necessary to take measures." I knocked on the table and said slowly. .

He now has a little doubts, just in order to put his own photo of his child in his desktop.

"Why? I think he has no problem." I heard Ye Tang said, there is a little surprised in his heart.

"I have my own thinking, you don't have to manage, just go to the investigation."

Wen said, Chen Feng did not say anything, and started to check Chen Yue's identity.

At noon the next day, Chen Feng took Chen Yue's information, looked at things, knowing that Chen Yue Panyu is getting a clear white, there is nothing wrong, see here, Ye Tang doubts.

Is it really what I think?

But he still didn't feel relieved, so he got up, came to Chen Yue, and the result is Chen Yuezheng to organize the document.

Seeing Ye Tang, thinking that he is going to come to the document that makes him handled yesterday.

"President, you have handed it to me yesterday. I have dealmed it. I originally planned to give you, I can't think of you, then you will check it out." Let's handle the document next to him. .

I took a nod, I took the file left.

Looking at Chen Yue's finishing documents, all aspects have been dealt with, and they can see the psychology of him. From the documents he dealt, you can see it. Chen Yue has a good ability, and thinks about his background.

Hey, it may be really what you think. It's just that there is nothing. It is just a child who is born in an orphan. He should be a simple like Xiaoca, after all, with his situation, affirm that children like children .

So thinking that Ye Tang is really right to put the mustard in his heart.

Pinnown his nose, you want to drink the medicine in your hand, but one medication is close to the mouth, the smell is still blowing, she doesn't have a way to endure the same taste.

Put the bowl on the table and start drying.

"If you can't do it, you can't drink it. I still fall, it is not a bowl of medicine, there is nothing to drink."

But when I thought of Ye Tang and I said, she tangled, looked at the medicine of blacka, restrained the psychology to vomiting, endured, or closed her eyes.

However, the medicine is imported, she can't help but want to spit out, I want to swallow the pharmaceutical, but she really can't stand, or more running to the bathroom.

When all the things in the mouth were completely spit out, she felt that she was alive, and wiped the mouth, this is only.

Looking at the bowl that is already empty, I can't work in my heart, so I found a Tang Chenchen.

"What is your expression, , don't know, I thought I grab your child." When I entered the door, I saw the cry of Baba, I was depressed, sitting on the sofa, and smashed.

"Hey, can I not depressed? Forget it, today is not good, let's go shopping, I have to vent my sorrowful mood." One shot Tang Chenchen's shoulder, said heaven.

Tang Chen Chen's face is disappearing, her image is really unconventional with himself.

"The way, you said, but I just came over, first gave me a slowness, you will come to explain, you can't go out with me, otherwise Ye Tang is coming." Stretch stretch I found a particularly comfortable posture lying on the sofa.

I nodded, so I went to Li Jie.

The two went to the bar together.

"You are talking, what happened, why do you feel like this? I don't believe that you are this reason. Come over, asked worried.

"What can I still have a problem? It is not a matter of drinking medicine every day. Ye Tang wants to have a child, let me drink medicine every day, but I really don't want to drink, every drink is a kind of suffering Is it good? If this is, I won't say anything for two or three days, but I can't drink every day. "

"When you arrive at home today, it is a hard smell. That is a medicine, I drink medicine alone, not only bitter is my own, the child is also wronged, I don't know how many times, small Peace and I have helpless.

After listening to Lu Yichen, I can't do it, just for a child actually harm my own good girlfriends, the child is more important or my wife is more important, then I have two children, what is born, Don't know what you want to make a country's family planning?

"I am going, so I have to have, I will tell you, you have to be angry, how can you be wronged because a child is, he does not comply, okay, you don't drink, this will be solved. I don't have any problems, go away, now go to the company now, I have to ask Ye Tang, the theoretical theory can, why do you want to be so. "Returned the wine in the hands of Lu Yichen, breathable The saying.

"Okay, don't have it, I said that I said that I didn't drink medicine this evening, you don't be angry." Seeing Tang Chenchen is angry, hurry to give her.

"No, you have said it many times before, but there is no success once. If you say it, you said that you are not yourself, do you think I don't know you? You just have a soft I don't have much to say, I will take you to Ye Tang. "After that, I have to pull it on Lu Yichen.

"Okay, you don't move, I can solve it, if I really handled bad, I can't do it again, you can't do it again? You are old and I am drinking here. No? Since we have a child, there is no good drink together. We will drink a big drink today. "Tang Chenchen who got up and took back the seat, in her wine glass, a glass of wine, handed her. before.

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