Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The fifty-seventh chapter of the whole diarrhea

After sending the soup, the valley task has been successful, she smiled, and then continued what he should do. Chen Yuegen, who excuses his belly pain, there is no stomach pain, and there is no to the lounge, but went to the company to smoke. Chen Yue really does not like any of the smell of the bone soup, so it can only smoke into the stomach is uncomfortable. Because the company is forbidden to smoke, so after he went to the outside to smoke and then came in.

When I returned to the job post, I found a bowl of bone soup on my desk. If I didn't accident, I just had the bone soup. This makes Chen Yue who can't help but wrinkle. Which one kills the soup in myself here. Thinking, Chen Yue fell to the soup, is preparing to catch a person to ask, but find that everyone is drinking soup in the beautiful.

It turned out that Ye Tang was opened in the office for ten minutes ago, I found that it was very good and it was like the Valley. It was a courier in the morning. Because this soup is the craft of the home baby, he can drink. Thinking, Ye Tang is warm, I didn't expect his good wife, he wanted him when he didn't go home, and he also knew him to drink bone soup.

Because the bone soup is delicious, Ye Tang drinks a few bowls. But this bone soup is much more, I am afraid that I can't finish a meal. At this time, Ye Tang sees the outside of the glass, everyone is working hard, and some don't eat snacks and snacks.

Ye Tang is also a boss of a personal-shirt, with a bone soup that has not been drunk. "Everyone has worked hard, this is the bone soup sent by the home. You have a little bit." Ye Tang directly got into theme. How can the bone soup of white drink not drink, everyone puts down the work in his hand, and use his cup to go to a little bone soup.

"It's a good drink ~" After all the people have brought the bones and soups, they have admired delicious, and they will be divided into bone soup. Ye Tang nodded and turned back to the office.

In less than an hour, Chen Yue suddenly rushed into the Ye Tang's office, and there was no gentleman. "The leaves are always, not good!"

"What's wrong, it's a strange. This is not as you." Ye Tang frowned, some dissatisfaction.

"Everyone drinks Tangdu to pull the stomach!" Chen Yue did not care about anything, emergency.

"What ?! How is it ?!" Ye Tang stood up, suddenly found that his belly seems to be uncomfortable, so frowning quickly into the bathroom.

When I saw this situation, Chen Yuecheng said that Ye Tang himself also tried. No, there is no reason to do this in the morning. Chen Yue's doubts, but suddenly the eyes were bright, is it difficult? ····································

"Chen Yue, go to everyone to buy the best medicine, money is reimbursed by the company. In addition, all the diarrhea staff took a vacation for a holiday." Ye Tang was cold and inclusted in the bathroom.

"Well." Chen Yue replied that the original appearance was launched indirectly, and then quickly out.

"Ye General Ye, I took a medicine to go home and took a good rest for a long time." Huyue Lima, who bought medicine came back, told the employee Ye Tang said, and distributed the medicine. Everyone took the medicine to bring their own things, dragging the company because of diarrhea and exhausted body left the company, and even someone shook his head while shaking his head.

Chen Yue looked at this in his eyes. He felt that this company may have to encounter a big problem. This afternoon's holiday impact is not just this department, but the whole company's operation. Thinking, Chen Yue's face is increasingly ugly, and his black face leaves to a place.

After a long time, Ye Tang came out of the bathroom. The pale face knows that he is also huge by this bone soup. Ye Tang out of the office to drink soup department, I wanted to see the situation, but I found that this department didn't have anyone, everyone went home because of diarrhea.

Ye Tang couldn't help but hold his fist. Now he is suspected of only three people - Chen Yue, Valley, and there is land. Although Lu Yichen is his wife, I love myself. According to the reason, I can't do it in Tangli, but I can't completely rule the suspect. After all, soup is her hand.

At this time, Ye Tang thought that Chen Yue did not have a trick. But Chen Yue has never drinking bone soup, so this soup may not drink at all, so there is no trick. So Chen Yue's suspect is reduced. So, why didn't I don't have a trick? Ye Tang frowned in an instant.

For the Valley, Ye Tang has always worried. After all, I have loved it before, even if I have a lamb and my child, I don't have a little embarrassment to the Valley. Furthermore, the Valley is a little heavy, in order to get what you want, it is possible to make any incredible things.

Thinking of this, Ye Tang decided to investigate this matter. His Ye Tang is not a good bully, and Lu Yichen is not so embarrassed. Ye Tang returned to his office, but also started to answer the phone.

"Hey, the leaf is always, I have to consider the recent project."

"The businessman who is always ready to meet in the afternoon."

"The Ye has, just got a shareholder with a shareholder."


In two or three hours, Ye Tang received all this similar call, now the whole company is chaotic, because this bone soup is completely chaotic! Ye Tang tightly biting his teeth, noodles. It seems that a sector has passed a holiday in a semi-day, it is indeed, it is indeed that such a bowl of bone soup has caused such a big loss. It is indeed his leaf Tang's dereliction of duty.

"Screaming the valley, I have something to find her." Ye Tang black face told the outside of Chen Yue in the machine. After a while, the valley knocked in the door.

"What?" Valley is happy, and he really thought that Ye Tang suddenly turned back to her side. Obviously, she is still not aware that the soup makes Ye Tang angry and makes the company cause much loss.

There is no answer to the Valley Ye Tang, just sitting quietly. The two are so quiet, no one talks.

"What? What does it mean to find me?" I don't know how long it is, the valley is impatient. She is in a high-heeled shoes for so long, I have died, and I want it.

However, this cereal is also sinking, so long, I haven't realized the big mistakes you committed. Then, Ye Tang turned around to face the valley, and the eyes were cold. Just this eye, let the valley think of him to find his own reasons, it seems that he has succeeded. ························································· Explain.

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