Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 610th chapter agreed with his proposal

Chen Feng thought about Chen Yue's words, I felt still something, I can try it, don't try to know how can I know? Chen Feng also wanted to solve this problem quickly. He thought of a reason in his mind. This reason should allow Ye Tang to come back, and set up ideas, and immediately dialed Ye Tang's mobile phone: "Hello Now there is such a thing, I hope you come back and come back to handle it. "

"What? What can I slow down? I am in the hospital now." Ye Tang said something difficult. Looking at the end of the side, her temperament is slightly better, I don't want to leave her so quickly, but her body has repeated.

"I know that it is not suitable for you, but about this project, I think you can still take a time to come back, time is not a long time, soon solved." Chen Feng said.

One party also heard Ye Tang's phone call, said to him, "The company went to the company, I have no problem here."

Ye Tang took place to see him, this is some promised Chen Feng's request and said: "Okay, I will catch back in a while."

"Ok, Ye, then I am waiting for you in the company." Chen Feng hangs the phone and did not think that things were so simple. The next thing is to look at how and give him a chance, then go to travel a holiday. Best.

Ye Tangli Lu Yichen's hand said: "I am really embarrassed in the morning, I said that I have to stay with you here, but you see that the company has something to go back, I must rush as soon as possible. You are waiting here, don't think about it. "

Lu Yichen said to Ye Tang: "There is no nurse here, and then, I am just a bit uncomfortable, I have not so serious, you go to the company to go, the company is waiting for you, Don't worry about me, you can work well. "

"That's good, you can understand me so much, thank you very much. I will have a difference to you." Ye Tang was a little embarrassing in the morning.

"Well, I know, you will go, save Chen Feng waiting for you for so long." Lu Yichen pushed him outside the ward. It is a matter of right to say if he is not here.

Ye Tang did not give up and left. When I got out of the door, I still had a lot of care, and the nurse should care about the situation of the ward in Lu Yichen. If there is any problem, be sure to call him in time.

The nurse nodded and said: "Mr. Ye, you can rest assured, Miss Lu is here, we will take care of her. Lanyeda has a lover like you, really happiness."

"You are laughing, okay, don't tell you, I have to go back to the company, here is gave you."

Ye Tang is nodded, this is relieved to rush to the company.

Ye Tang returned to the company at the fastest speed. How can he know that when the project has problems, how can I save this project? Chen Feng looked at him and worried about him. Advise: "You should not be too anxious, we must think of a way to solve."

Ye Tang nodded did not speak, Chen Feng continued: "I don't know, how is the situation in the morning? Is it better?"

"Something is something that is still there is no complete rehabilitation. Her body needs to be restored to recover." Ye Tang worriedly answered.

"This is the case, it is true to say that it is like a sick. This body should slow down, but I also want to change an environment, may make his body to recover faster."

"Do you mean?" Ye Tang asked in confused?

"She is accumulating a disease, she may be unhappy in this environment, I think if he let him change the mood, maybe the body will be resumed to him." Chen Feng said.

"What do you mean let her change the environment? I don't think it is good, she is now too good to have a good time, let her go out, can I rest assured?" Ye Tang has some income.

"I understand your mood, if you let her go out, no one takes care of her, you don't worry, we can find someone to take care of her, don't let the individual follow her, take care of her, can also alleviate your concerns, Can you have a better environment to restore your body, is this not two? "Chen Feng proposed, seeing Ye Tang hesitated, Chen Feng is anxious, if this time, it is not advised to succeed, then next time I don't know when to go, I will delay how much thing.

"You also say some truth, but who is going to take care of her? Do you have a right candidate?" Ye Tang listened to Chen Feng's words, and he was a little shaken. Chen Feng said nothing.

"I personally feel Chen Yue, he and the relationship between him, plus us, and he is also familiar with him, he can make us feel relieved, I think Chen Yue is a good candidate, I don't know how you feel, how do you feel? ? "Chen Feng proposed.

"Chen Yue is still more assured, if you say this, it is also good, then this way, this matter is handed over to arrange, when you arrange it for me." Ye Tang head promised to, try How is the test effect, perhaps it is good.

"Okay, the leaves, I will arrange it." Chen Feng promised, and the heart was relaxed, and then he said, as long as she arranged, Ye Tang did not have any problems.

I have been hard to finish the hand, Ye Tang has quickly returned to the ward because I know that I will send it in the morning for a while, although I haven't said to her now, but I can't meet it in a few days, I can't bear her in my heart. of.

It is also a more considerate and take care of Lu Yichen. On this day, the doctor gave her a routine examination to Lu Yichen, "Your body has been restored, just continue to go back, soon, will recover It can be discharged tomorrow. "

After listening to the doctor, Lu Yichen and Ye Tang have paid it, very happy, thank you for the doctor, Ye Tang will go to the procedure for discharge, but to leave tomorrow, Lu Yichen has only one night here.

The next day, Ye Tang did not come to the hospital for a morning, but she had to arrange Chen Yue to go home in the morning.

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