Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The fifth chapter of the chapter of the morning

Go back to Lu Yichen, "I have something to go, maybe there is no time to accompany you to eat, you can eat it." "What do you want to do?" The underground consciousness I feel that Ye Tang is related to the valley. I didn't worry.

"There is a problem with a project, I have to deal with it, there is nothing, you don't worry." He thought that Lu Yichen was simply worried about himself, and he didn't know that she had been suspicious of himself now.

Wen said that Lu Yichen can't say that he will have to eat himself.

"OK, I know, I can go to eat, you can go."

Wen said, Ye Tang went to work.

Looking at Ye Tangyuan, the eyebrows are slightly covered, there is no mood to eat.

At this point, when I am going to the meal, Chen Yue is already waiting in the corridor. He knows that Ye Tang is impossible to have time and dinner, so it is here.

Thinking of things that I just hear, the smile of the eyes couldn't hide.

When I walked, I saw Chen Yue, who was waiting in the corridor, greeted it.

"How are you here?"

"I just came out, the result saw you, why didn't you be with the president?" Didn't say that he is here waiting for her.

"No, he has something to go, let me eat it yourself." I heard Chen Yue asked Ye Tang, a burst of blocked, but her expression was flashing.

"This, don't be angry, you are also a thing that has no way. After all, the situation of Valley's project is the most good at, so he is going to find the valley slightly solved." Touching the Pakistan I deliberately tell her that Ye Tang will leave because of the valley.

I heard the words, the face of Lu Yichen changed directly, belrupt, comforts yourself, "Nothing, they just work together, nothing, and he has already told you, he has to deal with a project, So he didn't hide yourself. "

So thinking, the face is just a lot, but still a face.

I saw that Lu Yichen was unhappy, Chen Yue was worried, "You are fine, why is it as bad? Is it what I said wrong?"

"Nothing, not your problem, okay, I will not talk to you, I have to go." Shot shrugged, and also knowing that Chen Yue did not know between the valley and his own Ye Tang, so He accidentally told him that Ye Tang is actually going to find a grain, and there is not so mind.

"It's okay, I thought you were, right, you should have no food, I have no, let's go together, I have a boring." I thought about it, invited.

"Well, then let's join together." I nodded and agreed to his invitation.

She has now forgot her nothing to eat.

Chen Yue took a restaurant around the company. As a result, he saw the person who laughed at the office today, wrinkled, and wanted to pull the Lu Yichen, but did not wait for him to have any action, The man saw him.

"Hey, isn't that our Chen Yue is busy? Seeing me, how can I go straight, is there anything that I can't see?" Seeing him to leave, directly exporting.

I heard the words, I held my fists, but my heart didn't care.

"You think more, I just think that things have been eaten, I want to go to other stores to see, there is nothing." After that, I will be in the morning.

I can know that there is definitely not to the disc between the two people, so she will go in.

When I came to Lu Yichen to give face, the man was unhappy, and the contempt of my heart is also more rich.

"No, since I saw it, then I was eaten with me."

"Hello, the president, you should give me a chance to eat with you." Because I don't want them to refuse, he will directly block the Lu Yichen to reject the rejection.

Seeing that he is Ye Tang's employee, it is not good to refuse.

"Nothing, then we will eat together, two people are also eaten together, the three people are the same." I nodded and didn't say it.

After finishing, I didn't know what opinions he would not, as a result, he just nodded, and said that he didn't care.

So two people did it and started to order.

On the dinner table, colleagues said that Chen Yue took a stick, and it was a little embarrassing of him in the morning. She should not agree with the man to eat.

For the people's ridicule, Chen Yue said that he didn't care.

Because I am not happy, I have a good meal early in Lu Yichen, and I will leave Chen Yue.

Going on the road, see what Chen Yue is not a expression, not very much, thinking that he is the person who has just been in the person.

"You don't care about that person, just when he is just a scream." Take a shot of his shoulders and comfort.

"I know, I won't care." Grinning, but his eyesight took a bitterness.

Seeing Chen Yue, Lu Yichen suddenly missed his position in the company, thinking that he was often tapping in the company, or it was isolated by them.

"Oh, okay, it's okay, he will say you now, it must not know your people, you can rest assured, one day in the morning, he will regret it today." Grand hands, comfort .

"I know, now time is not early, I have to go back to work, what about you? Is it going to find a president?"

Shake your head, "No, I will go home directly."

After that, the result saw a taxi came over and hurriedly called the car.

"My car is coming, I will leave, I have time to find you again, you will go back to the company first." Open the door and turned to Chen Yue.

"Ok you go back, pay attention to safety on the road." I nodded, and I got it.

"Okay, I know." After I finished, she got on the bus.

I saw her on the bus, just called the driver.

Looking at the taxi that gradually far away, the face didn't have a trace of joining and bitter, some just like a clear laughter from hell.

I saw the shoulders who had just taken it, my heart is disgusting, frowning, but there is no action, turning around.

For this, the end of the past is not informed.

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