Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 626 and lost people

Chen Yue walked around in the lobby, where left away. Lu Yichen has been staring at the figure in front of the eye, I am afraid that he will lose him. I don't know how many circles have been in the hotel, and I looked at Chen Yue's back in Lu Yichen. I thought about why Chen Yue appeared here? And I still walk, it seems to find something? How is this going?

In order to understand the fool in the heart, there is only behind Chen Yue, and I hope to find the truth of things. But the hotel is large, the direction is more, and people come to people.

Soon, Lu Yue in the morning, did not pay attention to the road, and the waiter hit by the next time. The waiter has a few glasses of red wine shattered on the ground.

I sent a sound, Lu Yichen stunned in the original place, hurriedly apologized, asked this at the waiter hit by himself: "Sorry, I am not intentional, you are nothing?"

The service desk shakes his head. It can enter this hotel is some people who have a top society. They can't lose their temper, but they have to pick up those glass fragments.

Lu Yichen hurriedly squatted and helped her with those glass debris. "No, lady. It is my own walking and accidentally hit you, or I am here!" The waiter quickly pushed.

Lu Yichen was pushed by the waiter, she was in the original place, at this time she suddenly returned to God, she was still tracking Chen Yue, looking at the direction of Chen Yue just left.

However, this time has been over a long time, Lu Yichen did not see his figure. Lu Yichen sighed a breath and shook his head and shook his head: "It's still losing it, or yourself is not careful, then a big life is losed by himself."

However, if you think about it, is it Chen Yue? Although it is very similar to the back, this banquet does not invite him, he should not appear here, maybe it is wrong to see it, you can really serious.

At this time, Lu Yichen also thought of being hit by himself to the waiter. She quickly took out a few hundred dollar bills to the waiter: "These for you, it is a loss of your emissory."

It is said that the waiter is willing to accept it, she directly in the arms of the waiter, turned around. Since I have just followed the man, it is likely not Chen Yue, then there is no need to waste time in this thing, or hurry back.

Lu Yichen thought that it would return it, but things did not seem to be as simple as she thought, she found that the hotel is not a general, complicated in the mistake of coming back, I am a little unclear, just come to the way. Which one is. You will not be lost in the hotel.

And Chen Yue, who moved a steady pace, and he came to a corner of a certain floor. Gently opened the door to go in.

The black paint in the room couldn't see, through the window of the window, standing in front of the window with a man back to Chen Yue. "You are coming." The man did not turn around, and he knew who the man behind him is, the hoarse voice is open.

"Well, what do you suddenly come to me?" Chen Yue nodded nod to see if this man saw himself. After he came in, he gently closed the door.

The black man slowly turned, and his face was because the light was back to the light, so the facial expression was dark, the strange atmosphere lined out of this man's particularly sinister.

The man listened to Chen Yue Qiang asked himself, the forehead on the gods exposed the sound slightly loudly: "What is this? I dare to talk to me with this attitude. Is it a matter of your employer? ? "

Chen Yue's light smile said: "Since it is like this, then you have something to say. I naturally have a question must answer, and I must be." If I don't have it, how can I be so? Look at low.

The man took a pack of cigarettes from his arms and took out two, one handed Chen Yue: "Don't worry, listen to me slowly! I have given you something before, what is your done? "After I finished the smoke, I took a bite, and then I started the feeling of moving the fog.

Looking at the smoke, Chen Yue did not reach out, the man saw his disdain, but not angry, recovered the hand of smoke said: "Why don't you talk? It's hard? carry out."

"Oh! Isn't my job efficiency You still don't know? I have already done it before, I have done it." Chen Yue is worthy of this problem. The man clamped her eyebrows, followed by fingers talking with the smoke in the hand, the soot fell on the floor.

"You can also do what you want to do in Lu Yichen." Subsequently, Chen Yue did not stay turned around, leaving the man in the room. The man listened to these words, and the heart seems to have done some intended.

Since Lu Yichen tracked Chen Yue away, the time has been over, but it has not been returned. Ye Tang also found that there is an uneasy feeling in Lu Yichen. How is this going?

Ye Tang Xin wants to have any accidents in the morning? No, you must hurry to find her. At this time, there is still a chaos in the hotel, she doesn't want to trouble the staff in the hotel, after all, they have their own things.

So Lu Yichen is not very much, so I am going to go back, but she doesn't know how much it is to delay myself. Ye Tang's power is impossible to find land in such a big hotel.

So he found this is the organizer of cooperation: "Please help me find this time, a girl with me. The girl is very important to me, I hope you help."

The holding party naturally won't delay this matter, they all agreed to Ye Tang said: "Since it is a friend of Ye, we naturally have to find this girl, please rest assured."

"That's trouble, I hope that you must find him." Ye Tang thanked the holder to say that the war is also a guest of the guest. "Nothing, nothing, it should be." Ye Tang nodded.

Ye Tang frowned, I thought about it for a while, where can she go? I blame you I don't have to be optimistic, even if she is lost, I don't know. Never do anything to do!

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