Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 569th chapter lost Chen Yue

"I know, you have also hurry home, otherwise, Ye Tang should also be anxious." Yang paveled to the door, shaking the window, looking at Lu Yichen. "I know, wait, go back, you hurry, pay attention to safety on the road." Saving a waving, said.

Wen said, nodded, so I left.

I saw the car gradually, until I couldn't see it, I ham, I saw the sky.

"It's still early, not in a hurry, still wake up, don't go back to Jia Ye Tang Wen to say that I should say me."

So, Lu Yichen swayed on this road.

The brain is also a little rumble. She is not more than Tang Chenchen, and the wine is coming up.

Shake your head, open your own drunkenness, but it is nothing to make up, helpless, can only continue on the road.

I have been walking along the people, I don't know why, I don't know where I am now.

"Let me think that I am going to go there is correct." Looking at the intersection, Lu Yichen said with drunken.

A person around him heard, laughing, with a smell, so he did not slowly follow her.

"What is this ghost place, why don't I know, how do you get more, you don't know where you are." I knocked my brain and said.

I laughed at her back and glanced at the surroundings. There was no one at all, and my mind was gradually close to the morning.

I saw someone behind my own, I wanted to turn over and asked a road. As a result, I just turned it, I was robbed by a thief.

After the person grabbed the bag, I didn't say that I didn't say it.

The reflection arc is a little longer. I don't know if my bag is taken away. After I look at it, I looked at the empty hand, and after this, I learned what happened.

"Hey, you will give me a package." After waking up, I quickly chased the thief, but the thief was running away, she couldn't catch up with it.

Seeing that I can't catch up with a small steal, I can't stand it. She now I don't know how I want to go home, the mobile phone, the wallet is in the bag, but now there is still a long distance from home, The most important thing is that she lost, can't find the way back.

If you are in your heart, you are also annoyed. I know that I just took a taxi directly, or there would be no such thing. Now, how can I go back.

Looking at the unreachable road, she started her own broken.

The drunkenness of the body disappeared, and the brain is awake.

Forget it, I must go home, I can't find a supermarket to call Ye Tang and pick themselves.

So thinking, loose a breath, continue on the road, look at what supermarkets around.

I haven't found the supermarket in Lu Yichen, an acquaintance sees her.

After Chen Yue got off work, I was going to go home, and I saw that I was shaking on the road on the road. I was confused. I don't know why she will be here.

Lu Yichen did not see Chen Yue, she is now going to cross the road.

Just when she had to go, the mung beans became a red light, but Lu Yichen did not see, so she continued to go forward.

A car is not far from the morning, Chen Yue thinks that she will hit this, but he will not be able to see such a determination at all, and he has not looked at someone to see someone to die.

If you have a helplessness, you will hurry up to the end of Lu Yichen, I will almost hit the car.

"What are you doing? Walking well, you just have been hit by a car, or because I saw it, you can do something, you have to be careful." Lu Yichen knows that she doesn't have anything, it will be relieved and start to teach her.

On the morning, I still afraid, she didn't see the car, when she knew, the car was a little to her, I was afraid to die, thinking that I have to explain here.

"I know, I know, I will see the road next time, I will never do this." Lu Yichen took the chest, and he was afraid.

"You know, right, how can you be here? And why do you have a wine taste on your body?" Snooked to the taste of Lu Yichen, wrinkled frown.

"Ah, oh, I just drinked with the morning, my bag was stolen by the thief, I am also lost, I want to find a supermarket to call and call." Because Chen Yue is very familiar, So she didn't have any preparation for him, and explained directly to the opening.

"I have served you, actually so fascinating, but it seems that you are also lucky, actually encounter me, I will send you back, time time is not early, the president must be anxious." Looked an eye Time, said.

Shake your head and don't want to go back.

"Amount ... why, now time is not early, don't you go back? What is your favorite? Is there any contradiction in your president? If you have anything, you can talk to me, I will help you analyze and analyze." Chen Yue asked curiously.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he wants to know something in the mouth of Lu Yichen.

"Nothing, just don't want to go home, how can I have anything with Ye Tang, I just don't want to go home, if I want to go back, I just agreed to send me back to me, anyway, I don't want to think now. To go back, so don't worry about me. "Shot shrugged, and he said a wine.

Seeing Lu Yichen, there is no disclosure, helpless, "What do you want to do? Don't go home in this big night, do you want to do something?"

"Hey, how are we drinking together? We haven't drunk alcohol together, let's drink it." After I played a drunk, I was drunk, and she only wanted to drink.

The amount, clearly just drinking, how can I go now.

"No, you have been drunk, don't know, how can you drink again, you will be obedient, let me send you home, don't drink alcohol, drink too much wine is not good, or you will be tomorrow morning. It's uncomfortable, and if the president knows that you still have to drink, he must be angry or go home. "Shake his head and refused to say.

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