Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 591 explains the grain

Chen Yue also felt some uncomfortable, so it was just a few mouthfuls, and there was still a matter of excuse to leave Ye Tang's home. Ye Tang did not have much to keep more, let Chen Yue left.

There are two people in the morning and Lu Tang and Lu in the morning. Ye Tang did not know how to open this somewhat on the situation.

On Lu Yichen, because of the child to go to the hospital, plus his heart is also nervous, so the body feels very tired, but also don't want to open, plus the valley that before, and the Ye Tang is even more angry. Don't want to talk to him.

Ye Tang took the initiative to give Lu Yichen, she won the dish of her favorite, placed in the bowl of Lu Yichen, "You eat more."

Lu Yichen stunned, and finally didn't look up, nothing to say, but finally he saved the dishes gave home, Ye Tang still had some small and happy, thinking that she is some forgiving himself, but she has not waited for him yet. I have been happy, I heard Lu Yichen: "Please don't think too much, I have eaten this dish just because I don't want to waste."

Ye Tang's heart was cold, and I knew that Lu Yichen was still angry with her own gas. It seems that I want to give her a good fortune, but it is not so easy.

Ye Tang did not stop the movements in his hand because she had just said, once again, I put a dish in her bowl. This time I changed the anger of Lu Yichen, which is clearly provocating themselves.

"I don't have to give me a meal, I will." Lu Yichen said in a word.

"That is your clip, this is my clip, you eat more, good to your body." Ye Tang said a little dead.

"I will say it again, I don't have to use you." Lu Yichen has not finished, I found that the dishes in my bowl have been clamped, when she talks, Ye Tang has quickly put more vegetables. In her bowl, Ye Tang knew the habit of Lu Yichen, she hate waste, as long as she is in her bowl, she will eat, or it is a waste, this is her most illegal.

"Okay, it is so much." Ye Tang had some deliberate treacherly.

Lu Yichen really wants to hit him, but the end is still not going to do.

Ye Tang looked at Lu Yichen to destroy the food in the bowl, and said: "This is right, it seems that this approach should stick to it."

There wasn't give him a good face in Lu Yichen. She has already supported this Ye Tang. He also heard that he would continue to put it down, but he couldn't help but curse him 10,000.

"Come, I will help you take a walk." Ye Tang is now saying, got up and wanted to support the land in the morning, Lu Yichen took a hand, put his hand and got it, "Don't touch me."

Ye Tang stalls, "Okay, I don't touch you. I have something to say to you."

"I don't want to hear." Lu Yichen is angry and said.

"You still don't know what I want to say, I really refuse me, will you regret it?" Ye Tang really looked at Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen turned and looked at Ye Tang, said: "If you say, give me a slight thing, don't say it, don't want to listen else."

Ye Tang nodded: "Well, if you are, I just want to talk to you."

Lu Yichen stopped and found a chair to sit down, "said."

Ye Tang will explain it over again later, and still emphasize that in the end, it is still highlighting: "I assure you that the valley will go, this must believe me, please do not worry."

Lu Yichen listened to him so much, it seems that there is no problem, especially this time is active, to explain this matter, from this attitude, Lu Yichen feels that she is still good, plus his sincere guarantee, see Holding his sincere eyes, asked: "This time I really can believe you?"

"Of course, you believe me, I must say it." Ye Tang wanted to raise his hand to swear to the sky, Lu Yichen stopped her hand.

"You don't have to swear." Lu Yichen said.

"Do you forgive me? Not angry with me." Ye Tang saw a lot of looks in Lu Yichen, and slowly taught together.

Lu Yichen said: "What do you want to do?"

"What do you say?" Ye Tang didn't pay attention to laughing, said, put Lu Yichen in his arms, said: "In the morning, don't love so much in the future, how to do your body is bad? I It will be distressed. "

Lu Yichen wants to break free, but the arm's arm is lifted, it can't break freely, the two are pulling each other, Ye Tang kisses her beautiful lips, want to warm with her.

Lu Yichen also slowly gave up struggle, just at this time, Ye Tang's mobile phone rang, Ye Tang did not want to pay attention to mobile phone at the moment, who did not stop, Lu Ye attempted to push him, but Ye Tang found Disagree, Ye Tang thinks that there is nothing anxious, no one will pick up that one, but the fact is not as long as people, the phone is kept, Ye Tang is very angry I helplessly let go of Lu Yichen, I picked up the phone, I found that the company came, "What?"

"Ye, the company now has something to do, you need you to personally deal with it." The person of the phone heard the anger of Ye Tangyin, but I don't know why, but I am careful when talking, I am afraid of myself. That sentence is wrong, it will be scolded.

"Okay, I know." Ye Tang Xin has hangned the phone.

"what happened?"

"The company has something to go back." Ye Tang was reluctant to look at the morning, but also want to continue.

Lu Yichen pushed him, "It must be an urgent matter, then go to the company. Don't delay."

Ye Tang nodded helpless, took the key to leave.

On Lu Yichen, he said before Chen Yue said that he learned about the female star, but now called him out, just asked what is the situation.

Lu Yichen gave Chen Yue's call, and soon two people got about the time and place of meeting.

Let go of your mobile phone, I thought about it, and I called Tang Chenchen. I told her this time. I asked her that she couldn't come, Tang Chen Chen's refreshing promised, said: "Of course I have no problem, I can also give it. You do some justice explanations. "

"Well, let's see it later."

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