Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The sixth chapter of the crisis is not released

Night, silent and invisible shroud. Yei's moon hangs in the horizon, and the moonlight is pouring down, but it is still driving the Sensen chills in the earth. This chilly makes people feel more in the mood of people who are troubled, and there is one of them.

At this time, Lu Yichen was standing in front of the big floor-to-ceiling window, looking at hundreds of lights, in the rest of the city, Lu Yichen at this time, in this case.

Ye Tang's crisis has not been released, and the company's upper and lower people have been working for three days, but according to the three days ago, the crisis still exists.

Lu Yichen is anxious in the office, now Ye Tang Ben does not trust himself, now the crisis has not been released, Ye Tang is not to be completely disappointed with himself ...

No, I am not allowed!

Lu Yichen cleared the fist and thought. Then I returned to the desk and pressed a series of phone numbers.

"Dudu ... Dudu ..." The phone passed.

Lu Yichen saw the phone, hurriedly opened, no matter how unhappy in his heart, Lu Yichen's tone is still flat, as if the people who are handing at this time are not her.

"What is going on." Although it is a question, it is still concurrently a conciseness in Lu Yichen.

"Things are still solving ... no never! Things have been solved!" The other side is very quiet, but the next second suddenly smears, and some people are celebrating the sound.

On Lu Yichen, I thought for a moment, and suddenly understood the reason why they changed: When I called them, they just solved the crisis.

After Lu Yichen, I wanted to pass the reason. I replied the phone: "Well, salary." Lu Yichen ignored the phone that heavier after hearing this sentence and celebrated the boiling sound, and hang the phone straight.

Lu Yichen was relieved, and his face has always been relaxed in this time, and his mouth also reveals a smile of relief.

Finally ... solved ...

The next day, Lu Yichen took the food that he carefully prepared, reached Ye Tang's company.

Who knows that Lu Yichen eats in the door of Ye Tang.

Lu Yichen was originally intended to enter the elevator directly and entered the Ye Tang's office. Who knows, the receptionist blocked the road to the morning.

"Miss, do you have an appointment?" The receptionist extended his hand and stopped Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen stunned, then reacted, polite replied: "Sorry, I don't make an appointment, but I can have trouble you always call you? I have something to do."

The receptionist laughed and smiled. He thought: Another person who wants to President President, I won't let her go in.

I want to talk, so I said: "You think you are, what do you say, I will tell you, Ye is not your woman can be bordered, you better break this, this is a thought!"

Lu Yichen listened to the front desk receptionist said that the calm language was unmatched, and the emotions were sorted out, then said: "I am Lu Yichen, I want to find Ye Tang, there is something."

The front desk receptionist heard that she said that she was Lu Yichen, obviously stunned, carefully observed the woman in front of the face, seeing that she seems really like some people on the photo, just wants to open a sin, but suddenly thinking soon It is because I have eaten the meals she sent, and the leaves have spurious diarrhea for a long time.

When I thought here, the receptionist suddenly resentful, ironically opened: "This time isn't you taking a vegetable dish? Hey, I told you that you will not succeed!"

Lu Yichen listened to the front desk, in the belly, I can't spit it, I can't swallow it, and I don't want to make the front desk of the tip of the teeth, turned to go directly to the elevator.

This front desk is not stopped.

Lu Yichen is very unhappy, but it is still enduring his own gas.

After arriving at the president, Lu Yichen is tangled and greeted, putting the food you prepare to the coffee in the office, just calling: "Ye Tang, come over!"

Ye Tang, who was sitting at the desk, listened to the sound of the Lu Yichen, and went over.

"I have said that you should not be so hard, you are very tired, rest more and rest." Ye Tang said, and smashed his own eyes.

Lu Yichen listened to Ye Tang, thinking that Ye Tang was disappointing, so he was reluctant to agree with his face.

When I was eating in Ye Tang, I walked around the Ye Tang's office, dissipated. However, suddenly, Yu Ling greeted a cup on the bookcase, suddenly remembered that he had seen it on the valley table.

Lu Yichen frowned, I originally want to ask Ye Tang this is going on, but when I saw Ye Tang pale face, she turned her anger.

Ye Tang naturally felt the mood of Lu Yichen, but when Lu Yichen touched the eyes of Ye Tang inquiry, Lu Yichen was just returned to Ye Tang a smile that made him relieved.

Ye Tangox suspiciously received Lu Yichen, after his peace of mind, smiled helplessly, thinking: It should be more thinking, Lu Yichen is still the same as before.

After receiving the eyes of Ye Tang inquiry, Lu Yichen, the heart is very bitter: Sure enough, do you have sex? ... I don't believe me ...

The more I want to be more sad over Lu, so I have to stay in Ye Tang, and I will take the box.

After returning home, Lu Yichen is on the sofa, press Tang Chenchen's phone call, waiting to call the phone, hurry to open: "Morning morning, do you have time, come out, old place, we see it. "

Tang Chenchen should be confused.

"Well, in the morning, what happened?"

"Well, big things, we will say it again." Lu Yichen said.

Tang Chenchen's wonderful thinking: What will be something ... Let the Lu Yichen, which never like colors, urgent ...

Tang Chenchen thought of this, so I haven't dare to reach the destination for a moment.

After approximately the destination, Gu Chen Chen found that Lu Yichen has already arrived, and his eyes are red, as if you just cry.

Gu Chen Chen can be frightened, hurriedly asked where there was, Lu Yichen, I spit wronned, and said his own doubts: "Morning morning, I went to Ye Tang Company in his office, I saw the same cup with the valley micro. , You said, he will not ... "

Tang Chen Chen frowned and thought: Ye Tang this person is very clear. He should not be such a person ... Motion Don't love this kind of thing can happen, he .... ...... Even if you are.

Tang Chenchen thinks like this, but also said that this is the morning, and let the Lu Yichen don't suspect the ghosts.

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