There is no success in the toilet to intercept Chen Yue's valley. She is intelligent now. She decided to stop changing Chen Yue in a place. Be sure to ask what he wants! Therefore, when I didn't get off work, she came to the underground parking lot early. Since I saw Chen Yue's car, she found the two cars and stood behind the column behind the car.

I am not afraid to stop Chen Yue, as long as I am here, I will be able to wait. But I don't know if Chen Yue is very dedicated, and I haven't seen him for a long time.

Valley is imagined, it is estimated because of those things they do in these days, causing companies to have a lot of problems, working overtime. Wait, maybe it is soon.

Empty parking lot, casually, said a word, the echo is very big. Looking at the car in the parking lot slowly has been driven away by many people, and the car is getting less and less.

Valley also begins to be anxious, but for big things. She must wait, after all, Chen Yue's hand grabbed her own laxative handle. She comforted her own, trying to calm her own feelings, slowly waiting.

Soon, when people are almost almost almost, a person noticed the valley standing behind the pillar, and then aimed at the car next to the Valley. He recognized it, it was Chen Yue's car.

Plus today's company is rumored to intercept Chen Yue in the toilet, and I want to give her contact information and address. The people in the company guess the valley is interesting to Chen Yue, want to pursue Chen Yue.

So this time, the man used him to understand what he understood, and the valley frowned. I don't know what he meant, just like himself.

"What do you see? What is good? I have never seen a beautiful woman. Hurry to give me!" You didn't want to see this wretched man in front of it. I was originally a bit irritated because of the things of the video. Now this person appears again, I have to make him shoot him.

"Ah? I am fine, I just look so late, everyone will get off work, what are you doing here?" The man was suddenly awkward by the valley, a little bit of God.

Valley looked at the man who was in front of him, and he didn't want to take care of this person. Because of your own home, I want to be the people yourself.

After the Valley snapped out, that person also knew that he didn't want to take care of himself, so he was very knowledgeable. Before, he didn't forget to say a word on the valley: "Chen Yue is behind, it will come back."

Valley looked at this person in front of him said: "Roll!" How did he know that he is Chen Yue, it is difficult to Chen Yue telling the video? No, I have to catch him today asking.

After the Chen Yue class, I took the car key and I went to the direction of my car. Go to the side of the car, he pressed the key, the car called, the door was opened by him, just when he wanted to sit in, the valley stopped the door.

Chen Yue looked at the person, it turned out to be a big lady! "What? Miss Gu Miss just asked my contact information and address in the toilet, not enough? It's still uncomfortable, I still want to go back to my home with me?"

Chen Hyue smiles, a slap like a fun. Valley is slightly looked at this hippie smiley person and says: "Don't give me a stupid here, you know what I am looking for because I am because I am going to tell me. How do you want to think?"

It is said that the valley will give Chen Yue a bank card say: "This card has 500,000, I hope you will not take the video in the future." Give money disaster, the valley will not want Chen Yue That video spread out, so his reputation was destroyed.

Chen Yue took the bank card, just look at the left look, then looked at the ground. The man in the valley is incredible to look at the man in front of him, she can't stand what this man is thinking about.

"You! What do you mean? It's hard to be idle? There is too little money in the card. If you are less, then I will give you 500,000, can you?" Valley It is indisatable, she wants this man in front of him. You can give you a drink. Don't eat fine wine.

Valley is eager to look at Chen Yue, because of this thing, you really want to solve it. After all, I have not resolved every day, I will danger. However, this evidence of this in front of yourself has a man, but a look of hopes.

"I tell you, don't forced me, what do you want to do? Please tell me clearly!" The Valley's patience slowly was exhausted. He said this is a bit angry, and the impairment of Chen Yue's nose is said.

Chen Yue looked at the woman's dog in front of him, and it was not angry at all, but he looked at the valley. Valley saw that Chen Yue is not angry because of his words, but it seems that there is still a little happiness, why?

"What does you mean? Will n't be because I have my handle. I will be straight! I tell you not to get inch." The valley said. At this time, I looked at Chen Yue speaking for so long, he finally opened.

"Do you still remember Yan Lingqiu?" The words were just asked, and the grain of the vitality was suddenly stunned. Chen Yue saw that his reaction was so big, and suddenly he had the idea: "Do you still remember? Do you remember?"

Valley is secretly thinking, is there a relationship with your own video and Yan Lingqiu? Still Chen Yue, I want to grab this opportunity, to force myself to do something you don't want to do?

No, you must not admit yourself still remember Yan Lingqiu. "What are you talking about nothing? I am not what Yan Yan, I am talking about, I am talking about the video."

Chen Yue seems to have such a reaction to the valley. "I know that you will say this, you must remember." Chen Yue said sure, the valley is a little hesitant.

But soon her heart is hard to say: "I don't know what you said, I hope you can delete the video, don't ask me again, this is inexplicable!"

It is said that I have run away from the rupture of the rupture, it looks very wolf, Chen Yue looked at the back of her leave, and sighed behind him, sat in the car, drove.

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