Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 595 officially

Valley is a little angry, I left the Ye Tang's office. I couldn't help but curse. I can't wait to solve Lu Yichen now. It is not in front of my eyes. I don't know how to confuse Ye Tang. The heart, let him think about her, even if there is a contact in the company, I am worried that she misunderstood it. The valley is really more angry, returning to the seat, put the files around you, outside I can listen, but I don't care in the valley. "You look at her, I have a temper," said the two employees whispered.

"Yeah, it is estimated that Ye has not given her good gas, and it will be like this." Another looks like she said.

"That is, you see her to the company, what is the cattle?"

"Say it, but we are still careful, you don't know her hairy." The other said.

"Of course, I know, I am angry, I will take it towards us. You are also careful." Said, look at the valley, the two returned to their respective position.

The atmosphere of the Valley Microvelon is suddenly nervous because of her mood.

"Ye, this is the document you just want." Chen Yue sent a document to the documents.

"Okay, you will wait." Ye Tang gave the signature of the last document, handed it to the secretary, said: "Chen Yue, come over."

Chen Yue took the document, Ye Tang took the document, looked at it a little, and looked at the place just made him changed. It was found that Chen Yue has changed, and he is satisfied with him. I nodded, "I do it very well."

"Dai Xie Lee's total praise." Chen Yue replied.

"There is also something that needs you to do." Ye Tang command, "You go shopping, I want to give Lu Yichen, I see that I should go back today." Ye Tang raised his hand to see the watch, secretly secretly I plan.

"Okay, I know, I will go, do you have any requirements?" Chen Yue asked.

"Flowers should be warm." Ye Tang Yu arrived.

"I understand, guarantee the completion of the task." Chen Yue said half of joke.

Ye Tang point, "Yes, put it directly in my car."

"Okay, I remember." Chen Yue nodded and walked out of the Ye Tang office.

This has been overtime here, Ye Tang finally finished working hard today, but see the time is 11 o'clock, nor does it know that there is no rest in the morning, Ye Tang is still special I saw the flowers bought by Chen Yue, not bad, Ye Tang felt still satisfied.

The driver sent Ye Tang back home, Ye Tang quietly went to the door of the room. Gently pushed, the door did not hear a little sound inside. The light in the bedroom is very dim, and it seems that there is already asleep.

Ye Tang gently walked to the side of the lady, Lu Yichen has already slept, and Ye Tang is touched to the hair of Lu Yichen. These days are difficult for you, but now it is good, I have time to accompany you. Although I know that Lu Yichen can't hear it, I still can't help but I can't help but.

Ye Tang bought his flowers gently put on the bed. After the washing is finished, I will sleep in the aroma of Lu Yichen.

When the next morning, the morning opened some confused eyes. It was found that there was a blooming flowers in the bed, so that I woke up the Lu Yichen mood comfortable. It is a look at Ye Tang last night. But how do you sleep so much, you don't know, there is some psychological monster blame yourself in the morning, if you know that he will come back and chat with him. No, how can I chat with him, and he has not resting his overtime. That is to see that he is also good. On Lu Yichen regretted that he slept too silen, next time, he would not sleep so quiet.

On the morning, I took the time to chat with Ye Tang. Ye Tang has stably sits in the office, starting a day, seeing WeChat sent by Lu Yichen. I simply talked a few words, because there is still a meeting, I can't say more, Ye Tang hangs.

Continue your work, think of her and Tang Chen Chen, they want to go to the female star today. On the morning, you can get up to have breakfast. The time in Lu Yichen and Tang Cheng has arrived at the door of the female star.

Tang Chenchen has already reached the point of view, while waiting for the arrival of Lu Yichen.

"" came to the sound of two windows, Tang Chen Chen knows that it is Lu Yichen.

"You have already started working, it is too dedicated." Lu Yichen couldn't help.

"Of course, everyone knows that I am dedicated, you are not bad, there is not late," Tang Chenchen praised Lu Yichen.

"That is a natural and Tang Da Beauty, how can I be late? This is not my style." Lu Yichen also said.

Don't gossip, let's go together. Tang Chenchen proposed, "Okay," Lu Yaotao agreed.

The two said, knocked on the family of the female star.

After an event, the female star's family has a call to visit people. They asked the two people asked the two, and asked the two to let the two let them come in. : "Not we don't believe you, now there are too many people who don't make good ideas, we really can't stand it, you will do this, you also understand." A family of female stars should be a concern. Explain them to them.

"We can understand that anyone has been very sad in the heart." Tang Chenchen said with sympathy.

"Yeah, what do you need, this is her room," people who worked in the two people, Tang Chenchen and Lu Yichen did not say much, started working, discovered that the female star clearly did not depression or even a diary that was going to get married. , Then she will find such a situation? Tang Chen Chen and Lu Yichen are more affirmative in the heart, this matter must not be simple, to obtain the consent of their family, Tang Chenchen work has been a practice report, and found that this female star is not only poisoned, but also, there are many old days. Injury, put this matter also officially filed case.

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